This little episode, Lin Yi didn't care.

Barna, this man, in addition to greedy for money, has no shortcomings.

Be righteous and can stick a knife in the ribs of a friend.

"I don't have that much gold, but I can broker gold."

Lin Yi said with a smile, in front of everyone, grabbed towards the void, and a white suitcase appeared in his hand.

This world already has a lot of magical power, so he doesn't need to deliberately hide the system space.

"Space magic?"

The old man blacksmith and Barna both looked a little surprised.

However, Barna quickly put away his doubts, the huge armored giant and the spatial magic he was now casting, he had already regarded Lin Yi as a great magician.

"What a delicate mechanism."

The old blacksmith took the suitcase, and under Lin Yi's explanation, gently pressed the button, and instantly he surging, rotating and condensing in the air, and fused with the Cookin steel with metal memories, turning into a black Cookyin.

This Cook looks like a hunting knife, and the quality is only B-grade, which is not too good.

But in this world, it is already a weapon for dimensionality reduction strikes.

"How is this possible, magic?"

The old blacksmith has been fighting iron all his life, and naturally he is a man of discernment, whether it is this magical skill, or the sharp 400 hardness of this weapon, it is far beyond his imagination.

Moreover, this weapon, held in the hand, is very light, as if it has no weight, which also means that the user can wield it with full strength during the battle.

"How much is this knife worth?"

Lin Yi asked with a smile.

"This knife, the price is one thousand gold, his weapon old man I refined, the other nine hundred and fifty gold, give the old man a little time, I will slowly put it together."

The old man of the blacksmith was an open man, who really stated his psychological expectations, and did not take advantage at all.

"Okay, deal."

Lin Yi didn't really have fifty gold coins, before joining Barna's team, he went around fighting righteously, or defeated the monster army, just plundering a lot of property from the monster army.

He deliberately took out a B-grade Cookyin to hang the appetite of the old man of the blacksmith, naturally wanting to see what sparks would be produced when magic products collided with Cookyin under modern technology.

When Lambert saw Cookin, he was also very surprised, but he was not greedy, Lin Yi actually gave him a sword worth fifty gold coins (BGCJ), which was already good luck from the sky for him.

"Brother Lin, I will do whatever you let me do in the future, and I will definitely not shirk one or two."

"Then it's better to give me your two little animals, I see that Sister Ta likes it very much." Lin Yi asked deliberately.


Lambert, who had just praised Haikou, immediately scratched his head embarrassedly, "Brother Lin, those two dogs mean a lot to me, we guard the town of Kedra together, we are very good friends, they are not items." "

"Tease you."

Lin Yi didn't care too much.

Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows and noticed that on the street not far away, there was a figure wearing a black robe, covering his whole body and covering his face with a hood.

Lambert also noticed this figure and immediately became vigilant, his eyes like eagles.

"What's wrong, Brother Lin, is there something wrong with this guy?"

Lin Yi smiled in his heart, he had read the original book, and naturally knew that this black-robed figure was actually the elf Liya, but he would definitely not say it directly.

"No, I just think this guy is strange, don't you think her dress is sneaky?"

Lin Yi reminded him that Lambert also woke up, which was most likely a gap sent by the monster.

"Leave it to me."

After speaking, Lambert rushed out directly,

"Sneaky, it's not a good person at first glance, let me see your true face."

Walking on the street, Lia frowned, she was originally in accordance with the order of the queen, ready to place an order for a batch of up to 100,000 arrows to the most skilled craftsmen in this city.

As a result, suddenly a hairy boy who appeared out of nowhere rushed directly towards her.

Because of Lin Yi, there are some small deviations in the original book, such as Lambert, who was not rescued by Barna, and the two did not have a deck duel, and the relationship was not familiar.

As a result, there were no people who led Lambert to fight.

And Lia, since childhood, has been trained and taught, and the elf race, originally compared to humans, has a unique advantage.

In addition to its long lifespan, it is also quite flexible, and it can easily jump several meters high with one jump.

Leah took a step back, dodged Lambert's big hand, and then grabbed Lambert with her backhand, and then kicked it with her foot, causing Lambert to fall to his knees and be subdued. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Human, why are you attacking me?"

"This voice, is it a woman?" Lambert only felt even more humiliated, and was subdued by one move.

"I'm sorry, this may be a misunderstanding, my little brother, I am reckless." Lin Yi said helplessly, "After all, it is a special period, and this lady wearing this kind of equipment will inevitably make people doubtful." "

Liya was stunned for a moment and looked at Lin Yi, but it was much more pleasing than Lambert.

"Don't delay my affairs, next time, I won't be so good to talk to." Leah warned, casually letting Lambert go.

Lin Yi had just approached, but he suddenly made a move, aiming directly at Liya's hood.

Liya was taken aback, and more importantly, Lin Yi's speed was so fast, she almost didn't react, and narrowly avoided the attack, but suddenly felt the breeze blowing and the sun dazzling.

Her hood was actually taken off.

Then a cute face was revealed, with delicate facial features set like jewels, and the long pointed ears undoubtedly explained her identity, elf!

At the same time, he also has light blonde ponytail long hair in his mind, which is very eye-catching.

"Sure enough, it's an elf."

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Please forgive me for my recklessness by the way, but if I don't solve the doubts in my heart, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep well tonight." "

It was found that Lin Yi's purpose really seemed to be just to take off his hat, and Liya also calmed down.

"But now I can't sleep anymore, and when I fall asleep tonight, I should all look like a blonde beauty."

"Den apprentice."

Liya blushed and cursed, no one had ever said such a blunt thing to her, turned around and jumped, and fell on a roof, worthy of being an elf, fast and quickly disappeared from view.

Although the matter just now was only for a short while, there were already many discussions around it.


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