Chapter 300 Debt Repayment

  When Gu Chen came back at night, he did not bring those two curtains.

   After asking, he found out that he had found a tailor himself, and Shen Man would just go and say what he wanted.

   "That's just right, I'm going to make a quilt, and we'll do it together." Shen Man agreed, and the preparations went smoothly.

  The next morning, Shen Man was about to go to the department store to buy cotton, when he came out, he saw Ma Xiaoli standing at the door.

   "Miss Xiaoli? Why do you look so bad?" She asked in surprise.

  Ma Xiaoli's face was pale, her eyes were blue, she looked like she didn't sleep well.

   I haven't seen each other all night, how did it become like this.

   "Xiaoman." Ma Xiaoli smiled wryly: "You are really right. That person has a family in the countryside and has two children."

  Yesterday she went directly to Xu Rong's brigade. She knew that she also went to the school to inquire.

  She said she was Xu Rong's sister, and asked about the basic situation.

  The school saw that it was not a big deal, so they told her.

   As a result, Ma Xiaoli went there to inquire, and found that Xu Rong married an extinct woman in the brigade. It has been six years, and the children are four or five years old.

  When she heard the news, she hurried back. She didn't sleep last night, and she didn't go to work today.

  After listening to the narration, Shen Man sneered: "This person is addicted to food."

  The term "juehu" here does not mean to curse people, but it means that if you have no relatives, you can be the master of the house if you go there.

   Ma Xiaoli is also aware of this, and she has two children with her, but it is a high salary level.

   Recalling that Xu Rong cried poor many times, and said that after graduation, he can be assigned a good job. Isn’t it reminding her that this is an investment?

   "Xiaoman, thank you for reminding me, otherwise I would still be kept in the dark." Ma Xiaoli is now most concerned about her fear, but not too much sadness.

   "You're welcome." Shen Man smiled slightly, and comforted him: "It's not too late for you to wake up now, besides, who can guard against such a person? I was afraid that you would be upset that I would speak ill of him."

   Indeed, she thought so before.

  Ma Xiaoli looked at her in surprise: "How is it possible? We have been together for so many years, you have helped me, when did you hurt me? I am not young, I still understand this kind of stake."

   At the same time, she is glad that she is an adult. If she is really like those college students, she will definitely be cheated.

"That's good." Shen Man patted her on the shoulder and said: "It's normal for you to be cheated, don't believe in feelings. The child is growing up, and you should find someone to start a family. But you can find a reliable person to introduce , just don’t believe it easily.”

  Having a longing for love is not a bad thing, as long as there is hope, who would want to be alone?

  Especially Ma Xiaoli has two children, and when her son gets married and starts a business, he can't take care of her.

   Ma Xiaoli shook her head. After this incident, she no longer dared. It's too embarrassing to say it out loud.

   Seeing this, Shen Man didn't try to persuade her. Feelings are the most difficult thing to explain, so she can do whatever she wants.

   Ma Xiaoli didn't go to work today, maybe she was sad and needed to take it easy.

  The two went to the department store together to help Shen Man go shopping.

  Don't say it, it's faster for two people to buy.

   There are still things that Shen Man missed, Ma Xiaoli reminded, all of them are bought.

   As soon as the two came out of the department store, they saw Xu Rongzheng waiting anxiously at the door.

  Seeing this person, Ma Xiaoli's mood changed from sunny to heavy rain.

   "What are you doing here?" Her face was cold and she didn't show any kindness.

   Seeing this, Xu Rong didn't know what happened, so he received a letter, which was Ma Xiaoli saying that the two would no longer contact each other.

  He didn't know where the other party's house was, and he didn't dare to go to the factory, so he just waited in this crowded place, no, it happened to be the time.

   "Xiao Li, what's wrong with you?" He asked anxiously.

   "What's wrong? Heh!" Ma Xiaoli snorted coldly, "What did you say?"

   "I, if I knew, I wouldn't have asked you." Xu Rong looked at the person opposite him guilty, wondering if he knew?

   But it is three hours away from their brigade, and usually rural people rarely go to the city. Such a low probability, it should not happen, right?

  Seeing that he was still stubborn, Ma Xiaoli suddenly felt boring. She didn't know why she fell in love with this man in the first place?

   "Repay me the money I bought for you last time. I meant to lend it to you." Ma Xiaoli directly reached out to ask for the money.

   It is only natural to pay off debts!

   "What?!" Xu Rong was dumbfounded.

  His face was red at that moment, a little embarrassed.

  Because Shen Man was still present, it was hard for him to say anything to intercede.

   "Xiaoli, I..."

  Xu Rong I didn't say one, two, three for a long time.

   Finally bit the bullet and said, "I don't have any money with me. They're all in the dormitory..."

   "I'll go get it with you, and I know where your school is." Ma Xiaoli smiled lightly.

   Now Xu Rong can no longer refuse, if he goes to school, wouldn't everyone know about it?

  No way, he took the money out of his pocket.

   This is dozens of dollars, so much money in total.

   Originally wanted to say no, but he didn't know what else Ma Xiaoli would do.

   Seeing the money being taken away, Xu Rong felt pain in his heart.

  Seeing his appearance, Ma Xiaoli felt shocked in her heart, she turned her head and pulled Shen Man away.

  Xu Rong didn't understand what happened, but after thinking about it, he felt that Shen Man had said something.

   Otherwise, based on the one month he spent with Ma Xiaoli, this person would not be able to react.

   He even planned it out. Next time, he will say that his parents are sick and need a hundred dollars.

   But this word has not yet been said.

  After walking away, Ma Xiaoli breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, the money will be returned, and there is nothing to lose this time."

  For her, this amount of money is not a small amount, and it can let the child eat and drink for two months.

  When she thought that the money was almost cheated, she felt even more disgusted.

  Shen Man smiled and said: "It's okay, it's best to get the money back. If he doesn't dare to give it, you can go to the school leader."

  I can't go to school anymore, let's see if Xu Rong dares to go out of business.

  People like this are disgusting.

  It was already very pitiful to be extinct, and he wanted to make things worse.

  Shen Man could not understand such a person.

  Hearing that, Ma Xiaoli thinks this is the truth, but fortunately she didn't make it to that point, otherwise she would be ashamed.

  The two got into the car and went home together, it was getting late.

   Ma Xiaoli bought pork today, so she must cook something delicious for the children.

   A few cents a catty of pork can make the child happy, but she almost threw away dozens of catties of meat.

  After returning home, Shen Man tidied up his things, and then he needed to wait for the house to be decorated before he could arrange it himself.

  However, I'm afraid it will be winter when we move in.

  There is no formaldehyde at this time, but ventilation needs to be done, at least the house can be dry, so that there will be no damp and cracks in the wall.

   Looking for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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