Shen Man looked down at the books and slowly looked them up.

  The door of the conference room was not closed, and Xu Dazhi's office on the opposite side could just see this side.

   For such a situation, Shen Man was not unhappy. After all, once important documents are lost, Xu Dazhi may not be able to pay even if he loses his life.

   This is not an exaggeration, nor is it meant to scare people.

  Because there are not many books about machines and foreign countries, if you lose one, you will lose one.

   When it was almost noon, Shen Man finally finished the translation, and there was still a short paragraph, about ten minutes.

  She glanced at the time, everyone was going to have lunch at this time.

   "Director Shen, are you still busy? Let's have a meal together." Xu Dazhi appeared at the door.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man shook his head and said: "Editor Xu, I plan to finish the translation first. You go first, don't worry about me."

  These books and materials are very important, and she dare not leave easily. What if I lose it?

  Although this is editor-in-chief Xu's territory, there are some things that no one can say for sure.

   Seeing what she said, Xu Dazhi thought for a while, then sat beside him and waited, "Go ahead, I'll wait for you for a while."

   "No need, I'll finish this soon." Shen Man was a little surprised, he didn't expect this person to wait for her to eat together.

  Xu Dazhi smiled and said: "It's okay, I'm not hungry, didn't you say it soon? It's okay to wait."

   Now that the words are up to here, Shen Man no longer struggles, and immediately speeds up the translation.

   After about ten minutes, she finally finished the translation.

   "Editor Xu, let's put this in your office first." Shen Man felt that the registrar should have gone to eat at this time, and I'm afraid no one is there.

  Xu Dazhi nodded and put the materials in the office, so that if there is anything else, it has nothing to do with Shen Man.

   The two walked to the cafeteria one after the other, chatting on the way.

  At this time, a person appeared at the corner, saw Xu Dazhi and immediately said, "Brother-in-law, why did you come? I have been waiting for you for a long time."

  Tan Yun looked at the other party with a displeased face. Those who didn't know thought she was the editor-in-chief, and even flirted with her.

   Sure enough, Xu Dazhi said with a dark face: "Did I make you wait? Why don't you eat without me!"

  Forget it in the past, but there are still outsiders here today, why is this person blind?

   When Tan Yun saw the person behind him, her face immediately fell down. Since Xu Dazhi was here, she didn't say anything.

   "Let's go, Director Shen." Xu Dazhi said, and took her to the window to order food.

  Usually he is not the same as this sister-in-law, but now he can't tell. When he goes back at night, he has to talk to his wife.

   Ordered four dishes and one soup, and the two sat at an empty small table. When Tan Yun saw it, he followed her. She hadn't eaten yet, and she was just waiting for Xu Dazhi to come.

  It's the same in the past, she eats and drinks with her, at least it doesn't cost money.

   And the food is good, if you don’t eat it, you won’t eat it!

  Xu Dazhi frowned and said, "Tan Yun, go get some food. I have something to discuss with Director Shen."

   "What?!" Tan Yun looked at him in disbelief, his face blushed immediately, "Brother-in-law, I usually eat with you, why can't I do it today?"

   As she spoke, she still looked at Shen Man unkindly.

  It means that this person must have instigated it.

  Seeing this, Shen Man thinks this person is seriously ill? He is clearly in his thirties, but he does act like a teenager.

   I really don’t know how this person got into the present, I mourn for Editor-in-Chief Xu...

  Xu Dazhi was very angry by her operation, "Tan Yun, can you use your brain to think about it! Don't let me educate you in front of so many people!"

  He has suppressed his temper very much, because he educated Tan Yun in public, but also lost his own meeting.

  Hearing this, Tan Yun really became a lot more honest.

  Glared at Shen Man, then left unwillingly.

   "I'm sorry, Director Shen, it's because I didn't educate my family well." Xu Dazhi expressed his apology, and now regretting letting his sister-in-law come over is useless.

   Shen Man nodded and said: "Editor Xu, I'm an outsider, and I have some things to say. But your sister-in-law should really educate her. If she treats me like this today, she can speak rudely to other leaders tomorrow. It's not good for you."

  Her words made Xu Dazhi's eyes widen and he didn't recover, probably because he never thought that he would say it so directly.

   But how old is Xu Dazhi? He is almost like a human being, how can he not understand what he means?

  This is also a kind reminder.

   Indeed, if Tan Yun continues to do this, he might offend some leader someday.

   When the time comes for him to clean up the mess? do not! He doesn't want to.

   "Director Shen, I made you laugh." Xu Dazhi smiled wryly.

   At this time, the food was also delivered by the back kitchen, and the two ate first.

   At this time, I am used to three meals a day, so it is normal to be hungry when the time comes.

  Shen Man was not polite to him, and ate a large bowl of rice when he came up, and he was full before talking.

  It was almost time to eat, Xu Dazhi said: "Thanks to having you here during this time, we can complete the tasks above."

   "I hope Director Shen can continue to cooperate with us in the future!"

  Faced with scarce talents, he is willing to lower his face to make friends. After all, he couldn't find this kind of talent anywhere.

   There are quite a few foreign language graduates every year, but few like Shen Man can be found.

  Shen Man said with a smile: "Editor Xu, we are helping each other, and I need you to take care of me in the future."

   The two chatted happily, and separated after eating.

  Shen Man wanted to go back with the translated instructions and hand them over to the factory.

   On the way back to the office, Xu Dazhi saw his wife coming.

  Tan Li's complexion was not very good, so she went to the office first. She is better than Tan Yun, maybe she won't have conflicts in front of outsiders.

   Seeing this, Xu Dazhi was a little helpless, why would his wife come? My sister-in-law must have complained! It just so happens that today's matter can be discussed.

  He asked the secretary to send the documents back when he entered the room, so that the secretary would understand and would not come back while they were talking.

   "Okay, you Xu Dazhi, you are really capable of trying to save face with my sister for outsiders!" Tan Li saw that the door was closed, so she didn't have to bear it anymore.

  Hearing this, Xu Dazhi said with a dark face: "Xiao Li, don't you ask me? Just listen to your sister's words! How many years have passed between us, and you still don't know who I am!"

  He was angry, but he didn't shout loudly. This is my daughter-in-law, not my enemy.

  Tan Li rolled her eyes and said: "Can I not know? But Tan Yun said that the director is a young girl, about the same age as your girl."

  Hearing this, she felt uncomfortable. Of course she trusted Xu Dazhi's character, and she also knew that the girl was always messed up.

  What should I do then? Can you still teach a girl? Her mother was in her eighties, so what if she just pointed at Tan Yun and made the old lady angry?

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