Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 446: The higher the position, the greater the responsibility

  Chapter 446 The higher the position, the greater the responsibility

   "Su Xin? What's the matter?" Shen Man froze for a moment and hurriedly asked.

  In Suzhou for so long, Su Xin has been developing the daily chemical factory business. There are a lot of orders every month, and several carriages have been added to the train.

   It is because the goods cannot be loaded, and then the carriage is added, and there are about tens of millions of orders a month.

  Su Xin said excitedly: "I have recruited partners here, and they can order five million bottles a month. And they still sign a contract to fix five million bottles, which is the minimum."

  Don't talk about her, Shen Man finds it incredible.

  I thought it was an accident just now, but now I realize it. Who can calm down from this kind of thing?

  Shen Man replied: "Such a large order is twice as much as the total monthly orders of Su!"

  Generally, Suzhou orders about 2 million bottles per month, but this time it took more than two months.

   "Yes." Su Xin said excitedly: "They are also a daily chemical company here, and there are many stores, so I probably don't need to go out for business often."

  With the order from this company, most of the daily chemical market in Suzhou is saturated, so where else to sell?

"Okay, you will be responsible for keeping an eye on the order and the transportation of blankets. I'm sorry to trouble you, it's been a hard time." Shen Manyu said earnestly: "When you come back from Su, the deputy director of the daily chemical factory will You are in charge, remember, the higher the position, the greater the responsibility.”

  In the past, Su Xin was not allowed to be the deputy factory director because of lack of performance. Now that he has performance, no one else will say anything about being promoted.

  Hearing this, Su Xin was very grateful, "Mr. Shen, I will work hard. You promoted me along the way, and I will not forget my original intention."

  From having nothing to now having everything, Su Xin has grown.

  Shen Man in the west area has already greeted her, and allocated her a 100-square-meter three-bedroom and one living room, and her parents can come to enjoy the blessing.

  Su Xin already knows about this, besides being grateful, she will work hard.

   After hanging up the phone, Shen Man brought over the file next to him.

  Liu Huaqiang investigated last time, and most of the troubles related to their company are caused by Wan Meiling.

  There was a private enterprise that stumbled in front of the face, but behind the scenes were people who had eaten and drank with Wan Meiling.

  Actually, Shen Man couldn't understand why such a second-generation Shang would focus on Jicheng's project?

  Most foreign businessmen are developing in the south, and some are in the capital.

  Although Jicheng is an industrial city, many factories are no longer comparable to those in the south. Performance alone, as well as resources, can't improve.

   So this is what confuses her.

   It doesn't matter if you don't understand, she won't let others lead you by the nose.

  Called Gao Jiwei's secretary, and the call came back not long after.

   "Boss Shen, can you find time to contact me in your busy schedule?" Gao Jiwei greeted with a smile.

  Shen Man replied: "Master Gao Ce, the development of the Eastern District has been going well recently, and I want to report the progress to you."

  In fact, the public has also sent people to follow up the project, and they know how the progress is.

   But at this point, Gao Jiwei understood that he had something to say, and it was inconvenient to say it on the phone.

   "Okay, how about this, I'll wait for you at the coffee shop at nine o'clock tomorrow morning." He looked at the itinerary on the calendar and set a time to meet tomorrow.

  Shen Man hung up the phone, then dealt with the company's affairs, and went home early today.

  As soon as he came out of the company, he ran into Li Wenjie head-on.

  There was some hesitation on his face, and he finally came over.

   "Second sister-in-law."

   Shen Man looked at him and asked, "Why didn't you go upstairs? What's the matter?"

  Because of some problems before, this brother-in-law seemed to look down on their private enterprise, and we haven't had much contact with them.

  Li Wenjie said: "Second sister-in-law, can I join the company and work with my elder brother?"

  He seemed very embarrassed, his face turned red, and he lowered his head after speaking.

   "What's the matter? Suddenly remember to go to work in the company?" Shen Man looked over curiously.

  I also proposed to let him join the company before, but at that time Li Wenjie felt that the state-run company was better.

   "I..." Li Wenjie hesitated, and finally said with a sigh: "Second sister-in-law, to tell you the truth, I have a salary of 120 yuan a month in the unit, which is considered a high salary at this level."

   "But I recently made a girlfriend, and the other person's family is very good, so I don't want to be too poor. So, I want to change to a high-paying job, and I don't want to waste my family's savings because of marriage."

   I have to say that his idea changed Shen Man's impression of him a lot.

   At the very least, I don’t have the idea of ​​eating my parents’ money, and I don’t have the feeling of not giving my girlfriend a better living environment.

   Self-motivated is the best.

"I'm very pleased for you to think like this." Shen Man said bluntly: "You can join the company if you want, but you have to be clear, you don't have the treatment like your brother now. With your current working status, the monthly salary I can offer a thousand dollars."

  Li Wenwei’s salary is 1,500 yuan per month, don’t think it’s too high. Their civil engineering design jobs are technical talents.

  General private enterprises, for their job assignment, the salary is probably more than 1,000 and less than 1,500.

   Such a comparison shows that the original work unit really gave too little.

   But there is no way, he has an iron rice bowl, as long as Li Wenjie works until retirement, calculated according to the benefits of future generations, the monthly retirement salary can be about 10,000 yuan, and there are medical benefits.

   These are not available in private enterprises, and there is a big gap.

  When Li Wenjie heard that it was one thousand yuan a month, he thought it was worth it. At least it was with relatives. If he went to someone else, he might be laid off one day.

   As for suspension without pay, they can no longer do it. So if you want to change jobs, you have to leave.

   Today he made the biggest decision in his life in the past twenty years.

  Called Li Wenting to give a brief explanation, and asked him to go up and apply for the job.

   As for his unit, he will handle it himself.

   Shen Man drove back home, just in time to cook.

   "My wife is back. I'm having dumplings tonight. Is there anything you want to eat?" Aunt Mei greeted her while she was still washing the vegetables.

   Glancing at cabbage, Shen Man replied: "That's all, I can eat anything."

   After finishing speaking, she went to the living room to chat with Li Jinhua.

  The couple are usually busy, and the old man gradually feels lonely.

  But they are in good health, otherwise Shen Man wouldn't be able to work wholeheartedly.

  Li Jinhua read the financial news with a newspaper, and the expression on her face was full of joy.

  Looking at her like this, you can tell that investing in stocks should be profitable, otherwise why would you look at the newspaper and laugh?

   Shen Man didn't ask about this, since she decided to let her invest, then don't ask too much, so as not to add psychological burden to her.

  (end of this chapter)

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