Time travel at the same time: Is the golden finger actually me?

Chapter 150 [The influence of natural magic on wizards]

Dumbledore blinked, his half-moon glasses reflecting the moonlight. He didn't seem to hear Snape's words at all, but just stared at the study.

An expression like "This study is really a study".

There were no windows in the study, but a faint moonlight penetrated through the walls.

The walls were cast with enough magic to transmit light, and it was obvious that Slytherin had put a lot of effort into his study.

Snape, on the other hand, waited for a long time but didn't get Dumbledore's reply. He couldn't help but look back at Dumbledore in surprise.

no? Say something?

The students in the school are studying black magic!

Finally, it seemed that Dumbledore couldn't stand being stared at by Snape. He sighed helplessly and said to Rock: "...Although we have already had dinner, don't you mind ordering some dessert after dinner. "

Dumbledore ignored what Snape had just said, waved his hand, and gift boxes appeared on the table.

"I don't mind, but I really hope it's not a pile of cockroaches." Rock put down the Origin of Bloodline manuscript in his hand and reached out to open the box.

As soon as the box was opened, several chocolate frogs jumped out of the box.

Rock was a little surprised. Fortunately, Dumbledore still remembered what he liked to eat. If he had a pile of cockroaches after the meal, it would be a bit too sweet.

Then he saw that at the bottom of the chocolate frog's box, there was a wizard card of "The Invincible Andros".

Dumbledore took out the card and handed it to Rock, "The train was well behaved, thanks to you being there."

"Having you by my side as a student makes me feel at ease a lot."

Rock took the card and expressed that he had received Dumbledore's praise.

The wizard's spell cannot conjure food out of thin air, let alone the specially prepared wizard's card. It is obvious that this is a gift specially prepared by Dumbledore for Rock after learning about what happened on the train, even though at the dinner, Dumbledore didn't go out of his way to praise this.

Gifts and compliments are an indispensable part of human social interaction.

Rock is still very useful for this set.

Seeing that Roark liked his gift, Dumbledore also smiled happily. His silver beard jumped in front of Snape's eyes, as if he was saying proudly that this is the gap between fellow educators.

Dumbledore picked up the Origin of Bloodline on the table. Hogwarts has countless books, including countless books on black magic. Although the school does not promote it, it does not strictly prohibit students from reading these books. It’s just not recommended for little wizards who are not strong enough to read it, because books are magical, and little wizards who are not well prepared can easily be confused by books.

But it is clear that Roque does not belong to this "ill-prepared" category.

And it was just a coincidence that Dumbledore met Roark here.

After the dinner, he and Snape were discussing the attack on the Ministry of Magic in the principal's office.

Forgive that Snape has been a little out of control recently, Sirius escaped from prison, Lupine entered Hogwarts, and the Ministry of Magic was attacked, but there is also the looming figure of Voldemort.

Almost everything is happening in the Snapple area.

These things made the old Slytherin snake so irritated that he would run into the headmaster's office and spray venom from his mouth whenever he had time.

Dumbledore, the old phoenix, could not pretend not to hear, so he had to say that he had made a difference. He already had some ideas about the resurrection magic used by Voldemort, and had also targeted several dark magics.

It's just that he is not yet sure what kind of dark magic Voldemort used.

The biggest unknown is the magical transformation that Voldemort used. Where did this magical transformation come from? Does it have the effect of resurrecting a wizard?

If not, then Dumbledore is 70% sure that he will be able to lock in one or two of the dark magic that will resurrect Voldemort.

If so, Dumbledore would have a headache.

Dumbledore remembered that it was when Voldemort came to Hogwarts to apply for a job. At that time, the young Voldemort had the confidence to challenge him for the first time.

But the price was that his handsome appearance turned into a noseless plug, and his fair skin became wrinkled, like a candle burning out and his face covered with wax.

Although his appearance had become uglier, the increase in his strength really surprised Dumbledore.

There is a few decades of age difference between him and Voldemort. This is not a few decades of age for ordinary wizards. At the same time, the strength that Dumbledore has improved cannot be compared with that of ordinary wizards.

