"I've already thought about it."

Lin Yi smiled slightly, talking to himself, as if explaining.

He said that he would consider it, but he did not say that he would definitely let the other party go, which is not a lie.

Ma Yin also looked like the rest of her life after the disaster, and patted her chest, if it wasn't Lin Yi just now, she was hit by the blow just now, but it was dangerous.

"Lin Yi, thank you."

After hesitating, although Ma Yin was a little embarrassed and a little embarrassed to speak, she was still grateful.

After reading the original, I know how difficult it is to get her to say such things with her character.

"Didn't I promise Najeta that I would protect you? Don't overthink it. Looking at Ma Yin's lovely cheeks, Lin Yi couldn't help but reach out and pinch it.

"Is it just because of Najeta..."

Ma Yin muttered in a low voice, but in a low voice.

But with Lin Yi's hearing, he naturally heard "eight seven three" clearly.

"Even without Najeta's orders, I will protect you." Lin Yi said seriously.

Ma Yin, who was originally depressed, instantly turned red, and quickly pushed away Lin Yi, who was very close to her, and shouted.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

The two fought and eventually returned to the night raid station.

The others also completed their tasks perfectly, and the five mercenaries hired by Iokar could only be considered medium in the Imperial Fist Temple, and they were not enough to fight against the imperial envoys.

So the people of the night raid easily completed the task.

The morale of night raids has also been getting higher recently.

"Is this the new mission?"

Lin Yi glanced at the task list that Najeta gave him.

"Well, the target this time is only one person, but he is not simple, be careful." Although Najeta recognized Lin Yi's strength.

But the stronger the person, the easier it is to underestimate the enemy and roll over.

Therefore, she still reminded her with more mouths.

"Don't worry."

Lin Yi nodded, and just by looking at the picture on the portrait, he recognized this person, Zanke.

"This mission is not suitable for Ma Yin to participate, so let Hill and Chipu cooperate with you, no problem."

Najeta said again.

"Obey the organizational arrangement."

Lin Yi spread his hands.

Imperial capital, nightfall.

For this mission, the night attack took a lot of time to prepare, and also deliberately leaked some night attack information to seduce the target.

"Doesn't it mean that the other party has already noticed the night attack, why hasn't it appeared yet."

According to the agreement, beheading Zank will be led to this square.

Lin Yi looked around, but he couldn't see a single figure.

Hill and Chipu were much more attentive, patiently waiting for the target to appear, holding their breath.

"Lin Yi..."

Suddenly, Lin Yi heard a soft call.

He was slightly stunned, and when he heard the prestige, he was a cute girl with snow-white skin and a golden ponytail, especially her elven ears, wearing a white high dress.

"Liya, why are you here?"

Lin Yi lost his mind because of the woman's beauty, and Liya's outfit was really beautiful.

Liya did not reply, but in front of Lin Yi, she slowly took off the veil on her body, like a tempting poisonous apple.

Just when Lin Yi's heart became more and more excited, he suddenly shook, except him, no one could determine the coordinates of the two realms, and it was impossible to open the plane channel.

Leah shouldn't be here.

"Who are you?"

Lin Yi exhaled deeply and instantly understood that this was an illusion.

But it's quite real, even he almost fell into the trap. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Liya got closer and closer to him, slowly stretched out her hand towards Lin Yi, and just when those jade hands were about to touch Lin Yi's body, Lin Yi waved Yemengard without hesitation.


The sound of gold and iron resounded.

Leah quickly retreated, the expression on her face was no longer gentle, but gradually became fierce, and the surrounding scene changed.

"Hehe, boy, you can actually see through my illusion, it's really not simple, it's worthy of being a night raider."

The figure emerged, it was the beheaded Zanke.

Particularly striking is the fist-sized eye mark on his forehead.

Lin Yi looked around, Chipu and Ciel seemed to be trapped by illusion, fortunately, the first target of beheading Zanke was himself, so the two were safe for the time being.

"But even if you can see through my illusion, today is your time to die."

Beheading Zank snorted coldly, two sharp blades appeared in his hand, his previous identity was an executioner, he personally killed an unknown number of people, and his whole body had condensed substantial dead qi.

When the words fell, he rushed towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi knows the special ability to behead Zanke, the imperial tools he possesses are functional, and the five-sight universal observer - the emperor tools with the five abilities of insight, farsightedness, perspective, future vision, and vision, respectively, can see people's hearts, observe distances, penetrate visual barriers, see the future, and launch illusions... 0

He also had the idea of giving it a try, and simply waved Jermongard and greeted him.


Gold and iron exchanged sounds, and in just a few minutes, the two fought more than a dozen times.

"Arrogant boy, you are still tempting, wait for me to cut off your head, I hope you will not regret it."

Beheading Zanke, you can see Lin Yi's thoughts.

But knowing the other party's psychological activities, he only felt a sense of shame that he was slighted, and the offensive became a little more ferocious.

"Is this what it's like to be seen through mental activity? It's really strange, what you think, the other party knows. "

Lin Yi murmured slowly, and the Yemeng in his hand suddenly increased his strength, forcing the other party back more than ten meters.

The words fell, and a mocking strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I hate the idea of people prying into me and telling me, what do you see now."

Lin Yi asked slowly.

Hearing this, Beheading Zank frowned, feeling that something was wrong, but he was not frightened by Lin Yi, and continued to activate the emperor tool, the ability of five visions.

Peek into Lin Yi's heart.

"This... This can't be..."

A hellish scene fell into the eyes of the beheaded Zank, which was the move that Lin Yi was ready to launch in his next move.

"Hahahaha 5.7, less bravado, there can be no such imperial tools in this world, do you think that this can scare Uncle Ben?"

Beheaded Zank roared, murderous aura gushing.

He waved the weapon in his hand and rushed directly towards Lin Yi.

"That's as you wish."

Lin Yi slowly danced the Yemengad in his hand, and the temperature around him rose sharply, and the moisture in the air was evaporated by the high temperature, forming a mist.

Lin Yi slowly slashed out with a sword.

At the same time, accompanied by monstrous flames, a substantial sword qi burst out, spreading all the way, and the ground was full of boiling magma, splitting the earth in two.


The decapitated Zank had no time to roar, and the figure was already drowned in magma and flames.

The strong sword pressed and tore them apart.


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