Chapter 440 more than double

  Shen Man sorted out the documents and handed over the rest to other people.

  The daily chemical factory is on the right track, so she doesn't need to worry about anything.

  The output of the blanket factory was reduced by half, so Shen Man did not stop, and the production was still at the previous progress.

   Taking advantage of this period of time when she had nothing to do, she went directly abroad and secretly went to the country of Su.

  Going out to Peterfu, she took the initiative to reduce the price by one yuan for profit, and talked to three merchants.

   This not only filled the gap in Peterhoff's order, but also brought in many more orders.

  No way, people don't want it, she can't rot in the warehouse, let alone make more money at this time, when will I wait to make money?

   And such an operation is obviously very normal, Shen Man is not afraid that Peter Fu will know, as a businessman, why can't he understand what is involved.

  After returning to China, half a month has passed.

   At this time, Su Xin had already returned, and the two just met at the company.

   "Mr. Shen, I'm still looking for you. Secretary Li said you were on a business trip, and thought you'd have to wait a few days to come back." She smiled with joy on her face.

   Seeing this, Shen Man replied: "Okay, go upstairs to my office and tell me. I just came back and haven't gone home yet."

   This trip was disheartening, and she wanted to go home and take a shower, but it was still early, so she came to the company to deal with some work before going back.

  The two entered the office one after the other. Li Wenting came in with tea and put it on the table.

   "Mr. Shen, the documents are all on the table. I don't know if you come back. I still have some documents that have not been processed. I will send them over when I finish processing them."

   Shen Man nodded, "Okay, you can go."

After sitting down, Su Xin took out the documents and said: "This time, the two products of our factory are selling well in Suzhou, with a total order of one million bottles. There are 300,000 bottles of shampoo and 700,000 bottles of body lotion. "

   This is a lot of money, and none of them thought they could get so many orders.

   But there is one thing Shen Man can't figure out, "Why is this body milk more than doubled?"

Hearing her question, Su Xin said with a smile: "Don't talk about it, I only realized it when I went there to sell this thing. This foreign woman is different from our women. They have a relatively strong body odor. Some body odor, There are other flavors, I can't tell."

   "Our body lotion has a fragrance, it can last for a day, and it can also moisturize the skin. It is very slippery, so it sells very well."

  She didn't expect this either, but now the orders are all here, and the deposit has been collected.

   "Okay, you did a good job!" Shen Man nodded in satisfaction.

  This time it was a pleasant surprise. I thought I couldn’t earn too much from these things, but now it seems that I can earn a lot.

  Su Xin said: "In addition, I think Su Guo can continue to develop the market. I plan to go there for a month next month and try again to see if I can find more partners."

   This is a rare opportunity, she also wants to work hard and give it a try.

  Seeing her firm expression, Shen Man asked: "Have you made up your mind? Those who are unfamiliar with the place over there are prone to problems."

  I used to go home after a few days of business trip, and a month is not a short time.

   "Think it over!" Su Xin said calmly: "I think there is a market to seize first, and it's fine if there are bodyguards to follow."

  It’s all about this, so there’s nothing to persuade, and it’s a good thing to be ambitious.

   "Okay, I agree, you can figure it out."

   After Su Xin left, Shen Man dealt with the documents. After being away from the company for such a long time, there are many things to deal with.

  She was busy until noon and went back. No matter how urgent it is, she can finish it in one day, and she will deal with it tomorrow.

  When Li Jinhua saw her come back, she made dumplings and asked Gu Dacheng to buy vegetables. Aunt Mei had already gone to the kitchen to make noodles.

   "Mom doesn't have to be so busy." Shen Man was a little helpless, but his heart was still very warm.

   "That won't work." Li Jinhua said: "Your business trip is very hard, and besides, there are many people and the package is fast."

  Shen Man sighed and ignored it, "Okay, then I'll go upstairs to take a shower, I haven't washed for several days."

   Saying that, she went upstairs.

   And Li Jinhua went to the phone and dialed, "Chenzi, your wife is back, will you come back for dinner later? I'm making dumplings."

   "Okay, then we will wait for you."

  Hung up the phone, she turned around and went to help in the kitchen.

  Actually, Shen Man called Gu Chen when she came back, but Li Jinhua's call was her own idea, which proved the importance she attached to Shen Man.

   When Gu Chen came back, she just came out of the shower.

  The man locked the door directly, and a hungry tiger rushed to eat.

   "You're crazy! We'll have dinner later, and Mom will hear when she comes up." Shen Man blushed in shame, and punched him with her small fists.

  Hearing the words, Gu Chen said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, they just made dumplings with stuffing, so it will take an hour, I will hurry up."

  Good guy, one hour is he said as soon as possible?

   Having said that, Shen Man also wondered about him, and agreed with half-push.

  The two of them were in full swing upstairs, but there was no movement downstairs.

  Shen Man did it carefully for sound insulation. Houses in this era are not very soundproof.

  But the couple can’t be sneaky when they do something sometimes, right? So in order to avoid embarrassment, add sound insulation.

  In addition, the old couple never go to the third floor when they are at home, which makes them very comfortable.

   When they went downstairs, the dumplings had just been served, and two dishes were fried and mixed with a cold dish.

   "Let's eat." Li Jinhua didn't say anything, and let the two of them eat with a smile.

   Today’s dumplings are celery and pork. At this time, there are almost no green leafy vegetables, and celery is rare.

   These are grown in nearby greenhouses and are quite expensive.

  After the economic opening, more and more growers grow greenhouse vegetables. However, the cost of this thing is not small, the plastic sheet is very expensive, and it is more attentive than growing vegetables in season, few people can persist.

  The family had a happy meal, and it had been a long time since they ate like this.

   "Xiaoman, I want to tell you something." Li Jinhua hesitated, then dragged her to the study.

   This scene completely confused Gu Chen, why are you talking behind his back?

   Is there anything he can't listen to?

  Although he thought so, he still didn't say anything, let alone ask more questions.

  The two entered the study, Li Jinhua mysteriously took out a newspaper and said, "Xiaoman, what do you think of this?"

   She points to one of the plates, a look of excitement on her face.

   Shen Man looked over and found that it was a financial newspaper. Since the late 1980s, this wave of stock speculation has also entered the mainland.

   Generally speaking, not everyone can do this, so Shen Man doesn't suggest her to do it.

   Moreover, the transaction has to be cross-regional, which is inconvenient for others.

   "What's the matter?" Seeing that her expression was not very good, Li Jinhua understood.

   "I'm just asking casually, you don't have to worry." She smiled embarrassedly, still feeling a little disappointed.

  (end of this chapter)

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