But Voldemort still relied on magical transformation to make up for a lot of gaps...

If anyone could achieve such a terrifying increase in strength, Dumbledore only thought it might have something to do with the Big Four of Hogwarts.

Tom Riddle may have received the Slytherin legacy while in school.

Dumbledore frowned and looked at the Origin of Bloodline in his hand. He had read this book before. There was actually nothing substantial in it. It was just Slytherin recording his thoughts.

This study is not Slytherin's secret room, and the core things are not here.

Dumbledore even felt that Voldemort might not have been in this study, and Tom might have directly found where the secret room was.

Unfortunately, the clue was broken... Dumbledore shook his head, but he was not too sorry. After all, this magical transformation was not necessarily related to Voldemort's resurrection.

Maybe he should look for it from Tom's original interpersonal relationship... After all, no matter how talented he is, he still needs a teacher to teach him.

Among the teachers at that time, which ones were closer to Voldemort?


Dumbledore thought he could take some time to visit the other party, but now he still had to remind Rock quickly. Although Rock is not the kind of little wizard who is ill-prepared, it is also not a good thing for Rock to try magic experiments indiscriminately.

Dumbledore thought about his words, "Child, this magic experiment will not work. I know a guy who used this magic experiment to make himself so ugly, um... that he couldn't even find a job. "

He was trying hard to persuade Rock, and he was trying not to appear too intrusive to the students.

But Rock held his chin and only listened to the first half of Dumbledore's words, "Do you also think this path will not work? I think so too. Slytherin seems to have reached the wrong conclusion at some points."


Dumbledore and Snape both looked up.

Question the magical theories of the Academy’s Big Four? This is really bold enough.

"Oh, it seems that our reincarnation of Merlin not only has to teach us teachers a lesson, but now he also has to teach Slytherin a lesson." Snape sneered.

Ever since Professor Flitwick praised this boy as the reincarnation of Merlin in his first year, several professors have never stopped praising Roark.

But now, the professors have stopped praising Rock. Most of the time, they think Rock is reliable.

At the end of the dinner, Dumbledore carefully told everyone the whole story at the teachers' table. All the teachers were thankful that Rock was there, otherwise the students would have suffered.

This sense of joy is as if Rock is not a student, but their reliable colleague.

Snape actually has the same view on Roark...

Even Snape, the professor of Snake House, was not averse to questioning Slytherin. In his third year, he also questioned the teaching materials of the Potions class, and also delved into many new methods of potions.

It's just that he is now Hogwarts' number one Rock, so he has to play devil's advocate for Rock.

"What do you think about this blood fusion experiment?" Dumbledore suddenly asked.

Rock: "I have a point of view. I don't quite agree with Slytherin's determination of the source of bloodline's power as magical creatures."

"The essence of this approach is to put wizards in a low-level position, thinking that wizards steal abilities from magical creatures."

etc! Dumbledore's radar went off, and he keenly smelled the smell of "wizard supremacy."

This reminded him of an old friend - the first Dark Lord, Grindelwald.

"That's an interesting statement..." Dumbledore immediately became serious.

Rock nodded and then explained: "I think wizards are actually a type of magical creatures. Muggles define humans and dogs as animals, and there is no reason why wizards can transcend magical creatures. He is not what Slytherin said. The first level of low magical creatures is not the first level of high magical creatures as currently considered by the Ministry of Magic, but a relationship of equality."

Misunderstanding resolved.

Dumbledore breathed a sigh of relief.

Rock: "Humans and dogs are also equal, but there is no reason for humans to fuse the blood of dogs in order to obtain the sense of smell of dogs. And even if they have the blood of dogs, they cannot have the sense of smell of dogs."

"The blood of ordinary creatures does not contain magic power. This cannot be generalized-" Snape stopped abruptly here.

He suddenly thought of Voldemort, who didn't seem to have any special abilities after completing his magic experiments.

The abilities of magical creatures are all kinds of strange, including being invisible, being able to grow and shrink, and controlling thunder and lightning... With Voldemort's character, it was impossible not to fuse a powerful magical creature.

