Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 229: momentarily confused

  Chapter 229 Confused for a while

  Shen Man understood what was going on, but she wouldn't say a word.

  Because Gu Yuan is Li Mei's husband, and there are so many elders.

  Even if Li Mei is wrong, it won't be her turn to teach sister-in-law a lesson.

   Shen Man wouldn't do things that are thankless.

   "Yuanzi, what do you mean?" Li Jinyuan looked at him with an incomprehensible look in his eyes.

  Hearing this, Gu Yuan immediately expressed his attitude, "Do you still need to ask, old uncle? I will go to work tomorrow!"

  He thinks differently from Li Mei, because it is difficult to go to the city, and it is not easy to come to work.

  Although this job is a laborer in the winery, it can become a regular job if it is done well.

   Li Jinyuan's face softened a lot when he heard this. This job still cost money.

   Really think it’s easy to find a job in the city? Not easy to find.

After the matter was finished, Li Jinhua said: "Meizi, what did I tell you at the beginning? I agreed to come here and don't pick and choose. Why did it change when you came here? If you don't want to stay, now Just go home!"

  She was really angry. If she hadn't said it at the beginning, she would never have been so angry.

  Li Mei hurriedly said: "Mom, I was confused for a while, don't be like me."

  She is suffering now, who made her speak out of her mind? Now no one can complain, let her owe her.

   "That's enough, let's eat." Gu Dacheng felt that it was enough to admit his mistake, and he couldn't make another mistake, right?

  I made it clear in front of so many people today, if I find something to do in the future, let Gu Yuan say it.

   During the meal, no one spoke, mainly because what happened just now made people angry.

   After eating and cleaning up, Li Jinyuan and his wife took their children home.

  Shen Man also went back. As for where Gu Yuan and his wife live, the arrangements have already been made.

  At night, Gu Yuan sat on the edge of the kang in silence, his face gloomy.

  Where did Li Mei next to her see such an expression on her man? So I dare not speak and let the child go to bed first.

   After a long time, Gu Yuan whispered, "Did you forget what I told you before you left?"

  He noticed it before entering the city, the work in the city is not easy, otherwise he wouldn't have waited so long.

  So I told Li Mei again and again, no matter how the job is, let's not dislike it.

   She agreed to the good things she said, but when she came here, she heard that the work was very hard, and this person began to complain.

  Hearing this, Li Mei said aggrievedly: "I just said casually, we will go back to my mother's house during the Chinese New Year. Look at their faces, everyone thinks that we are living a good life."

   "Don't I just want my life to get better and better, so that others can see it?"

   During the Chinese New Year, when she went back to her natal home, she was a little unhappy, and her natal mother asked her to arrange work for her brother.

  To be honest, Gu Chen gave Gu Yuan the job at that time, how could their family have those abilities.

  So this time she entered the city, she vowed to live better and better.

   "For others to see?" Gu Yuan looked at her with a cold face: "You don't want to live a good life, you just want to compare yourself. What kind of life can you live a good life?"

   "The life in the city is much better than yours, why don't you live?"

  What people are most afraid of is that they are not satisfied with the comparison, otherwise the days will get worse and worse.

   Only those who are content can get better and better, because they will not look at what others have, but they will try to get what they don't have.

  Li Mei didn't speak immediately, but after thinking about it, she whispered: "Then look at Chenzi, he's still the manager..."

   Before she could finish speaking, Gu Yuan directly interrupted her: "When Chenzi first came, he was also a warehouse mover, and he was promoted by his own efforts. How can you compare with others!"

  He lowered his voice, but he didn't suppress his anger. The anger on his face was terrifying.

  Because he never compares with his brothers, this is even more ridiculous!

   They are all brothers, who is doing well or not?

   "Look at how Chen Zi is doing. Taking over my parents to live in a happy life is also helping us."

   "Do you really think they need help?"

  His words are in place, debunking Li Mei's thoughts at the beginning.

   Li Mei was speechless, she really thought so at the time!

   And when she got here, her heart fluttered, and she didn't have the grateful attitude before.

   Now being punctured by her husband, I feel ashamed.

   "Toko, I won't think so in the future." She felt ashamed of her behavior.

  Li Mei is not a bad-hearted person, but a bit competitive and vain. But the essence is not bad, there is no culture.

   Thinking about it carefully, it's normal for Gu Chen to be capable. How could someone who graduated from high school not be reused?

  Shen Man also graduated from university, and I heard that he is already the director of the factory.

   You must know that Li Jinyuan worked for many years before he was promoted, which also proves that the couple is capable.

   Seeing that Li Mei admitted her mistake, Gu Yuan was relieved. He knew just now that this person didn't really admit his mistake, otherwise he wouldn't have brought up this matter alone.

  The heart knot is untied, and the life of the two can continue.

  Woke up the next morning, Li Mei helped Li Jinhua cook, and she completely lost her composure.

   "Mom, I'm coming." She scrambled to cook and work, not ambiguous at all.

   Seeing this, Li Jinhua felt a little relieved. If there was a quarrel, no one in the family would be happy.

   Shen Man went to work after eating, and she didn't bother to take care of her family's affairs.

   What is most important? It's still a career!

  Looking at the money in the space, she is full of motivation.

  Before I disliked opening a restaurant and doing business for not making much money, and doing a big business requires money.

  So, now you have to work hard to save money, and then you can make more money standing on the wind.

   Gu Yuan's work on Li Jinyuan's side was arranged directly, and Li Jinyuan carried the distiller's grains in the workshop.

   This work is not only tiring, but also tastes bad. But the work is good, it can be adjusted to the front.

  The family's work was arranged in this way, and the couple moved out within a few days.

   I heard that I found a house near the factory and rented it, and the child is also in the winery primary school.

   Time flies by, and it's the end of the year.

  Shen Man developed new products during this period, and the sales of instant noodles are particularly good, so there is no need to worry too much about things in the factory.

  The temperature in winter is very low, and she is pregnant again, so the factory clearly told her that she can leave work at any time.

  Generally, Shen Man goes to work in the morning and goes home after lunch.

  It is inconvenient to go out too late.

  A six-month-old belly is actually not big, but for some reason, Shen Man's belly has caught up with an eight-month pregnant woman.

   "Xiaoman, can't we go to the hospital for an examination?" Li Jinhua looked at her stomach and was frightened.

   The main reason is that Shen Man is thin and has a surprisingly big belly!

   Looks kind of scary.

  In the past, she wouldn't suggest going to the hospital for pregnancy, who wouldn't be pregnant? She delivered the remaining three at home and never went to the hospital.

   But Shen Man is different. He does not do physical work all year round, and his physique is incomparable with that of rural people.

   Looking for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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