Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 231: this is the bottom line

  Chapter 231 This is the bottom line

  Today’s New Year’s Eve dinner is very sumptuous, with two tables serving twelve dishes each.

  The conditions at home are good, and Gu Chen has a way to buy good things, so there is never a shortage of delicious food.

"Let me raise a glass!" Gu Dacheng stood up, raised his glass with a smile and said: "Our family is getting better and better, and it has also dragged Jin Yuan's blessing to help the children find jobs. This glass of wine, I respect you, brother-in-law!"

   After finishing speaking, he drank it directly.

  The children can go to the city and have a job, and that is all because of Li Jinyuan's work in the middle.

  He knows how to be grateful, so he remembers it in his heart.

Li Jinyuan drank wine with him, and then said: "Brother-in-law, you don't have to be so polite. During the years when I was in school, if you and my sister hadn't helped me, I wouldn't be where I am today. We are all a family, so there is no need to say these polite words .”

  When he was in school, his parents died, and his family had no source of income. He wanted to drop out of school.

   But Li Jinhua thinks it’s not good. It’s rare that he has such good grades. After graduation, he will be a cadre. It’s a pity to drop out of school like this.

  So I told Gu Dacheng about supporting my younger brother to go to school, and made a decision directly without discussing it.

  Gu Dacheng was indeed a little unhappy at that time. Most of the money that rural people earned throughout the year was given to Li Jinyuan.

  The remaining three children have to go to school. It is conceivable how difficult the life of their family was in those years.

   Fortunately, Li Jinyuan knows how to be grateful. After graduation, he got a job and sent his salary back in the first month.

  Although they don't want it, this intention is enough.

  Recalling the ups and downs of these years, everyone is full of emotion.

   Fortunately, life is getting better and better!

  Everyone had a very happy time this year. No matter what happens in the future, the current life has made everyone feel at ease.

  After the Chinese New Year, Shen Man didn't go to work in the factory either, and just made extra money at home during this time.

  Because of physical inconvenience, she took two translated articles and sent them when they were finished.

  From years ago to now, one article has been translated, and the second article is being translated.

  At present, the money earned from translation alone is more than 4,000, plus the money Gu Chen gave her, and her own salary, there are already 10,000 in the space.

   She doesn't make much money now, she needs to make more money.

  On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, other people went to work one after another. In the afternoon, Shen Man went to the next door to help cook, but saw Gu Nan leading a **** man in the room, and Li Jinhua and his wife looked very ugly.

  Shen Man had heard from Gu Chen before that Gu Nan fell in love with someone who was not a good person and had no serious job.

  After entering the room, she sat next to her. No one spoke, so she didn't ask.

  The man on the opposite side is twenty-three or fourteen years old, with Danfeng eyes and short hair. He doesn't look bad, but he has a sloppy feeling on his body, which makes people very uncomfortable.

   "Mom..." Gu Nan called out cautiously.

   As a result, Li Jinhua slapped the table suddenly and opened her mouth, but she never said anything.

  Because they also know who this person is, and they don't have a fixed job. How can they accept this as an honest rural person?

   Liu Huaqiang understood what they meant when he saw this scene, stood up and said lightly: "Uncle and aunt, then I will go first."

  Everyone doesn't look good on him, so why continue to stay? So, it's best to leave.

   At least it is more decent than others driving him away.

  Hearing this, Gu Nan hurriedly stood up, "I'll see you off."

   Looking back at her parents, she felt very complicated.

  Because Liu Huaqiang has no job, so many people oppose their being together, which makes her unacceptable.

  Besides not having a serious job, Liu Huaqiang is really kind to her. He doesn't buy her food and food very often, but he is always considerate of himself.

   These emotional matters cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

  Seeing that both of them went out, Li Jinhua sighed helplessly.

   "It's not good to find someone? Find a hooligan! I don't have anything to say about rural people."

  She knows that hooligans are not good people, because this word represents the same people, and there is no way not to admit it.

   Coming from the countryside, she doesn't know how to look at people's family conditions, but hooligans can't do it, this is the bottom line.

   Gu Dacheng comforted her a few words, feeling uncomfortable.

  Shen Man on the side saw this and said: "Mom, let's cook first. Let's talk about it later when Nan Nan comes back."

  She doesn't know how to teach anyone to educate children, let alone Gu Nan is twenty years old, not a child anymore.

   It depends on what she means when she says something, otherwise it will be nothing.

  Hearing this, Li Jinhua nodded. Although she was angry, she still wanted to eat, and there was a worker outside who hadn't come back yet.

   After a while, Gu Chen came back. He saw that the meal was not ready, so he sat in the living room and chatted with Gu Dacheng.

  Hearing Liu Huaqiang's arrival, his face was not very good-looking, "Where's Gu Nan?"

  He looked around, but saw no one.

  Gu Dacheng replied: "I said I was going to give it away, but I don't know where to send it off."

   Gu Chen didn't see anyone when he came back just now, maybe he wasn't near home.

   It wasn't until dinner was ready that Gu Nan arrived late.

  After seeing her, Gu Chen didn't say a word, he said everything that should be said, who can do if he can't listen?

  The whole family ate without talking, and they were not as happy as before.

   Gu Nan felt very uncomfortable, after all, it was all because of her.

   After dinner, she said to the others: "I have something to say, you all wait a moment."

  After an ideological struggle, she decided to explain clearly.

   But Li Jinhua obviously didn't buy it, "If you talk about your partner, don't talk about it, I won't agree."

  Her attitude is firm and unquestionable.

   Gu Nan did not give up, and hurriedly said: "Mom! Although Liu Huaqiang is a hooligan, he did not harm others. And the family is arranging work for him. You also know that it is difficult to arrange work in the city. How can it be so fast."

   "Come on." Li Jinhua rolled his eyes and said, "If he really wants to make an arrangement, how long has he been idle? Once he has a relationship with you, he can arrange work? Why didn't he arrange it before?"

   I have to say that what she said hit the nail on the head, some things don't have to be resolved with Gu Nan.

   Work is a lifetime thing. If you are not with Gu Nan, you still have to work, right?

  Looking at Liu Huaqiang's age, he must have been idle for four or five years. For such a long time, he didn't even arrange a temporary worker.

  It is obviously not convincing to say this now.

  Hearing this, Gu Nan felt aggrieved, "Mom, he is willing to make changes for me, so he wants to find a job."

   No one knows whether the words are true or not, but Li Jinhua feels that this child is just touching himself.

   It is one thing to find a job or not, but it is another matter whether someone has the heart.

   Seeing the attitudes of her family members, Gu Nan felt very complicated and said everything, but no one wanted to understand her.

   What should be done so that the family can accept Liu Huaqiang?

   Looking for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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