Time travel at the same time: Is the golden finger actually me?

Chapter 31 [Come to cheat, come to sneak attack]


Everyone in the room was quite surprised.

"What happened to Shepard?" Kurus frowned.

Shepard is a good duelist in the fifth grade of Slytherin. It stands to reason that he can filter out many people just by standing at the door.

Although not everyone here is a prefect, the people standing here either have skills in their hands or have skills in their families, or even both.

What does it mean to let a first grader sneak in for a duel now?

Lower the gold content?

Slytherin wants to play something disgusting?

The seventh-year prefect of Gryffindor was the first to taunt: "What? You Slytherins can't even hold a door? Why do you have to have a duel? Just give up the key." "

"Don't say that, Shepard's dueling ability is still very strong." Gabriel, Hufflepuff's prefect, eased the atmosphere.

There are not many people in each grade in the school, and everyone knows who is strong and who is weak. After all, they have lived together for several years.

Shepard can be trusted by so many people in Slytherin and used as a strength tester, so his strength is naturally not good, and letting him come here has the meaning of establishing authority.

It can completely stop those stupid wizards who can't understand themselves and want to join in the fun.

Ron's brother Percy did not interrupt at the side, but looked at Roark who walked in from the door with some concern.

He remembered this little wizard, or anyone who had met Roark would find it difficult to forget him. This young wizard had an unspeakable charm that would even make people wonder if he had Veela blood. .

However, only women can pass on the Veela bloodline.

But what concerned Percy even more was, how did Rock get rid of Shepard?

Sheppard is cautious by nature and will never show mercy after confirming that the opponent is going to participate in the competition.

It could only be that Rock relied on his first-year appearance to strike first.

Could it be...a sneak attack?

"You're such a cunning kid!" Kurus looked at Shepard lying on the ground and smiled: "But this is how you have to deal with Slytherin!"

He put his arm around Rock's shoulders, then carefully looked at Shepard's miserable state, and marveled:

"He's good at sneak attacks!"

"Sneak attack? Do you mean him?" Rock then nodded: "Well, when he sneak attacked me, he was really good at it. It would be difficult for ordinary wizards to react."

As soon as Rock's words came out, the surroundings were quiet for a moment. The prefects on the field immediately looked at him, and then returned to normal in an instant, and looked away in the blink of an eye.

But Kurus, who was originally holding Roark's shoulder, gradually became serious.

Even the hand on Rock's shoulder became a little stiff at this time.

The prefects are not fools, they all realize that Rock is probably a super genius.

It's not surprising that every few decades in the wizarding world, there will be such an evil little wizard. The first grader knows more spells than many seventh graders.

On the sidelines, Gemma notified the chairman and asked him to transfer a seventh-grade student to guard the door, and then immediately stepped forward to help Shepard up.

"Don't move, it's broken." Shepard's brows were knitted together, his expression quite painful.

Fortunately, for this duel, the Fourth Hospital had prepared a lot of whitening and energizing potions in advance, so this kind of trauma would only hurt the wizard a little.

"What happened just now? I didn't see clearly." Gemma, the Slytherin prefect, asked in a low voice, while helping Shepard wipe the dirt on his face.

"Ahem... it might be a levitating spell, or something else, I don't know..." Shepard gasped: "The only thing I'm sure of is that he must have cast the spell silently, and he might not even have used a wand."

"Let Matthews be careful, he is not an ordinary little wizard."

What the two said was no secret, and the prefects present heard it clearly.

Tell Matthews to be careful?

Matthews Avery is the seventh grade student president! One of the twenty-eight sacred families, the one with the strongest magical power in Slytherin College!

Silent and wandless spellcasting?

The prefects silently took note of this information that was deliberately shared by Slytherin, because it was indeed crucial, and this technique could take too many advantages in a duel.

Percy, who was on the Gryffindor side, had a slightly bitter expression on his face. He had a feeling that he might not gain anything tonight.

over time.

The duel has begun.

There are more and more students here in the bell tower courtyard!

But most of them are from third grade and above, joining in the fun.

There were only a few first- and second-year wizards who had heard the news from somewhere and followed it to see it.

And now, at the door of the bell tower, a group of young wizards split into two waves and faced each other!

Harry, who was on the other side, looked like he was having trouble answering: "Why are you here?"

"Hmph! I'm from the Malfoy family, so it's no surprise that I appear here. This is a duel led by us Slytherins!" Malfoy said arrogantly to Hermione and others.

Harry was able to come over because Michael let something slip and Ron heard it, so Harry and Ron followed him noisily.

Now the main ones confronting each other are Harry and Malfoy. Michael and the others are forced to take sides, and they themselves feel that this is retribution for letting the truth slip.

The two sides stood like this for a while. Malfoy looked at Harry and the others, his eyes flickering. After looking around, he suddenly said:

"Where's Rock?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Hermione immediately retorted.

Malfoy was about to say something, but then he seemed to think that the game had already begun, so he didn't say anything more. He just gave Harry and the others a hard look, turned his head and left with a "hum".

Michael and other roommates also breathed a sigh of relief. They really didn't want to miss the duel because of a confrontation at the door over such a trivial matter.

"Rock seems to have gone in first, let's go in quickly!"

Several people nodded, and immediately stepped forward and said to the seventh-year Slytherin senior who was guarding the door, "Ravenclaw freshmen, I want to watch the duel."

As a result, the other party was very excited and suddenly took out his wand, which shocked Hermione and others, thinking that Malfoy had secretly tripped them up.

Fortunately, the senior immediately realized that he had overreacted.

Hermione, Harry and others were soon released.

As soon as they entered the door, the shouts of the wizard inside reached the ears of Harry and others.

"Oh my god, this is his fifth win, right?"

"Are today's first-year students so good?"

"Even Weasley lost to him..."


Ron immediately pricked up his ears, tried his best to squeeze through the crowd of wizards, and looked towards the duel stage.

Is it...is it Percy? !

Ron was stunned as he watched.

The other party looked very miserable now, his whole body was disgraced, and his body was bleeding, and he looked scary and anxious.

"First-year wizards, don't hinder the treatment here!" Several seventh-year Hufflepuff students rushed out from the audience. They were responsible for using potions and spells to heal the wizards.

Tonight's duel in the four houses was open to all spells except for the Unforgivable Curse and a few jinxes and black magic. It could be said that all the prefects were willing to fight.

But Ron still couldn't imagine that his brother would lose so miserably.

"Oh my god, is that Percy?" Harry followed quickly and saw Percy lying on the ground.

Harry remembered Percy. On the day he entered school, Percy gave him the impression of a strong yet gentle senior.

Will Percy, who seems so powerful, lose?

how come?

Who defeated him?

Harry looked to the other side curiously.

It was a little wizard. There was a huge clock hanging above his head, and behind him was the bright full moon. The bright moonlight splashed on his fair face, and his platinum-blond hair reflected the golden clock above. In his eyes was the same deep blue pool as before.

Harry was so familiar with this person that he immediately shouted in surprise:


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