Eren didn't think much about it, just that Lin Yi was looking at Mikasa's face and that Lin Yi was a good person.

After thanking him again, he quickly ran back to the camp to inform his mother that he had gone.

The person in charge of the camp naturally did not lose Lin Yi's face, and quickly agreed to this matter, anyway, it was just two ordinary refugees.

When he came, Lin Yi was alone, and when he went back, he became three or four carriages, which were mighty.

Hans promised the person in charge of the camp, and after coming to the legion tomorrow to report, he also temporarily followed Lin Yi back to the business house.

Three carriages, Alan had to take care of his mother, so alone.

The rest of the subordinates and employees had one, and Lin Yi invited Hans to sit in the same car.

In the eyes of others, Lin Yi was just grateful to the lifesaver.

"Lin... Mr. Lin. "

As soon as he entered the carriage, Hans knelt on the ground in fright, and kowtowed to Lin Yi uneasily, "Mr. Lin, I promise not to tell me what I saw that day." "

"Don't be so nervous, if I want to kill someone, I won't let you leave that day, right?"

Lin Yi exhorted.

Hans is not a smart person, but he is a guy who knows how to judge the situation.

"I created momentum for you, I have the intention to cultivate you, you should be happy to be 837 yes."

The carriage is very luxurious, full of wine, and the area is also large.

Lin Yi lay on the wooden bed of the carriage without any image, poured a glass of wine with his own care, and gently sipped it.

The streets are full of people asking for food.

In fact, those who can live in refugee camps are considered lucky.

"But... But I can't kill the giant at all, and I..." Hans panicked all of a sudden, it wasn't that he hadn't done anything, lied about merit, and deceived his superiors.

But at most, it is the merit of taking advantage of a little and killing more than a dozen giants alone, and he does not dare to be greedy.

If he was asked to kill the giant that day, what was the difference between this and letting him die.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Lin Yi comforted softly, "You don't need to kill the giant, as long as others think you can kill it." "

"But... But what if they really think I'm powerful and transfer me to the Investigation Corps. In fact, Hans was clear in his heart.

"Is this difficult to deal with, you directly said, you only want to protect the people, stick to one side, isn't this reason not righteous enough?"

Lin Yi drank the wine in the cup, "Put on your skin well, I will help you get through the (dacj) relationship and send you inside." "

Hans's forehead oozed sweat, and inside Rosse's wall, it was not only Hina's wall, but also the place where the royal family lived.

It is also the last of the three giant walls.

There, naturally, it is impossible to encounter giants, unless even the wall of Rossai has been breached.

"Much... Thank you, my lord, for the grace of cultivation, and in the future, I will definitely follow your instructions and follow the lead. Hans really understood people, and after thinking about this, he immediately took the initiative to show loyalty.

In particular, having seen Lin Yi's strength that day, the majestic giant was just a combined enemy.

He is even less likely to have the slightest intention of betrayal.

"Hehe, talking to you, it's quite easy, just understand."

"As long as you do things well, Eren and Karla will be treated very well, and it can be regarded as helping you return the favor."

Lin Yi nodded a few words, and then began to close his eyes and rest.

Hans is a smooth person and has no real skills, but he is a heavy lover. But that's enough.

It's summer and it's hot.

Seeing this, Hans took the initiative to pick up the folding fan on the side and help Lin Yi fan the heat.

When the carriage arrived at the business house, everyone got off one after another, and Lin Yi kept his promise and arranged good housing for Karla's mother and son.

Karla was injured, and Lin Yi specially arranged a maid to serve him, and everything was detailed.

"Little one, these days, you have been following me like an ass, what do you want to do."

Allen's mother and son, living in the business house, naturally the situation is a thousand times better.

On the second day, Hans also went to the local garrison corps to report, and when he heard that day, he was promoted to detachment leader.

And Allen during this time, except for taking care of his mother during the day, other times, he secretly followed Lin Yi.

"I want to learn from you."

"As long as I can become as powerful as you, I can kill all those scum and drive them out of my home!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Allen, who was still young, gritted his teeth when he said this, and every word, the anger in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

Although because of Lin Yi, Karla was not eaten by the giant in front of Allen.

But also because he became crippled, his lower body still can't move, and he washes his face with tears every day. Allen's hatred for giants has not diminished in the slightest.

Lin Yi stared at Allen's eyes and suddenly felt a little interesting.

"You want to defeat the giant?"

"Of course!"

Eren replied affirmatively.

"But do you know the truth about the giant's breach of the walls of the Xikenxia District?" Lin Yi suddenly asked.

He was too early to show his edge, and it seemed that Grisha, who had been undercover for many years, noticed himself and would be delayed in showing up.

Obviously alert, then now it can only start with Allen.

Eren suddenly froze in place, could it be that the giant attacked the Xikenxia District, and what secrets could not be achieved.

The truth in Lin Yi's mouth is naturally mixed.

But one point, it is true that Grisha is also a Marais, anyway, Lin Yi just threw all the pots on the Malai, so now Lin Yi doubts Grisha's purpose.

Elan, who was only twelve years old, received a huge amount of information on this day, which shocked his worldview.

It turned out that there was a world outside the wall, and it turned out that his father was not a person inside the wall.

It turned out that the districts of Shikensha and Maria were attacked by giants, and they were all tricks of the Malai!

The seeds of doubt, once planted in the heart, cannot be explained clearly.

Without even needing Lin Yi to fan the flames, Allen himself would think of the basement where his father never let him go, and his father would travel inexplicably for a period of time every time.

Including this time.

My father happened to be on a business trip, and as a result, the Hikenxia district was attacked by giants.

Eren knelt on the ground without a god, and he fell into doubt.

"Whatever your father's purpose, I need an explanation from him, so Alan, I hope you can inform me when your father appears."

"Just explaining?"

Eren asked.

"If he wasn't a giant, I wouldn't do anything to him." Lin Yi assured.

Eren didn't answer, just nodded.

Seeing such a smooth process, Lin Yi also smiled slightly, comforted, and let Allen have news earlier, and he rushed towards the caravan's horse farm.

The Lin family caravan, in the Rosai district, bought a wasteland and built a carriage.

In the name of building a convoy, it is actually to train private soldiers.

No way, there are too few available people in Lin Yi's hands.


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