Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 305: fishing boats inspected

  Chapter 305 The fishing boat was inspected

   Get up the next morning.

  Gu Chen felt that it was not necessary to do small business this time. With Shen Man's space, the two of them could do a bigger business.

   After breakfast, Shen Man suggested that the two of them go to Hong Kong City. Now that tape recorders are popular, buy a recorder and record the tapes yourself.

   Don't look at a tape as meaningless, but it is very profitable. In the market, a tape of pop music can be sold for more than one.

  Blank tapes cost only 20 cents each, almost five times the profit.

  Gu Chen thought for a while and agreed, "However, the two of us don't have passports, how can we get there?"

  Hong Kong businessmen all have passports, so they don’t have much access!

  Hearing this, Shen Man was also silent, and this matter needs to be studied.

   After running for a day, Shen Man found a fishing boat, and the other party promised to take the two of them to the port city, but the premise was that if they were discovered, no one would take care of them.

   They don't need to worry about this, there is space, and it's no problem for the two of them to hide in the space.

   As for the travel expenses, two hundred yuan per person, four hundred in total.

  My good guy, before I even started working, the capital cost is 400.

   This is not the time for the province.

  Two days before leaving, the two went to the trading market in Yangcheng, and they did research on their own.

   "How much is the recorder?" Shen Man looked at the recorder in front of him. It was not small, but quite large.

   Opposite him was a man in his thirties, looked him up and down, and said with a smile, "It's not expensive, five hundred and eighty!"

   Good guy, five hundred and eight? Really dare to ask for a price.

  When Shen Man paid attention to this market, he had already inquired about it, and it was basically around four hundred and five.

  I have never heard of such a high price.

   Obviously, the person opposite is trying to kill someone.

   Shen Man rolled his eyes and was about to leave, but this man grabbed her wrist.

   "Don't go, as long as you have a meal with me tonight, I can give you this recorder." The man smiled lewdly and stared at him maliciously.

   "You don't want the hand you used to step on the horse!" Gu Chen chopped it off with one hand, making the hand of the man opposite him numb.

   Then he let go of his hand, and looked at them with a painful face: "You are looking for death! You are a boy from outside, dare to be presumptuous with us."

   "Kill him!"

   Several people went up together after talking, Shen Man was stunned so suddenly.

  In the past, I only knew that the opening stage was chaotic, but I didn’t expect it to be this chaotic. The stern looks of these people don't look like they're joking.

  She hurriedly pulled Gu Chen who was fighting back, and the two of them ran away.

  Joke, this is someone else's territory, maybe if they win the opponent, more people will come up.

  This is not Jicheng!

  Two fists are no match for four hands, Gu Chen didn't resist, and ran away after her.

   Fortunately, those people did not chase out, otherwise they would have to find a place to hide in the space.

  Back to the hotel, Shen Man breathed a sigh of relief, "It's really difficult to do business here, a strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake!"

   This is also something that can’t be helped. Some places just exclude outsiders.

  Of course, if the two are more powerful, they will also consider whether to do it or not.

   "Daughter-in-law, fortunately we have prepared to go to Hong Kong City in advance, otherwise, it will be difficult to get along now." Gu Chen shook his head, still a little unconvinced.

  But he knows that this is not Jicheng, and it's not his turn to take care of things.

   The two of them took a rest for the whole day and set foot on the ship to the port city.

  Of course, this time they didn’t bring cash, all they brought was gold.

   At this time, if you go to Hong Kong City with the money from the mainland, people may not sell them things.

  Gold is hard currency, as for those old objects.

  Shen Man thinks that those people in Hong Kong City don’t keep many collections, and they might sell them to foreigners by then. She doesn't want the country's things to flow out of her hands.

   Therefore, the previous things are kept for collection, or donated in the future, and they cannot be sold.

  The conditions on the fishing boat were not good. In addition to a fishy smell, there was also a bumpy shaking, which made her seasick.

   Gu Chen is better, nothing is wrong.

   "Daughter-in-law, why don't you go in? It's really uncomfortable here." He whispered, but didn't mention the word space.

  Partition walls have ears, even if you speak in a low voice, you must be cautious.

  They are in the compartment where the crew of the fishing boat lives. There are two small single beds, and it is difficult to turn over.

  Although the conditions are a bit more difficult, it is enough to go to the port city.

  Shen Man hesitated for a moment, then locked the door, turned off the lights, and led others into the space.

   Sure enough, the moment I entered the space, I felt much better.

   But the fishy smell on the body is more obvious.

  She couldn't take it anymore, so she wiped her body with the water she prepared earlier, and changed into clean clothes.

   "It's really big here." Gu Chen looked at it with a little sigh.

   This is not the first time he has entered the space, but every time he feels incredible.

   On the table next to them, there is food they have prepared for several days.

  The warm touch made him understand that the freshness preservation function is real.

   "I'll sleep for a while, there are still six days left, we have to recharge our batteries." Shen Man reminded him.

  The problem is when you arrive in Hong Kong City. They are not locals, so it is difficult for them to move.

   Gu Chen nodded, and the two fell asleep, always paying attention to the movement outside.

  However, the people on the fishing boat are fishing normally, except for three meals for them, no one cares about them at all during the rest of the time.

   On the sixth day, we were almost at the port city, and we could vaguely see the coastline.

   "Hurry up! Haileizi is here!" The captain hastily came over and knocked on the door, telling the two of them to hide.

   "The boat is so big, where to hide?" Shen Man was a little anxious, this boat is not big, and the end can be seen at a glance, where to hide?

  The captain turned his eyes to the fish room: "Going in there, although it smells bad, but if you are caught, it will be over!"

   The initiative of this matter is in the hands of Shen Man and his wife. If they are caught, they will definitely be sent to work.

   Seeing the boat not far away getting closer, Gu Chen dragged her down.

  The smell inside the fish warehouse was even more unpleasant. The moment he just went down, Shen Man almost vomited out.

  No way, there are dead fish and freshly caught fish here, not to mention the bad smell, there is also a strange smell of fermentation.

   "Are you okay?" Gu Chen quickly put the handkerchief on her nose and mouth.

   Shen Man's face was pale, watching the lid of the fish compartment was closed, he led people directly into the space.

   "Ahem..." She resisted the urge to vomit.

   At this time, someone above spoke.

   "Take out your IDs and have a look."

  One of them checks the documents, and the other two look around.

   Nothing found.

   "Sir, can we go?" The captain smiled and expressed his favor.

   "Open it over there and take a look." The person who checked the certificate ignored him, but pointed to the location of the fish warehouse.

  Hearing this, the captain's heart trembled, isn't this the end?

   "Sir, there are fish over there, the smell is not very good."

   "Stop talking nonsense! Open it quickly!" The chief stared, unreasonable.

  No way, there have been a lot of smuggled immigrants in recent years, and they are also afraid of trouble.

   Ask for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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