Chapter 303 flies so fast

   Not long after, Wang Chunying came first with the children, and Li Mei and the children were also with her.

  Everyone brought gifts, no matter how expensive it was, it was a heartfelt gesture.

  Li Mei bought two thick quilts, which is not a small gift in normal times.

  Wang Chunying brought two table lamps, which have a British feel. The beige lampshade and reddish-brown base look good.

   "Aunt, where did you buy this?" Shen Man was a little surprised, there are still people selling this kind of lamp at this time?

  As far as she knows, this kind of desk lamp was only popular in the 1980s, and anyone who owned it before would be easily labeled.

  Wang Chunying explained: "I bought this a few years ago, but I have never dared to use it. Now it is loose, so I just give it to you."

  When I'm old, I don't want to use this kind of thing anymore.

  Let’s go to the kitchen to help. With so many people eating, cooking is not an easy task.

   and others are all here, and everyone sits around the table in the living room. There are two tables in total, and one table cannot seat so many people.

   "Xiaoman, your house is really nice." Sitting next to her, Li Mei couldn't help saying enviously.

   are all sisters-in-law, so she has no jealousy. After all, it was Shen Man who helped me to come to the city and have the current job.

  Looking at others doing well, Li Mei is happier, so that she can support herself in the future.

  Shen Man smiled and said: "The house is just for living in, as long as you feel comfortable."

  To be honest, if someone heard this, I'm afraid she would say she was showing off, but others wouldn't.

  Everyone has a little bit of family background. If you want to build a house, you can still build it, but there is no need for that.

   Those who don’t drink, pack up after eating, and then sit and chat on the sofa.

  Several children were having a great time playing beside them.

   Shen Man looked at Li Wenting and asked, "How is Tingting's university studies?"

  Originally, this kid was going to go to the countryside after graduating from high school, but he happened to catch up with the college entrance examination, so he went directly to the university entrance examination.

  If you hadn't met Shen Man, I'm afraid it would not be easy to take the exam, after all, you couldn't learn anything in school at that time.

  Later, Shen Man also gave her review materials, and then she was admitted to this year's university.

  Li Wenting replied: "I'm good at studying, but I'm just thinking about whether to change my major."

  She applied for agriculture, and this idea was completely influenced by the past.

  But recently I am interested in English, and I am very entangled.

  When Shen Man heard that he was interested, he asked carefully.

   After learning about the situation, she said: "Tingting, I think you can choose English as well. This major is good and has great prospects for development. In addition, you can take English as a minor, so you don't have to change your major."

  Since he hesitated, he couldn’t let go of the major of agriculture.

   Li Wenting immediately agrees with this every day, and it is very tiring to study two majors at the same time.

   "Second sister-in-law, which one of these two majors is better?" She raised her head and asked.

  For some reason, Li Wenting always felt that this beautiful second sister-in-law could give her the best advice.

  Wang Chunying couldn't help but pull her daughter: "Tingting, what major are you changing? You have studied agriculture for more than a year, what should you change now?"

  In her opinion, this is the uncertainty of children.

  But Shen Man didn't think so, and said: "Auntie, I think Tingting's preferences are the most important. University is chosen according to preferences. If you choose a major that you don't like, there is a high probability that you will not be able to study."

  No matter what major it is, if you are not interested in it at the beginning, it is difficult to stick to it.

   Rather than regretting after graduation, it is better to start making new choices now.

   "Yes." Li Wenting quickly echoed: "I think so too. I chose agriculture at the beginning because I had no choice. Now the situation is getting better and better, and English may have a future."

  Looking into her bright eyes, Wang Chunying was reluctant to refute. After all, it's my daughter, as long as she's happy, doesn't that matter?

   "Okay, but I chose this time, so I can't give up easily." She still reminded me, if I regret it and choose another one, I didn't understand anything in this university, so it's not a joke?

   "Don't worry, Mom, I will stick to it and persevere!" Li Wenting smiled and embraced her arm, acting coquettishly.

  Wang Chunying was helpless by her, "You girl, how old are you still acting like a baby?"

   "What's the matter?" Li Wenting was not shy at all, and said, "No matter how I grow up, I will still be a child in front of you!"

   I have to say, this kid is especially good at talking.

  Everyone talked about their own things, and gradually the topic led to the New Year.

   "Shall we celebrate the New Year together this year? It's still lively!" Li Jinhua suggested.

  She especially likes the time when the whole family gets together. Although cooking and cleaning are a bit tiring, it's nothing.

   "Okay." Wang Chunying said with a smile: "It's rare that your house is so big. This year we will celebrate the New Year here."

   Having said that, everyone agrees.

  Shen Man agrees even more, it is better for everyone to get closer, family members should get together more, and the relationship cannot be weakened.

   Gay men did not object when they heard that they should spend the Chinese New Year together.

   That's it, everyone has agreed.

  In the next day, it began to snow and the weather was not too cold.

   "Year after year, it goes by really fast." Li Jinhua looked at the sky with a complicated face, with mixed feelings in her heart.

   Gu Dacheng said with a smile: "Why do you think so much? The two of us are enjoying the blessings, and we can just watch our grandson all day long. I never thought before that I would live this life in my fifties."

  In the countryside, which old man didn’t stop working until he was in his sixties? Some families still have to work in the fields in their sixties.

  The two children in their family are both promising, so they are allowed to retire early.

   "You will be blessed." Li Jinhua rolled his eyes at him, and went into the house to look after the child.

   At this time, all units had nursery schools, but they never sent them there.

  There is a person with a dozen children over there, how can they do their best like their grandparents?

   It will be easier for the two children to go to preschool when they are six years old.

  Shen Man came back from the outside carrying things, "Mom and Dad, help me."

   She yelled as she walked.

  Gu Dacheng heard the movement in the room, and hurried out to pick him up.

   "What did you buy? It's so heavy!" Gu Dacheng was a little surprised, what was in this luggage bag?

   "Dad, be careful, there are eggs in it, don't break it." Shen Man was afraid that he would not take it seriously, so she hurriedly ordered.

  Hearing this, Gu Dacheng was surprised. Are they all eggs? How many eggs are there!

   Roughly estimated, it probably weighed more than twenty catties.

   "Isn't this catching up? It was collected from the countryside."

  Shen Man entered the room and sat down and continued: "The conditions at home are better now, and I will often eat eggs in the future. You have to eat too. Take care of your health and show me the children!"

  Her words made the old couple laugh. What care about the children is for their health.

  But they didn't say anything, the daughter-in-law was filial, and they accepted it.

   Ask for a monthly pass.

   I wish you all a happy holiday.



  (end of this chapter)

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