Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 175: almost couldn't hold it

  Chapter 175 Almost lost control

  Shen Man ignored their bickering, and took the lunch box to go to cook first.

   Hearing Gu Chen's intention, he got out of the car and came to her, so he must have not eaten yet.

   Get the meal back first, and let's talk about it after eating together.

   Seeing Shen Man leave, Gu Chen said: "Your sister-in-law has worked hard these two days, you have to remember favors. Don't take others' contributions for granted, you understand?"

  He said this to Gu Nan, regardless of whether the two are married or not, Shen Man does not have to take care of Gu Nan's accident.

  Hearing this, Gu Nan curled her lips and replied: "Am I so ignorant? My second sister-in-law is kind to me, of course I remember. But you don't miss me at all."

   She was very dissatisfied, pursing her lips and rolling her eyes.

   Seeing this, Gu Chen snorted coldly: "It's just you? What are you thinking about? You are heartless."

   After finishing speaking, he ignored Gu Nan, turned to Jin Baoyu and said, "Baoyu, let's go out for a while, I'll tell you something."

  After leaving Jicheng for so long, he doesn't know how the business is going. It is the main channel for money, so there can be no problems.

  The two left the ward one after the other, leaving Gu Nan sighing alone...

   After coming out, Gu Chen leaned against the window and asked, "How is the business over there? How is the inventory in the warehouse?"

  Because I haven't come back for a week, I don't understand anything. During the seven days he has been out, he hastened to deal with the affairs of the unit, and he really can't care about anything else.

  What are you calling and sending telegrams? How can you have time? The original ten-day business trip plan was abruptly shortened to seven days, so it can be seen how busy he is.

  Hearing the words, Jin Baoyu replied: "Business is okay, brother Wu and I are busy here, and the third child is helping, so it is very easy."

   "As for the inventory in the warehouse, it is really running out. The two refrigerators arrived the day before yesterday, and the buyer has not been contacted yet."

  In fact, these things of theirs are really precious, and they can only be bought with bills and indicators on the market.

  But because it is a rare item and the price is high, it is really impossible for ordinary people to buy it.

  This also leads to good things not being sold.

  Compared to the previous few refrigerators of Gu Chen, they were basically sold out. This time, I only took two. I only hope that they can all be sold by the end of the month.

   "I see." Gu Chen nodded, and said again: "Tomorrow I will get one, and I will use this myself."

  He sees that his wife is reluctant to throw away leftovers every day. If there is less cooking, it is not enough to eat. How can he cook every meal accurately?

   And the second meal left in this weather will be sour, so I can't eat any more.

   There is no electric fan, but a refrigerator can be arranged.

   Seeing what he said, Jin Baoyu didn't say anything. After all, these things belonged to Gu Chen, and they were part-time workers.

   The two of them went back to the house after a few words. There are many people here, so they didn't say much.

  At the corner of the stairs, Shen Man stood stupidly holding four lunch boxes.

  She didn't expect to hear these things by accident. Before that, she was curious about why Gu Chen saved so much money, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't ask without saying anything.

   Now that I know the truth, I am still more surprised.

   As for fear of accidents or something, there is no need to worry.

   After all, men do business with boldness and carefulness, and are timid, so it is better to go back to the countryside to farm.

   This kind of guts really makes her love him, he deserves to be her man!

  Calmly walked upstairs, she arranged all the meals, and the four of them ate some briefly.

   In the afternoon, Jin Baoyu took the initiative to stay and take care of Gu Nan, while Shen Man helped solve some problems before following Gu Chen home.

  The two of them are rarely separated, and after being together for so long, they still feel a little bit reluctant.

   "Daughter-in-law, miss me!" Gu Chen hugged her as soon as he entered the room.

  Finally came back. If there were not many things to do during these days, he probably couldn't bear the pain of lovesickness.

   It's really, really bitter!

  Shen Man smiled and didn't push him away. Indeed, I haven't seen him for a few days, and I miss him very much.

   There is even a feeling that without Gu Chen, life would lose a little flavor.

   Maybe after getting along for such a long time, she has gotten used to having Gu Chen around.

  I think she was also an independent strong woman back then, but she didn't expect to become dependent on a man now.

   "Take a shower and change your clothes. You are very tired these days, so you should rest at home for two days." Shen Man could tell that this person was tired.

  The clothes are full of wrinkles, which is not as neat as usual at home.

   "Okay, I stink from not taking a shower these days!" Gu Chen said, and went directly to the shower with his clothes.

   Taking advantage of this time, Shen Man cleaned up Gu Nan's room and changed the quilt and sheets, and let him sleep here in a while.

   When Gu Chen came back, his handsome appearance made people unable to take their eyes off. The water dripping from the hair flows down the eyebrows to the jaw line, and keeps sliding down the neck...

  Shen Man swallowed unconsciously, he deserves to be chosen by himself, so handsome!

  Fortunately, I chose a person who is good at his own aesthetic point, and I feel pleasing to the eye every day when I see people.

   "What are you doing?" Gu Chen looked at her with a half-smile, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, unable to restrain the joy in his heart.

   No matter why Shen Man looked at him like this, he just felt that it was good to be attractive.

  Especially being able to attract someone I like, I feel that I am really outstanding.

  Actually, he never felt that Shen Man treated him badly, or did not respond to his feelings. After all, men and women at this time are so reserved, and sometimes he is thick-skinned, which was taught by Shen Man.

  Shen Man took the initiative to pop boo once or twice, which made him understand that the relationship needs to be proactive.

  So Gu Chen has the other party in his heart, and he also knows that the other party has himself in his heart.

   Walking slowly, he suddenly became nervous.

  The atmosphere in the room became subtle, and both of them blushed.

  Shen Man has never experienced such a thing, at most, he just read the manual...

   Just as the two approached, there was a sudden knock on the door.

  Gu Chen: Damn...

   What a bad time!

  He put on his clothes with a dark face, really wanting to tear the people outside the gate to pieces!

  Can’t check the time when you come? I really have no eyesight.

   Thoughts are thoughts, Gu Chen calmed down and went to open the door.

  Shen Man secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and almost lost control again. It seems that the date of marriage must be as soon as possible, otherwise one day they will not be able to keep it, and this inappropriate will be wiped out.

  Outside the house, Gu Chen opened the door, frowned and looked at the two men outside, "Who are you looking for?"

   It's been a long time since I moved here, and I haven't seen a man come to the door. Could it be a relative of the previous owner?

  Captain Yang was also very surprised, but he immediately identified himself, handed over his work certificate, and said, "I'm looking for Comrade Shen Man, is she at home?"

   I also said before that I would come to find Shen Man to understand the situation, but I haven't come here until now. If I have time today, I will come here.

   After reading the certificate, Gu Chen took a look at them, "Go into the house, she is at home."

   It was confirmed that it was not fake, so it was released naturally.

   After the three of them entered the room, they saw Shen Man sitting on a chair.

   Ask for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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