Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 224: The factory manager dares to take care of everything

  Chapter 224 Dare to take care of the factory manager

  Director Liu smiled wryly in his heart, why should he be asked to come? Isn't this something that offends people?

  But the factory manager has already spoken, and he is not easy to refute.

   Turning his head to look at Shen Man, he said, "Director Shen, someone reported yesterday that you traded things in the factory with others."

   Shen Man was stunned when these words came out, she didn't speak, and looked at the person opposite.

  Director Liu continued: "We believe you, but we need to investigate."

  In fact, he felt in his heart that Shen Man would not do this. If he wanted to leak information about the factory, he didn't have to make such an effort.

   Isn’t it the same as going directly to work elsewhere? Anyway, it's all Shen Man's idea, so there's no need to make such effort.

  Hearing that Shen Man slowed down and didn't explain immediately, he was really unhappy.

   "Director Zheng, Director Liu, if I were that kind of person, wouldn't it be enough to just take my research and development to another factory? Is it necessary?"

   This is indeed the case, and anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

  Director Zheng raised his head and said, "Comrade Shen Man, I know you feel wronged. But I want to tell you that there have been constant problems in the factory during this period, and I think someone is making trouble."

   "So, this matter is also used to investigate clearly, so it is not aimed at you."

   It's not just that someone reported to Shen Man, there are other problems.

   Shen Man just came back not long ago, so I don't know much.

  Hearing such an answer, she looked at Director Liu suspiciously.

  Director Zheng stood up and said, "Old Liu, tell her, I still have a job, so I'll go back first."

  He has a lot of things to do in a day, and he has to take care of big and small things, all of which are arranged by him.

  After Director Zheng left, Director Liu said, "Sit down."

   "Actually, I didn't say that this matter is very simple, because these things have always been developed for you, so I didn't say it."

  Hearing the words, Shen Man felt that he should say more, right?

  She listened to the person on the other side continue talking without interrupting.

  Director Liu sighed, "The factory has developed in the past two years, and there have been many things to do to improve efficiency. In the past, there was no money in the factory, so it was like that. But now that there is money, it is very chaotic."

  The food factory is now in a turnaround state. Director Zheng means to expand the scale of the factory and renovate and rebuild some problematic factories.

  But most people think that we should be stable first, and no one knows what the next month will be like.

   Just like that, day by day, those cold drinks had problems, which made it impossible to start the production recently.

  Hearing these words, Shen Man felt very complicated. She said: "I think Director Zheng's suggestion is very good. Some of our factory buildings are too old. If there is any accident, it will be too late to regret."

   Only when the safety of workers is ensured can the production progress be accelerated.

   Director Liu also understands this kind of thing, but he can't make the decision.

   "Let's talk about it when the time comes. At present, Director Zheng has already reported it, and the result will be available when the time comes."

  He paused after speaking, and asked, "Aren't you curious who reported it to you?"

   "What does it matter? You are not afraid of the shadow slanting when you are upright." Shen Man smiled lightly.

  In fact, she had already scolded this person to death in her heart, so why not go to work all day long!

  She just wanted to get rich quietly and become a rich woman.

  Director Liu felt that she was very unusual, so after thinking about it, he said, "That Zhao Shuying, what enmity do you have with her?"

   "As far as I know, she is so close to Director Shao, maybe she came here specifically to disgust you."

  As soon as she heard Director Shao, Shen Man remembered that she seemed to have offended him.

  She waved her hand indifferently and said, "It doesn't matter, these two people will be kicked out of the factory sooner or later."

   "You are smart." Director Liu smiled mysteriously, "Director Zheng really has this idea. After all, Director Shao is too crazy. He is not in charge of the factory, so he has to intervene."

  What is the most annoying thing about being a leader? The most annoying thing is that others point fingers at him, and others come to point out his own work.

  So Director Shao really didn't count, and the factory director dared to make trouble.

   Shen Man is very satisfied with this answer, but she also needs to talk about her things to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

   "Director Liu, you also know that I have learned Russian and English in college. Recently, I am helping to translate some articles, which are very important, so people often come to me."

   I wonder if Zhang Qi came to look for her yesterday, that's why this happened.

   Director Liu was a little surprised when he heard that, but it was normal after thinking about it. He nodded and said, "I see, just do your own thing, and come to me if you have any trouble."

  The two parted after saying this.

  Ma Xiaoli was finally able to enter the house outside, and asked nervously: "Director Shen, what happened? I think the factory director's face is not very good."

  She was afraid that something would happen to Shen Man, and if there was anything she could do to help, she would definitely help.

   Shen Man waved his hand, "There is nothing wrong with the things in the factory."

  There are some things that the factory manager doesn’t say, and they won’t say anything to their subordinates either.

   Hearing that nothing happened, Ma Xiaoli was slightly relieved.

  As for the matter between Zhao Shuying and Director Shao, it has to be dealt with in the factory.

   A few days later, Shen Man took the plan and went to Director Liu's office.

  After reading the plan, Director Liu was a little silent and didn't speak.

  Shen Man is not in a hurry, how can this kind of innovation be so easily accepted?

  In fact, Director Liu is really not optimistic. After all, instant noodles are the best vermicelli. It is obviously a bit bold to innovate from here.

  But thinking about Shen Man's ability, he decided to give it a try.

   "I will improve it, let's do experiments together then."

  It is not enough to have a formula to make food, there are many things that need to be perfected.

   Shen Man nodded in agreement, and then went back to the office.

  I’ve been working on proposals for the past two days, so I don’t have much time to rest.

   Seeing that it was just two o'clock in the afternoon, she packed up her things and left.

   Li Jinhua and his wife will come over at 7:00 p.m., and they need to prepare for dinner.

  Li Jinyuan said to go to the restaurant, but it was too late, and Wang Chunying said that he would come over to help cook after get off work.

   And Shen Man returned home with a vegetable basket, took out some meat and ribs from the space, and prepared the ingredients.

   Take the time to translate the article, the time arrangement is very reasonable.

   Gu Chen didn't come back from get off work, so he went directly to the station to wait. It happened to be late after get off work, so there was no need to make a trip.

  After off-duty time, Wang Chunying brought the children over to help cook. The three of them were really busy.

   "Xiaoman, your skill is really good, you can cook boiled fish." Wang Chunying looked at the boiled fish in red soup, very appetizing.

   This kind of dish is available in Jicheng Hotel, and it is made by Sichuan cuisine masters, and most people can't make it if they want to.

   I didn't expect Shen Man to do it, it's amazing.

   "What's the point? Auntie, if you want to learn, I'll teach you how to do it next time." Shen Man is not a person who picks and searches, he just cooks a dish, what are you afraid of if you teach it? She doesn't run a restaurant.

   Please ask for a monthly ticket!



  (end of this chapter)

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