According to Snape's understanding of Voldemort, the other party will definitely incorporate the ability to stare anyone to death, such as... the basilisk.

But no, the other party does not have this ability. This also shows that magic experiments cannot bring special abilities to wizards. The key to Voldemort's resurrection has nothing to do with magic experiments.

Dumbledore and Snape looked at each other, and their eyes lit up at the same time. They didn't expect that there would be something extra this time.

Snape became serious: "Then how to explain it - almost all the talents that human wizards can find can be found in magical animals, such as the Legilimency of magical creatures like cats and leopards."

"I think it has something to do with the environment. The ancestors of wizards born with Legilimency probably lived in the same environment as cats and leopards." Rock replied.

"Environment?" Snape smiled, looking for the opportunity to step on Potter: "Harry is with you every day, and you all stay in Hogwarts. I haven't seen how good Harry has become. He has endured Not even Neville would drink it."

Rock explained: "There is a book among Muggles called The Origin of Species. Just like the origin of our bloodline, it is Muggles' exploration of themselves. What it tells you can roughly understand that the environment has prompted human beings." evolution."

Dumbledore was slightly in a trance on the sidelines. Watching Rock and Snape discussing Muggles with questions and answers always reminded him of the time he was with Grindelwald.

"Of course, my view on the impact of the environment on wizards has nothing to do with Muggles. It is mainly based on werewolves and Animagus." Rock said.

Werewolves and Animagus, Snape was certainly no stranger to these two things.

Several of his rivals during school, the Potter clique, were made up of these two things.

Among them, Animagus is the most unique transformation technique. The steps to learn it seem very complicated, but the key points are actually three, potions, ritual spells, and environment.

The most critical thing is the environment. You need to wait for a stormy weather before a wizard with magic can turn into an animal without magic.

Werewolves transform during the full moon.

What the two have in common is probably the environmental requirements - storms and full moons.

Dumbledore on the side seemed to have suddenly caught something after hearing Roark's words, "Is it natural magic?"

There are many natural magic powers, some flowing from mountains, rivers, heaven and earth, and all things, and some born from the stars in the universe. Therefore, astronomy and astrology are also important knowledge in the magic world.

Storms and full moons bring different natural magics.

"Yes, I think natural magic has the power to change the shape of a wizard at a specific time and layout."

"In the past, there may have been some ordinary humans and some ordinary animals that changed under the influence of natural magic, and this magic affected the bloodline..."

"But this is just my guess. There is no evidence to prove..."

Snape and Dumbledore both became serious. Rock's introduction of environment and natural magic was an angle that they had never thought of.

And Rock also thought of this because of the Twenty-Four Solar Terms Valley in the alien world.

"There are various natural magic fields all over the world. Some creatures have the right time, place and people. They gradually evolve in this environment. The reason why both "Cat Leopard" and wizards have Legilimency is very It may be that both of them were under the influence of the same natural magic, so they evolved similar abilities."

Snape listened to Rock's words and suddenly had a question: "In other words, if you want to follow Slytherin's idea to obtain the ability of a magical creature, you only need to be under the same natural magic power as the creature. Is it possible to evolve similar abilities?”

"Not necessarily..." Rock shook his head and looked at Dumbledore: "I think the Dumbledore family is the best explanation."


Dumbledore looked up from his thoughts.

Rock asked extremely seriously: "Does anyone in the Dumbledore family have the same ability to be reborn as the Phoenix?"

"...No, there has never been such a record..." Dumbledore shook his head silently.

It would be great if it really happened... If his sister could be reborn, then maybe his entire destiny would change.

"Sure enough..." Roark turned back: "In my guess, the Dumbledore family may have been under the influence of the same magic as the Phoenix at close range."

"It's just that the Dumbledore family has not evolved any ability such as rebirth, but has other abilities..."

"For example, the magic power of members of the Dumbledore family will contain certain qualities, and the Phoenix will regard wizards with such qualities as the same kind. Therefore, when the Dumbledore family is in crisis, the Phoenix will come to help."

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