Chapter 295 Visiting the South

   "It's okay!" Li Mei hurriedly said as soon as she heard that she was able to work, "I can send it to my neighbor. Their family will help with childcare, and it only costs three yuan a month."

  Private childcare is cheap, you only need to prepare the children's food, and the rest will be handled by themselves.

  But Shen Man is worried, what is this person thinking? Let strangers watch, but also feel at ease?

  Li Jinhua was the first to disagree: "No, you can go to work, send the children to me, and pick them up after get off work in the evening. Two are also for viewing, and three are also for viewing. You can't show them to others."

   It doesn't matter if it's money or not, she can't trust others.

  Besides, it is a good thing for a daughter-in-law to want to go out to work and earn money. Two people must make more money than one person.

  She has such self-motivated spirit, and the mother-in-law can't stop her.

  Hearing this, Li Mei was a little embarrassed: "That's so bad."

   "You can pull it down, or you don't go." Li Jinhua rolled his eyes, how can he not know who she is?

  Li Mei hurriedly grabbed her and said, "Oh, Mom, I'll trouble you then. When I earn money, I will definitely honor you."

   With her mother-in-law here, she is of course more at ease. Outsiders are definitely not as good as family members.

   "Why, if you don't earn money, you won't be filial to me?" Li Jinhua glanced at her.

   "Then how can it be?" Li Mei smiled and hurriedly smoothed things over.

   This matter is considered a deal.

  Shen Man has worked for so many years, it is still possible to arrange a job.

  She contacted Director Liu, and then arranged for Li Mei to work as an assembly line worker in a food factory.

   This work has been arranged, whether it is done well or not is Li Mei's own business.

  In the evening, Shen Man told Gu Chen that he was going to visit the south.

   Gu Chen was a little puzzled: "What are you doing there? Isn't it good for us, you don't go to work anymore, and you still travel far away."

  If it weren't for the work entanglement, he would like to go with Shen Man.

  My daughter-in-law is the safest to keep by my side.

  Seeing that he reacted so strongly, Shen Man didn't know what to say for a while.

   Could it be that she knows that the economy in the south will recover quickly in the future, and she will definitely get rich if she digs gold?

   How can I say this, even if Gu Chen believes it, how can she explain what she knows?

   "Daughter-in-law." Gu Chen took her hand and said, "I know you have lofty ideals, but can you wait for a year? I will go with you next spring."

   "I heard that the south is in chaos. I'm really worried about you going alone."

   Robbery in the street is nothing. Petty theft in Jicheng is frightening, let alone robbery?

  Of course, Shen Man has seen more chaotic environments, but this doesn't mean anything.

   After all, many people went there together.

  Seeing that he said this with a pitiful expression, it was hard for Shen Man to disagree.

   Just like that, the two agreed to go to the South together next year.

   A few days later, Gu Nan was confinement, and Liu Huaqiang kept her promise and took her to live in a new home.

  It's not far from here, it takes about fifteen minutes to walk, and only a few minutes to ride a bicycle.

  When we moved, everyone went to a small independent yard. Although the house is average, it is better because there are always people living in it, so the quality is good.

  The independent small yard is big enough for a family of three.

  After moving to a new home, Gu Nan felt better, and after the wound healed, it became easier to take care of the children.

  Because there was still work to do, she gritted her teeth, quit and sold the job.

  Although this is a pity, Gu Nan has his own concerns.

  I used to think that a mother-in-law would look after the child, so she could continue to work, but now she has turned her face, and it is impossible to send the child.

   Coupled with the fact that her mother-in-law favors sons over daughters, Gu Nan is also worried.

   Regarding this matter, the Gu family has nothing to say about it. After all, having children is different from not having children. You can't leave children alone, right?

  Liu Huaqiang worked harder and traveled frequently, but he took back every penny.

   Sometimes I often earn extra money, and the two of them can live a good life.

   New Years passed in a blink of an eye, Gu Chen first found some construction teams and rebuilt the small courtyard on the previous two floors.

  Jianggong asked Gu Dacheng to go, and occasionally Li Jinyuan would go to check on the situation.

  Gu Chen kept his promise and took Shen Man south in early April.

  The economic conditions in Yangcheng in 1978 were mediocre, and it was not yet open to the public, but small businesses and hawkers were already everywhere.

   But there are also people in charge, similar to the urban management brigade of later generations, who often arrest people.

   Not to mention the confiscation of things, but also a fine. Those who refuse to obey will be ordered to be banned.

   Shen Man arrived at the place and looked at the situation downstairs, and sighed in his heart, it's still a bit early.

   There will be news in eight months, but if you want to do serious business, you still need a business license and a business license.

   Otherwise, it still has to be controlled.

   "What are you thinking about?" Gu Chen came out of the shower and hugged her.

  There is a lot of traffic outside the window, it must be much better than Jicheng.

   Shen Man shook his head: "It's okay, go out with me tomorrow."

  Let's take a look first.

  Gu Chen pulled her to sit down and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely accompany you. I will accompany you this trip, and you can go wherever you want."

  He thought that Shen Man just wanted to walk around to relax, and didn't think too much about it.

  Woke up the next morning, and the two of them went out after eight o'clock after dinner.

   There are also quite a few people who go to work by bicycle, most of them take the bus.

   Now there are not many cars, but there are also many.

  On the road, I can often meet small vendors who spread cloth on the ground. When they see the urban management coming, they just run away.

   "There is no night market here? How can you not be caught doing business like this." Gu Chen shook his head.

  When he was running a night market in Jicheng, he never saw such a person.

  Too stupid, how can anyone sell things on the street, waiting for someone to catch them.

  Shen Man said with a smile: "Isn't there more people? As long as you don't get caught, it will last for several days if you sell it in one day."

   What she said is the truth, you have to be bold to make money, but it is too dangerous.

  Gu Chen didn't take it seriously, thinking that these people were just too stupid and dead-headed.

  The two stopped and stopped, anyway, they walked around for a long time.

   Arriving at the Friendship Store, it really opened Shen Man's eyes.

  The store here is five stories high and well decorated.

  The big word friendship looks very grand.

   Large transparent glass floor-to-ceiling windows, the situation in the house can be seen at a glance.

  The products are neatly placed on the counter, and the salespersons are all dressed in uniform, all beautiful and energetic.

   Shen Man and the two walked in, but no one stopped them.

  In the past, only foreigners were allowed to enter the Friendship Store, and now it is also open to ordinary people, but it is still the old rule that foreign exchange is required to purchase goods.

   As for other things, tickets are not needed, as long as you have money.

  Shen Man took a look around. Although he was still old-fashioned, he could see that he had improved.

  All the things currently sold in the Friendship Store are still popular in the 1980s and 1990s.

  So, now the products here are very eye-catching, and the desire to buy is too strong.

   Looking for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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