Time travel at the same time: Is the golden finger actually me?

Chapter 41 [Insufficient ability of the parties concerned]

In the distance, the evening sun shines on the street.

The sunlight brushed against Conan's body, but it did not warm him at all.

Conan stood in the shadow cast by Rock's tall body, feeling as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

He stared at Rock blankly, and what caught his eye was a black dress that only appeared in nightmares.

In Conan's eyes, the black clothes seemed to suddenly jump out of Rock's body, wrapping him tightly and plunging him into infinite darkness.

At this moment when his mind went blank, Conan thought of Xiaolan and the glasses...

Um? Glasses?

Rock put the glasses back on Conan's face: "Sorry, I took off your glasses just now and forgot to give them back to you."

"That's really careless, isn't it?"

"Edogawa Conan?" Rock's words gently penetrated Conan's ears.

Conan's eyes were still dull, and he just nodded numbly.

Rock smiled softly and waved goodbye to Conan for the second time.

Only this time, he really left.

But Conan always stood there, staring fixedly at the direction Rock left.

A few months later, Dr. Ali’s house.

"Dr. Ali, have you found out the details about Rock?" Conan poked his head on the sofa.

"Shinichi, I've said it several times." Dr. Ari wiped the sweat from his forehead, continued to lower his head and improved the watch-type anesthesia gun in his hand, and then responded: "Rock's file is a An ordinary orphan, he worked hard to get into Tokyo University, and then passed the exam and became a police officer."

"No matter how much I check, this is all I find. Shinichi, I don't think he is a member of the black organization you mentioned. Did you guess wrong this time?"

Conan said embarrassedly: "Actually...actually, I don't think he is a member of the black organization, but..."

But that Rock has been too close to Xiaolan in recent months!

His job as a police officer seemed to be non-existent. He didn't have to work at all. He just ran to the Maori office like a normal person every day.

Every time he comes, he actually deliberately brings souvenirs to please Uncle Maori, and occasionally takes over from Xiaolan to help the Maori family cook.

Pooh! nausea!

Forget it, the key is that every time he practices judo, he will ask Xiaolan to try his moves.

There are too many body contact moves in Judo. Conan saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart.

When Conan first met Rock, he thought he was targeted.

But now it seems even scarier.

The opponent’s target is actually Xiaolan!

You might as well come for me!

Moreover, that evil guy Rock would go to Didan High School to pick up Xiaolan from school every day. After school, he would drag Xiaolan to practice fighting.

What an ulterior motive!

Conan didn't know about this at first. He went to elementary school every day to have fun! If Sonoko hadn't mentioned the bandage weirdo before, Conan might not even know that there was such a thing.

And every time these two people fight, they always walk out cleanly and come back breathless.

I really can’t stand watching Conan!

This man must be taken away! Get it away!

"How disgusting!" Conan grabbed his hair randomly.

He has been the best boy among his peers since he was a child, and he has never worried that someone could compete with him to steal Xiaolan.

But the appearance of Rock made Conan suddenly feel a sense of crisis.

And Conan knows very well that because of her father, Mouri Kogoro, Xiaolan actually appreciates the profession of the police more than the detective.

Rock is the police!

The two of them also have the same fighting hobby...

"What should I do to make him leave Xiaolan?" Conan lay on the sofa frustrated, looking at his tender palms.

If only I were Shinichi now.

This is actually the fundamental source of all jealousy. He is a child now and cannot protect the person he likes.

Conan believes that his relationship with Xiaolan has been sincere since childhood.

But what if he never finds the cure?

We can't let Xiaolan wait until he grows up to be eighteen...

Conan slowly closed his eyes. He now deeply understood the meaning of the sentence "All human pain is essentially anger at one's own incompetence."

"So Shinichi, you are worried about this." Dr. Ari stopped what he was doing, "Isn't it very simple? Rock wants to learn judo, why don't you introduce him to another fighting master? Already?"


A bolt of lightning flashed through Conan's mind.

Conan jumped up from the sofa.

He is really confused by the authorities.

Conan always felt that Rock's target was likely to be him or Xiaolan.

But in fact, he has been ignoring them. Maybe Rock doesn't care about them at all. Maybe he came to Maori's house just to learn judo.

Maybe the reason for competing with Xiaolan is because Xiaolan is very good at fighting.

Roque may have noticed something was wrong with him as a child when they first met, but the other party didn't care at all and didn't make a fuss about it afterwards.

After thinking about this clearly, Conan breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon, Conan frowned again.

Some time ago, he and Xiaolan attended Uncle Maori's class reunion, and only then did he clearly know that Uncle Maori did have real abilities.

And his ability is not small, it can even be said that people with the level of Uncle Maori are rare.

It seems... I have to ask my father for help this time.

His father, the famous mystery novelist Kudo Yusaku, has many connections in all walks of life.

To put it bluntly, whether he wanted to learn to fly a plane or a tank, with Kudo Yusaku's network, he could build a technical school in Hawaii in minutes.

It is not difficult to find a few world-famous fighting masters.

The key is how to introduce the fighting master to Rock in the name of Kudo Shinichi in a very reasonable way.

Conan was a little worried. He jumped off the sofa and started pacing back and forth in the living room, thinking about countermeasures. When he passed by the coffee table, he suddenly noticed a newspaper placed on the coffee table. He glanced at it from the corner of his eye, and his footsteps stopped instantly.

On the front page of that newspaper, the title was written in large black bold font:

"The Legend of Rice Flowers!" The billion yen robbery case was quickly solved! A genius detective is born! 》

"The mastermind of this robbery was Hirota Masami, who had been lurking at Mitsubishi Bank for half a year. Shortly after the robbery, a policeman who was on his shift happened to pass by and quickly solved the billion-yen robbery. .”

Perhaps because they were suppressed by the arrogance of the detectives for too long, the top police officials spared no effort to publicize the investigation process of this case, which highlighted the role of the police in this case.

Conan didn't care about the workings of this.

He just stared blankly at the tall and handsome policeman who was published in the newspaper.

"It turns out...this guy has a job."

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