Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 443: This is hospitality?

  Chapter 443 Is this the way of hospitality?

  Wu Qi looked at her in shock, opened his mouth several times, but finally couldn't speak.

  He didn't know what to say and where to start.

   Seeing this, Wan Meiling smiled and said: "Don't worry, my family's financial resources cannot be exhausted after talking. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Since Shen Man is unwilling to help, I can find someone else."

   But she may have to hold a grudge for this.

   "That's good, Mei Ling, I will always be with you and support you." Wu Qi heaved a sigh of relief, with tenderness on his face.

   Wan Meiling was disdainful in her heart. If it wasn't for Wu Qi's father holding an important position in the agency, which would benefit her development here, she would not have looked down on this kind of man.

  He has decent looks and good physical strength, but he has no business acumen and can't hold his breath.

  The two did not go home immediately after leaving, but Wan Meiling drove the car, and the two went to the daily chemical factory.

  Seeing the stop here, Wu Qi's heart moved, he looked at the person next to him, and said nothing.

  Wan Meiling got out of the car with her bag in her hand and said, "Since Shen Man can't get there, we can only find him."

  She is very confident in her own charm and external conditions. Gu Chen was not tempted before, probably because of Shen Man's face.

   She still understands this. After all, most men in the Northeast are machismo and will not let themselves show their tricks outside.

   Meeting privately this time will definitely yield something.

  Wu Qi on the side didn't talk to him, but he had mixed feelings in his heart, or maybe he was jealous.

  Because Gu Chen doesn't have what he has, and now he has been opened by the manager for several years, and it's rare for him to get along like this.

   Can you not make people jealous?

   Wan Meiling didn't pay attention to him, even if she found out, she wouldn't say anything.

   With her, she will try her best to satisfy the useful person.

  For a useless person, even breathing is wrong.

   When the two came to the office, Gu Chen wanted to say that he was not there, but before he could say anything, this person came in.

   Not polite at all.

  He frowned slightly, looked at Wu Qi and said, "Old classmate, why don't you call in advance when you come? I'm going to prepare two tables."

  Just polite words.

  But Wan Meiling, who came in behind, hurriedly said: "It happens that we haven't eaten yet. Thank you, Mr. Gu, and we can arrange anything."

  This cheeky look made the secretary feel speechless, with no manners at all, before he even said to let him in, he rushed in by himself.

   Not only that, but also open and shut up to eat. Can't you hear the polite words?

   At this point, Gu Chen said to the secretary: "Let the cafeteria prepare some good dishes, and bring the wine, and we will go over to eat later."

   "Alright Mr. Gu." The secretary nodded respectfully, then turned and left.

  The other two people in the room sat down respectively, with different expressions on their faces.

  Wan Meiling smiled brightly, without the slightest embarrassment of being beaten up last time, as if she didn't remember.

  Wu Qi looked constipated, as strange as it could be.

   "Have some tea, I don't have coffee here." Gu Chen poured them two cups of tea and put them on the table.

  He doesn't like coffee, it's too bitter, but tea is better. Although the first feeling is bitter, the aftertaste is sweet.

   The two picked up the teacup, took a sip and put it down with abnormal expressions.

   Herbal tea.

  Wan Meiling glanced at Gu Chen dissatisfiedly, hiding her emotions.

   How could you entertain guests with herbal tea?

  Wu Qi was blunt, "Mr. Gu, you are an old classmate after all, how can you give me herbal tea?"

  The relationship between the two is only a little closer in high school. It has been more than ten years, and he seems to have not clarified his position.

  Gu Chen replied: "I'm sorry, I asked the secretary to change some water, I can't take care of these when I'm busy with work, don't mind."

   Said not to let them mind, but did not call the secretary to change tea.

   After sitting there dryly for two minutes, the secretary knocked on the door and came in.

   "Mr. Gu, the cafeteria has prepared meals, you can go there now."

   "Okay, I see. Let's go." Gu Chen greeted the two of them, and took a step first.

  What kind of hospitality is this?

  Wan Meiling's face was not good-looking, and Wu Qi next to her was also unhappy, but seeing her face, she was happy again.

   In this way, his own woman will not be snatched away.

   To be honest, he can't interfere with who Wan Meiling wants to find, after all, he is his subordinate.

   But once such a thing happened, which man would accept it? I can't accept it.

  The three of them came to the private room of the cafeteria. Several luxuriously decorated private rooms were made here, mainly for receiving customers who came to discuss cooperation.

  Some things are difficult to say outside, what you say and do here is to clean up the ground, so don't worry too much.

   "Do whatever you want. Let's eat whatever is available in the cafeteria today. If we have time, let's go outside and get together again. Let's make do with it today." After Gu Chen finished speaking, he asked the secretary to bring the wine.

  Seeing the wine, Wan Meiling's face softened a little. Fortunately, it was good wine, otherwise she would have to drop her chopsticks and leave.

  The treatment just now really made her feel very humiliated. For some reason, she didn't get any benefits from Gu Chen.

   It's really not Gu Chen's fault. In fact, he did it on purpose. The main reason is that there is no alcohol in the company. This is the most common thing.

  If Wan Meiling hadn't been well-informed, he would have wanted to ask the chef to make two glasses of cooking wine.

   Anyway, it’s all wine, and you can eat it when cooking, so why can’t you drink it?

   Soon the waiter brought in two cold dishes. This dish is quick to make, and the stir-fry is also fast.

  The three of them exchanged glasses for a drink, and chatted about some **** words.

  Wan Meiling saw that he had been drinking for three rounds, and said: "Mr. Gu, the most famous private entrepreneur in Jicheng is your Manchen Company, and it has done a lot."

   "The company's financial situation is very good, and the public is rushing to cooperate with you."

  This situation is not only in the northeast, but also common in the south.

  As long as the funds are sufficient and powerful, it doesn’t matter if you are private, the public will trust you.

   Having money means that the project will not be unfinished. There have been many unfinished projects these years, which has caused a lot of trouble for the public and the people complained.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen smiled slightly, what does this flattery mean?

  He waved his hand and said: "We just earn some hard money, and we don't have much money. The two recently developed projects have put our net worth down, and we still owe a lot of money."

  As the saying goes, money should not leak out, he still understands this kind of thing.

  In addition to the fact that the two of them came to the door to mention such a matter, he had already secretly guessed in his heart.

  Wan Meiling knew that he was difficult to deal with, and said with a smile: "Who doesn't know that your Manchen Company has never cooperated with the bank, so it is impossible to owe money?"

   "Mr. Wan, if you have anything to say, you can talk about it directly. I don't want to talk about these internal company matters." Gu Chen interrupted her and put down his wine glass.

   Reach out and don't hit the smiling person. He can arrange two people just because of Wu Qi's face, but now it seems that it doesn't matter if he doesn't give this face.

  (end of this chapter)

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