Chapter 391 Easy solution

  Others also went to the auditorium one after another, they wanted to hear what Shen Man wanted to say.

  Wen Changzhang led the way and said, "I haven't dealt with the matter until now. I'm really sorry."

   It turns out that Shen Man entrusted this matter to him to handle, but now nothing has been handled properly.

   Shen Man waved his hand and said, "I understand you, and I understand everyone, go there first, and I'll talk to you when it's over."

  The two of them came to the auditorium, and the workers who had blocked in front of the office building just now had already taken their seats.

  This auditorium is usually used for meetings and parties.

  The podium below is very large, and the upper floors are full of seats. From the scale, it can be seen how many people there are in this factory.

   At its most glorious time, the bicycle factory had more than 6,000 people, which is already quite a lot.

  However, because it has not been recruited for a long time, there are still about 5,000 people in the factory, and the few people are all retired.

   These situations were all told by Wen Changzhang when she was waiting just now.

  Because of the broadcast announcement, more than half of the seats in the auditorium were filled after more than ten minutes.

   Seeing that it was almost done, Wen Changzhang said: "This microphone can also be heard in other places, so let's talk about it first."

   Shen Man nodded, patted the microphone in front of him, heard an echo, and then began to speak.

   "Hi everyone, I'm Shen Man, the general manager of Manchen Co., Ltd., which bought the bicycle factory."

   "You must have heard about this incident. Here, I want to say a few words to you formally."

  “At present, state-owned enterprises are facing transformation, and without technical support, they can only slowly fall into disrepair. But technology needs money, and various projects in the country need money, and they cannot take care of everything.”

   "The south is developing rapidly now, we can't take care of our Jicheng, we can only rely on ourselves."

   At this time, some workers were not happy, stood up and shouted: "What are you talking about? The higher-ups can't control it, can you?"

"I can!"

   Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Shen Man said confidently: "I have money, so of course I can!"

   "Instead of selling the factory to a foreign businessman and becoming a foreign company, it is better to hand it over to me, at least it is a company in our country."

   "This is not what everyone is worried about. I understand your situation. So what I want to say today is that in the future, those who can work in the factory can stay."

   "Those who are fooling around are not allowed. In addition, everyone knows that our private enterprises will not care about retirement. I will not have a retirement policy, but I can guarantee the benefits at work."

  Everyone was silent when they heard this, no matter how dissatisfied they were, but now that the factory is no longer a state-owned enterprise, it is useless for them to make trouble.

  Come here today, just want an attitude. Whether they can continue to work, and how the work is paid.

  Shen Man continued: "The salary is based on the original salary, plus five yuan per month. The benefits are not included, and the benefits are not fixed. In addition, the overtime pay is three times the original!"

  Three times? !

   Overtime is available in every factory, and it is basically a few cents an hour.

  Three times can be counted as about 80 cents, 80 cents for an hour, and 2.4 yuan for three hours.

  Is it impossible to add one day a month? Calculated according to ten days, that is twenty-four yuan!

  After hearing this, everyone was talking about it.

  Because they are all laborers, they are afraid that there will be no work to do. As long as the money is in place, isn’t it working hard?

  Shen Man took a look around and got a good idea, and then said: "You should also know that there is a private blanket factory in Jicheng, and those who have friends or relatives who work there know the benefits there, right?"

  The people below couldn’t wait to respond: "I know! My third aunt is in her forties, and her salary is more than 90 yuan a month. She is an ordinary worker."

  One after another, there are other people who know some inside information, such as skilled workers, who can pay three to five hundred a month, and the most common ones, there are also two to three hundred workers.

   Those with more than 90 yuan and more than 100 yuan are all handymen.

  Hearing these answers, Shen Man said: "That blanket factory is also my factory, so you don't have to worry about future wages. As long as you work hard and work hard, the wages will definitely not be low."

  With these words, everyone’s previous dissatisfaction was wiped out, and they began to look forward to the future.

  If other entrepreneurs are troubled like this, I am afraid they will not continue to hire them.

  But Shen Man is different. She understands what it means for these people to be laid off.

  So, being able to help is a hand.

   Not only to help these workers, but also for the future economic development of Jicheng.

   As long as the talent is not lost, the enterprise can develop.

  Everyone stood up and applauded enthusiastically. As long as you can make more money, we will talk about things later. Isn’t it enough to save some money?

   Seeing that everyone was convinced, Wen Changzhang felt relieved.

  In fact, he knew in his heart that as long as Shen Man and the others were willing to come to appease the workers, the matter would definitely be resolved.

  But I have already handed it over to myself, so I thought about trying to see if I could solve it.

  The result was obvious, and he couldn't solve it.

  After the end, Shen Man followed him to the office.

   After the secretary poured the tea, he went out.

   "Boss Shen, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come and take a look." Wen Changzhang expressed his sincere thanks.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man said with a smile: "What is this talk? As long as the workers don't make trouble, I can work smoothly."

  "Since the workers' problem has been solved, let's start the construction problem as soon as possible. Except for the office building, all the factory buildings are pushed to rebuilding, and the work can only be suspended during this period."

  Wen Changzhang replied: "I will arrange this, can it be completed by the end of the year?"

   "Of course." Shen Man smiled and picked up the teacup, "As long as the money is in place, work will start after the new year."

   "Don't worry, Director Wen, I'm also in a hurry to start work, but I still need to find a skilled worker."

  The original skilled workers were all transferred out of their posts. After all, they wanted more security than earning more.

   This situation is normal, she reluctantly does not come.

  Wen Changzhang hesitated for a moment when he heard this and said, "Actually, the factory has retired two skilled workers this time, both of whom have just turned 50. They are very skilled. I think if they can, they should be able to apply for the job."

   "But they are here at this age, I'm afraid you won't accept it."

  I am fifty years old, and I will only work for a few more years.

   "Then you can ask. Compared with the original basic salary, their salary has been increased by 20 yuan per month. We can't decide on welfare benefits, so don't make promises." Shen Man thinks it can be used.

   With this sentence, Wen Changzhang will be easy to handle.

   What makes him feel emotional is that today's private entrepreneurs are really rich. Not to mention two million easily, they can also spend more money to build new factories, and they are even more generous in terms of employment.

  Watching Shen Man leave, he hurried to make a phone call.

  He has to handle this matter well, and he knows better what a skilled worker means to a bicycle factory.

   Ask for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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