Reiner had one more reason to die.

And Reiner was disturbed by Lin Yi's laughter, but he was even more afraid of Lin Yi's strength.

He did not dare to stay, turned around and was about to escape, a twelve-year-old boy, even if he was educated as a warrior from the Malai, but the self-confidence he relied on was nothing more than the power of giants.

But Lin Yi could easily break his armor, making him feel threatened with death, and he panicked all of a sudden.

But Lin Yi's movements were faster than he expected, and in the blink of an eye, Lin Yi stopped him on his way to escape.

"Roar! (Fuck off)! "

The giant could not speak, and the armored giant roared angrily, as if it was gaining momentum for himself.

The ten-meter-tall giant ran with all his strength and strode forward, without the slightest intention of stopping. The soles of his feet like a small mountain stepped directly towards Lin Yi. "Five Zero Seven"

But as soon as he stepped out, the ground shattered, and Reiner stepped on the air again, but at the moment he couldn't care so much, what he was thinking about was to take advantage of Lin Yi's dodge to speed up the speed of escape.


But the next moment, the tall figure of the armored giant instantly fell to the ground, smashing a large area of houses.

Lin Yi stood with his sword in his hand and looked coldly at the struggling armored giant.

Reiner also turned his head in bewilderment, looking at the legs of the armored giant, the steely armor covering the muscles had been shattered, the flesh and blood were exposed, and blood stains burst out, and the wound was deep in the bone.

In that instant, his legs were cut off.


Reiner didn't know why among the Eldians, there were such weapons and monsters.

But the desire to survive made him burst out with unprecedented ferocity, and the armored giant grabbed the surroundings casually, squeezed a carriage like a toy in his hand, and then threw it directly towards Lin Yi.


The carriage flew sideways, and Lin Yi simply swiped into the air, and the vehicle was instantly split in two.

The incision is flat, and there is still hot black smoke.

"I thought the Marais had already trained you to be fierce warriors." Lin Yi said to himself, "Since you are also so afraid of death, do you know what you have done?" "


Yemenggard was inserted on the ground by Lin Yi, and the sword body changed abruptly, spreading from the hilt of the sword, circulating around the blade, and one after another sharp hezi like a feather burst out in the next moment.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of Yuhe swept out, fast as thunder.

This is Yoshimura Kōzen's Hezi ability, SSS-level Kaoru attacks, steel plates can shoot through, not to mention the armored giant that has been reduced to a fixed target.

Reiner held his head in his hands, not daring to move rashly, the armor on his body was easily shattered, pierced, revealing scarlet muscle fibers, but soon even the muscles were torn apart.

The giant's resilience is indeed very strong, but it is much worse than that of the Ji species.

At least powerful species can recover instantly when they encounter fatal injuries, but giants cannot.

After a series of Yuhe attacks, Reiner had no ability to resist, and the armored giant, the hand bones of both arms were exposed, and half of his cheeks were also exposed, and he was weakly paralyzed on the ground.

Lin Yi walked in front of the armored giant step by step, kicked it out, only listened to the movement of the bone shattering, and forcefully kicked the head that was originally lying on a twist of 180 degrees, completely exposing the flesh of the back of the neck.

Lin Yi swung out his sword without hesitation, easily cutting the flesh on the back of his neck, and then he directly reached out and inserted it into the wound, accompanied by the spilled blood and the scalding heat wave, and pulled out a figure from it alive.


Reiner screamed, his consciousness was still clear, but he was torn out of the giantization.

On the cheeks, there are obvious muscle tearing scars and burns.

Why does this person know that he is inside.

In addition to the pain, Reiner suddenly realized something, and thought of Lin Yi's words just now, this guy knows everything about their Malai.

Reiner couldn't help but tremble, wanting to open his mouth to beg for mercy, but before the words came out, he suddenly felt his body lean forward and was lifted up.

Lin Yi expressionlessly lifted one of Reiner's right feet, dragged him to the ground, and walked towards the wall of Mary in the distance.

Along the way, all the giants who dared to approach were directly burned by Lin Yi with the flame ability of Duoduoliang, and the means were violent.

Reiner, who watched it, was shocked again.

"Who the hell are you and why are you going against us Marley..........."

Reiner couldn't stand it, his already injured cheek was dragged from the ground, gravel rubbed against his skin, and he was covered in wounds and blood.

Lin Yi didn't speak, but he finally rushed to the front of the wall of Mary, because of the invasion of giants, there was no garrison here, not to mention that this was not the direction of the city gate, and it was originally remote.

Lin Yi picked up Reiner and easily led the other party to the wall of Maria, from here you can see the situation in the Maria area.

Then, Lin Yi casually threw Reiner next to him like a chicken cub and sat on the ground by himself.

"What the hell are you going to do?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Reiner, who is only twelve years old, looks childish at the moment.

"Marley won't let you go... Yes! "

Before Reiner's words were finished, he was forcibly interrupted by Lin Yi, who grabbed his head and smashed it directly on the head of the city, his teeth shattered, and blood flowed.

Lin Yi did not let go of his head.

"Little friend, you may have no idea what you do, take a look."

Lin Yi grabbed his head and asked him to look down.

Below, there is a hellish scenery, the Maria region, where more than a hundred thousand people live, are being slaughtered by countless giants at this moment.

The truth of the giant, Reiner is very clear, the giant attacked the human race, not at all because of the need for survival, because the giant will not digest at all after swallowing the human class 3.5, but directly re-defecate the corpse.

Therefore, the giant will never stop, but will only keep hunting.

Explosions, cries for help, shouts and screams.

On the city walls, it is not clear to hear, but it is deafening in the heart.

"I'm not a good person, I've killed a lot of people, and I've calculated a lot of people, but I haven't done anything like this."

Lin Yi patted Reiner's head, and his voice suddenly became cold, "I'm not a good person, I want to eliminate harm for the people, and I don't stand on either side of Eldia and Malai." "

"But children, you are very dangerous, and I don't have time to educate you, so instead of freeing you up, it's better to solve it early."

In fact, Reiner did not listen to Lin Yi's words, he was already frozen.


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