Time travel at the same time: Is the golden finger actually me?

Chapter 79 [You are the best among these newcomers]

"A. Danzo looked at Rock seriously and said.

"This is the position I have reserved for you at the root, which represents the number one position in the root sequence."

"But...the code name A was used by a failed product in the past, and I have already thrown it away."


Yamato was silent.

Didn't I throw you away?

Danzo continued sincerely: "While enjoying the status of A, you can continue to hold the name Rock at the root."

Just like Yamafuze and Aburame took their roots, they became ninjas with names on a small part of their roots.

And such a blatant solicitation finally made Yamato on the side unable to bear it anymore: "Danzo-sama! I will truthfully report everything today to the Third Generation!"

Oh, Sarutobi...

Danzo smiled and said nothing more.

He put a piece of paper on the table in front of Rock, turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly thought of something. He looked at Rock: "There are a lot of snakes and rats in Konoha recently. Don't get bitten. If you really If I don’t stop here, it only means that I made a mistake.”

As the words reached Rock's ears, Danzo gradually disappeared into the darkness of the street.

Rock opened the note on the table, which contained information about the first two games of the Chunin Exam.

"Rock, Danzo is not a good person." Yamato warned Rock with an extremely solemn expression.

"Don't worry, I know."

The note shattered in Rock's hands.

It has been confirmed that Orochimaru is going to attack the third generation, so did he jump out...

Thinking that this was Danzo who came here to express his goodwill, it shouldn't be that simple. Rock felt that Orochimaru might also attack him, a cute wood escape ninja, in the second exam.

The first test of the Chuunin Exam lasted for a full hour. The main focus of this test was the deduction system, and answering the questions was not the key. After passing the last question that tested Morino Ihiki's will, he announced that all the remaining students would All candidates present passed the test.

In this written test, nearly a hundred people were directly eliminated.


As the first exam ended, the glass in the examination room was suddenly smashed from the outside, and Anko Mitarai burst onto the scene!

"I'm the examiner for the second exam! Mitarashi Anko!"

"What, there are still a lot of candidates left..." Anko Mitarai looked around at the remaining genin in the examination room: "Follow me to the second examination room first!"

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, candidates who can't keep up with me will be eliminated directly!"

The candidates who had just experienced the oppression of Morino Ihiki immediately cheered up after hearing this and followed Anko to the second examination room, the Forest of Death.

Forest of death.

It is the selection place of Konoha for generations.

"You are the one with the best quality among this batch of newcomers." Mitarashi Anko looked at Rock, who followed her closely and arrived at the Forest of Death.


Rock didn't know how to answer. He felt that these words were unlucky.

Tsk, you’re ignoring me again! Mitarai Anko looked at Rock angrily. She had seen Rock several times in the village, but every time she talked to him, everything ended in vain.

She hated this feeling of being ignored the most, it was no different from when her teacher Orochimaru left her behind.

What an evil little devil!

In order to calm down her mood, Mitarashi Anko took out a bunch of meatballs, and while waiting for the candidates to gather together, she ate some sweets.

I eat, eat, eat!

I want to eat myself into a fat man to take revenge on society!

Waiting until everyone was gathered, Hongdou looked at the time. It was good, no one was late.

She inserted the wooden sign in her hand into the clock and began to preach the exam rules:

"The content of this exam is the battle for the scrolls of heaven and earth. We will distribute two different scrolls, and each team can only get one of them."

"As for the other kind of scroll, you need to snatch it from other teams in the Death Forest."

Is it finally time for a confrontation?

The candidates began to look at each other, and the one who was looked at most often was Roque.

Although some people think that being able to take the exam alone must have extraordinary abilities, and Rock's ability to follow the examiner of the second exam to the Forest of Death just now really proves this.

However, Hongdou's speed just now was not fast, and he did not deliberately leave the candidates behind, so the gold content was not that high...

In the last exam, Rock actually mingled among the freshmen, talking and laughing, which made many people lose their wariness about him.

A new student? How strong can it be?

Even if there is something, it probably won’t be much.

Rather than competing for the scroll with a team of three people, it would be better to attack one person and it would be over in one go.

Hongdou looked at Rock who was being stared at by everyone and couldn't help laughing, but she still read the rules honestly: "The time limit is five days. The team that collects two scrolls within five days and successfully reaches the central tower will be counted. Pass."

After she finished speaking, the team at the scene also began to receive the scrolls one by one.

"Next, you must follow the person in charge of each entrance and enter your corresponding entrance."

As Hongdou's final rules were read out, the mesh gate at the entrance to the Death Forest gradually opened at this time.

All genin immediately rushed in from their respective entrances.

Under this time's rules, the best way is to arrive at the central tower first and set up a trap, waiting for you.

The second step is to find a team that is weak enough to get the opponent's scroll before they meet others.

And this freshmen who just participated in the competition and stood out in the first exam have naturally become the targets of other teams.

In the forest, Rock was wandering around the forest like Spider-Man, but instead of spider silk, he was spitting out vines.

Vines extend from the body to move and fight enemies. This is one of Rock's most commonly used moves.

Suddenly, Rock stopped on a tree trunk.

Everything around him was empty, except for trees.

However, through practicing Flying Thunder God, Rock's perception ability has already been improved, because the most entry level of Flying Thunder God is to perceive the spatial coordinates.

In addition, this place is a forest, which is completely his home field. These ninjas cannot hide it from him at all.

The sound of breathing all around me was simply too much.

"Wood Release·The Sea of ​​Trees is born!"

Rock clapped his hands together, and the Seal of Si was formed!

A move commonly used by Yamato was immediately used by Rock.

The big trees around him instantly twisted, with new trunks constantly extending from them, and thick tree roots protruding from the original open space.

The breathing sounds around him quickly became chaotic.

"Quickly retreat! Quickly retreat!"

"Is this Wood Release?!"

"Who beat Mudun?"

Birds all over the sky screamed and flew out of the woods with Rock as the core.

He quickly attracted the attention of other candidates in the Death Forest.

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