Chapter 376 Going Abroad Alone

  Shen Man agreed with his idea, saying: "I think daily chemicals can be exported, and this kind of thing is the easiest to go high-end."

   "Do you have an idea?" Gu Chen became interested and looked straight at her.

  Hearing this, Shen Man smiled and said, "Women know this thing best. As long as it is good and comfortable to use, it will sell well everywhere."

   That’s right, she wants to make cosmetics, and body wash, shampoo, and stuff like that.

  Nowadays, shampoos are made of soap, and shampoo cream is actually made of soap. There is no technical content in this thing.

   As a person who worked as a supermarket in her previous life, she knows these things very well.

   Seeing her confident look, Gu Chen nodded and agreed, "Then I will find a technician, and you will develop it together."

   "Okay, let's do this first, we will study after you come back from Su." Shen Man did not continue this topic.

   A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and Gu Chen finally got 10 million blankets and millions of furs.

  After their sales, the fur factory has been brought back to life. It was almost yellow, but now it not only has sales, but also has a better and better posture.

   "Be careful when you go this time, and pay attention to safety." Shen Man instructed, while putting on the hot weapon that Desky snatched from him last time.

  Unfortunately, only six rounds of ammunition. But it’s okay to use it for self-defense. They don’t know who is a ghost and who is a person when they go out.

   Gu Chen comforted: "Don't worry, I have you waiting at home, even if I don't want the money, I will come back to you safely."

  Although the two of them like to make money, they also have a degree and will not exchange their lives for money.

   Money can be earned if you have a life, but if you don’t have a life, you can’t buy it with money.

  Hearing this sentence, Shen Man was relieved, she believed in Gu Chen, this person was reliable in his work, and would never tell lies.

  Send him to the train station, which has already been arranged here, and they chartered the train alone.

   In addition, Gu Chen found a few people to accompany him, all of whom were friends who used to do business, and they were skilled and trustworthy.

  Watching the train go away, Shen Man couldn't help feeling worried. Some things can be said casually, but if we have reached this point, can we not worry?

  Back home, Li Jinhua said, "Is Chen Zi gone?"

  Because it was an early train and the children still had to eat, the couple didn't go to see them off.

   "Yes." Shen Man nodded, and then sat on the sofa.

  Li Jinhua said again: "By the way, there was a call just now, saying that the car has arrived. Are you going out again?"

   Speaking of which, she is used to the couple not having a home anymore, so there is nothing they can do. In this world, everyone is making money.

   Shen Man was stunned for a moment, then remembered something and said: "Mom, I bought the car, I'll go and have a look at it later."

  There is nothing to hide about this matter, they are all a family.

   "I bought a car again, our family has a car." Li Jinhua sighed, thinking that the two of them had spent all their money. Fortunately, I can earn so much, otherwise how would I buy things.

  Shen Man was not impatient, and explained patiently: "This is not planning to open another factory. Brother Chen will definitely have to run back and forth at that time. I also want to go to the blanket factory. Two people can't take turns driving. It is inconvenient to take a car outside."

   "That's right." Li Jinhua nodded. They knew about the opening of the daily chemical factory a few days ago.

  Both of them were so capable that they were both featured in the newspapers. Now Jicheng is vigorously promoting the blanket factory and regards them as role models.

   Shen Man took a break and went out with her backpack again. The car didn't drive, so she had to drive back.

  When I arrived at the auto shop, the manager came over to greet her immediately after seeing her, and even left the person who bought the car behind.

  The guests who were left behind were naturally unhappy, frowning and looking at Shen Man.

   The first glance is naturally stunning, but the more you look at it, the more familiar it becomes.

"It's you?!"

   With an exclamation, Shen Man turned his head to look. A man and a woman on the opposite side looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen them.

  Wu Qi didn't think of this person for a while, and looked at his sister suspiciously.

   "Who is she?"

  Wu You rolled his eyes upon hearing this, "Brother, isn't this Gu Chen's wife? You forgot."

   But she did forget what his name was.

  They haven't seen each other for a long time, the main reason is the family gap, their family is a cadre family, and they are afraid that others will ask them to do things, so they have always been estranged from Gu Chen.

   Shen Man looked at them and asked, "Do you know me? Sorry, I feel familiar, but I can't remember who you are."

  Since Gu Chen can be mentioned, he must have known Gu Chen.

  Wu Qi smiled and said, "My name is Wu Qi, and this is my sister Wu You."

   "Hello, my name is Shen Man."

  The three of them nodded and greeted each other, and they knew each other.

   Wu You said with emotion: "The last time we met was when I graduated from university. We are classmates, and you have forgotten me."

   Shen Man used to be beautiful, but she is even more beautiful now, like a Hong Kong lady.

   "Sorry." Shen Man smiled apologetically.

  The manager interrupted at the right time: "Miss Shen, the car you ordered has arrived, do you want to see it first?"

   Shen Man nodded indifferently, and greeted the two people opposite, "Then let's go there first."

   After speaking, she turned and went to the side.

   "This manager is a little too much. They all buy cars, so why don't they come first?" Wu You was a little unhappy.

  Fortunately, the manager is not a man, otherwise she would think that this man speaks for his face.

   Wu Qi comforted: "It's okay, the contract price has been signed anyway, but last time I saw Gu Chen in Hong Kong City, this man seems to have made a fortune, no wonder his wife came to buy a car."

  As soon as this matter was brought up, he was worried. He had an embarrassment in front of Miss Wan that day, and since then, this person has not been very kind to him.

  Although he was a little angry, he didn't dare to lose his temper with others. He didn't have that ability!

   "Really? That's right." Wu You suddenly remembered something, and said, "The outstanding private entrepreneur that Dad mentioned last time is Shen Man, right? She?"

   Turning her head to look at Shen Man, there was surprise in her eyes.

  Why not Gu Chen, but Shen Man?

  Wu Qi was also very curious about this, but they didn't step forward to ask. As the children of cadres, they are born with a little more pride.

  Even if they are private entrepreneurs, it has nothing to do with them.

  Wu You, however, saw Shen Man driving that Santana out, and thought the car was very good. Compared with the more than 50,000 cars, the gap was really too big.

   "I'm sorry to keep you waiting." The manager sent the person away and hurried over.

   There was only one clerk in the store except her, and she went out to do errands again. So, today she entertained alone.

  Wu You waved his hand and said, "It's okay, does she still have that car?"

  Hearing this, the manager's eyes lit up, and he thought to himself that the task of just two cars seems to be lucky, and they can all be sold.

   "Yes, there is! There is also a white one. The black car just now was bought by Ms. Shen." She warmly invited the two to go to the side to have a look.

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  (end of this chapter)

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