Three days later.

Lin Yi's wedding came as scheduled.

Because Lin Yi defeated the black dragon and took the lead, Beth Cord appointed Lin Yi as a national master, and this wedding was extremely magnificent.

But for these foreign objects, he doesn't care too much, and those troublesome etiquette makes ~ his headache to death.

But thinking that he could hug the beauty back in the evening, he could only endure it.

At night, after entering the cave mansion, Lin Yi saw Aljeta's dress today, took off his usual purple cloak and hood, and changed into a red wedding dress, plus that cold appearance and lovely shame.

It can only be said that as long as it is a man, it will be moved.

"Now it's your wish."

Looking at Lin Yi's frozen appearance, Aljeta sneered and said proudly.

"Hey, you still dare to mock your husband?"

Lin Yi felt that his majesty as a man was shaken, and he wanted to revive Fu Gang well, directly killed the horse, and fought with the enemy.

One night without words (10,000 words omitted).

Early the next morning, Lin Yi got up in good spirits, as for Aljeta, cough, she was still paying for last night's mouth, lying tiredly on the bed, still asleep.

"King, the news from the Ministry of Engineering, the new type of weapon you want to study, has results."

As soon as he stepped into the palace, there were guards who came to report.

The so-called Ministry of Works was the department he set up by asking Aljeta to gather master blacksmiths and magic stone experts from all over the country.

Their first research project was to combine Cookin and Magic Stone.

Or through the magic inscription, increase the power of Cookin.

In the original plot, the sword that Lambert got was inscribed with magic power, making the sword extremely sharp, and even able to cut off the dragon scales of the black dragon.

And the current person in charge of the Ministry of Works is the old blacksmith.

This group of old guys in the Ministry of Engineering has studied and built weapons all their lives, and they are excited to see Cook because of this special material, which has never been seen before.

Gathered together, some people even did not sleep for days and nights.

"Show me the finished product."

Lin Yi came interested, just to promote Cookin, he was not too interested.

After all, there is not much improvement in his strength, and ordinary magic stones, even if they are embedded in Yemengad, are redundant.

But magic stones are only special stones that can store magic power, compared to it, in fact, black dragon treasure jade is also a magic stone.

It's just that the energy in it is huge.

And the energy of the black dragon treasure jade is evil, ordinary people can't bear it at all, but Yemeng Plus is just a weapon and will not be affected by it, although Lin Yi thinks he can, but to be honest, he still remembers the reminder of the system.

The black dragon of this world is just a giant lizard with wings, and if it is the dragon he knows, he is still a little interested.

This kind of dragon race, he can't look at.

So there was the idea of combining the Black Dragon Treasure Jade and Jermonga.

Soon, the finished product was brought up by the guards, and he handed it over to the Ministry of Works about a dozen kinds of Kukein, both strong and weak, Jia He, Feng He, Yu He, and Tail He.

What was presented was a tail weapon, shaped like a long hair, at the junction between the tip and the barrel, a crystal jade-like magic stone was integrated, and above the barrel, there were many mysterious patterns, faintly shining.

It seems that the technology of the Ministry of Works is quite mature.

Lin Yi held the barrel of the gun, and instantly felt a piercing chill, it was an ice attribute magic stone, and as soon as his mind moved, the barrel of the gun directly pierced the wall on the side.

Instantly, like prickly tofu, it smoothly poked in, and immediately a layer of frost spread, freezing the front wall.

This is the mobilization of the entire Divine Heaven energy, the materials collected, the inscription methods and magic stones used, are all top-notch.

Relying only on magic stones, the frost effect attached to the attack is no less than a high-level magic. And Cook has improved its sharpness and hardness, and it is quite silky to start, and he can't feel the limit at all.

This original A Cookyin instantly has a strength comparable to an SS-level weapon.

It is a pity that the task of combining the Black Dragon Baoyu and Yemenggade cannot be directly handed over to the Ministry of Work, one is not at ease, and the other is the evil power of the Black Dragon Baoyu, this group of ordinary craftsmen can't withstand it at all.

So he had to do it himself.

However, the method has been researched, he just needs to copy and learn, but it also took Lin Yi a full two months to start.

In this process, Lin Yi continued to devour the dragon body with Yemengad in a different space, and Yemengad had a new evolutionary level, and his appearance was very different from before.

Jermongard's current normal appearance is like a sword, with a feather-like pattern on the hilt, but it is not rough to hold in the hand.

The sword body is covered with a thin layer of existence like dragon scales, and the sword body dances like a dragon roaring.

In an instant, the gap between the scales can faintly see the fiery red lines.

Even Lin Yi didn't expect that he would have such a big gain from a trip to the Dragon Valley World.

With the strength that Yemeng added, devouring the Black Dragon Treasure Jade was more than enough, and he could start crafting.

The process went smoothly.

The power of the black dragon treasure jade is very evil, in the process of devouring the inlay, he wanted to resist several times, but Ye Menggarde always trembled his sword, and the sword sounded, like the roar of ten thousand dragons, Sheng Sheng suppressed the black dragon treasure jade.

In the end, the black dragon treasure jade, which was originally the size of a basin, was condensed into the size of a thumb cap and embedded in the center of the hilt.

During this time, Lin Yi returned to the world of Kaoru, and after warming up with Matoko, Anku Heina, Anku Nabai and others for a few days, he re-extracted some of Cookin, and some Hezi and Cookin Steel that were not made into Cookin.

He handed over all these materials to the Ministry of Engineering and let them study them to their heart's content, hoping to surprise themselves when the time came.

At the same time, the Lotus Swamp developed rapidly because it was supported by the human kingdom, and as a price, they turned in a lot of witchcraft and magic.

Lin Yi is preparing to train a group of absolutely loyal troops in the Dragon Valley World, and it will be much easier for him to take over a certain side of the world in the future.

His wedding to Leah was also decided by the royal family after Nelvin's return to the Elven Forest, and Leah was made a princess and went to the Holy Heaven to marry.

In the original work, the reason why Leah and Lambert have so many obstacles is not because Lambert is powerless, just a small mercenary.

And Lin Yi can guarantee that humans and elves will coexist peacefully for at least a hundred years, and the elven royal family will naturally be happy to see it.

......... Hundred million.... (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

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