The style of the Kassel school is somewhat similar to the medieval style, with tall buildings, green lawns outside, crimson cobblestone paths and classical buildings, and snow-white doves rising and falling on the top of church-like buildings in the distance.

Lu Mingfei was still immersed in the future, and in that unrealistic fantasy, suddenly a piercing air defense siren sounded, and the flute sounded in the sky, so startled that the pigeons flapped their wings and flew out.

Lin Yi was also taken aback, and reacted consciously.

According to the original plot, today should be a day of freedom.

The next moment, at the entrance of the stairs of this small building, a group of people wearing black combat uniforms and holding M4 suddenly appeared, without hesitation to raise their guns and shoot, dutifully trying to stop their security guards along the way, and constantly falling to the ground in the roaring gunfire.

Because it has long been known that this is a day of freedom, these guns are only special ammunition that will make people faint.

So Lin Yi's performance is very calm.

But Lu Mingfei was already frightened. His legs were soft, and he was dragged by Masashi Toyama into a narrow corridor, and the intruder in black combat uniform completely ignored the three targets, flashing at high speed outside the narrow passage, and the people in crimson combat uniform rushed out of the church. This extremely silent campus suddenly became a battlefield, with people pouring out of every building, they were divided into groups by uniform, each with a weapon, and the meeting was mercilessly strafing, and many people were thrown to the ground in the first moment of appearance.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Dragon invasion? Mob? Or gangsters? Lu Mingfei trembled~ trembled and asked.

"It's a bunch of problem students." Guderian was also ugly, and opened his mouth to yell, because in the sound of gunfire, he could only shout so that others could hear him.

But as soon as he finished saying this, a bullet swept over and instantly hit his chest, a large mist of blood exploded, and Guderian's figure fell straight to the ground.

Masashi Toyama, who tried to pounce on the rescue, was shot in the back, as if he had been pushed from behind, and he lunged forward a few steps, never getting up again.

"Is this only a problem student?" Lu Mingfei shouted in a lost voice.

This was someone, really fell in front of him.

Lin Yi shrugged, didn't know how to explain, shook his head, he was ready to leave this land of right and wrong, he was not interested in playing with a group of children, just turned around, a rapid gunshot suddenly sounded behind Lin Yi, and the afterglow of Lin Yi's eyes swept gently.

The head immediately reacted, the figure flashed back and forth a few times, and the vacuum trajectory galloped by, and a shot missed!

It seems that some students regard him as an enemy.

"I'm not..."

Lin Yi wanted to explain, but he was answered by another burst of gunfire.

Well, this group of students played professionally, they all wore headsets and communicated with the radio, and they couldn't hear him at all.

Lin Yi was forced into a whirlpool.

Lu Mingfei felt that he should talk about righteousness, and rushed out at this time to share hardships with his eldest brother.

But he really didn't have the courage, it was a gun, just one shot, it could kill him.

Those students wearing black combat uniforms also seemed to find that Lin Yi was a difficult guy, and a few guys who thought they had good skills rushed directly over, wanting to get close to the body and fight to take Lin Yi.

Then it can only teach this group of children a lesson.

Lin Yi was very measured, and while dodging their attacks, each person was rewarded with a hand knife, and with a few breaths, he knocked down five or six people.

At the same time, a squad of their radios was directly lost, which was a huge loss of personnel.

Lin Yi had just solved the trouble.

Before he had time to rest, one by one, high-speed bullets, with huge kinetic energy, rushed towards Lin Yi, and the gun was aimed at his head, Lin Yi knew that he was targeted, and after a few sideways dodged, he turned around and stuck to a protruding outer column, which was the dead angle of shooting.

It should be the opposing sniper. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ordinary firearms, Lin Yi is not afraid, his reaction speed and eyesight, can even capture the trajectory of the bullet in the air, he has enough time to dodge before the bullet hits him.

What's more, the other party uses a Frigga bullet that ordinary people can withstand, but after being hit, it will leave blood stains on his clothes that are difficult to wash, not to mention that this tricky sniper aims at his head, making his handsome face into a little red face?

Lin Yi can't eat this dumb loss.

On the roof of a tall building, a girl with a well-dressed ponytail and black combat uniform is flat against the floor, holding a pitch-black and shiny sniper rifle, the muzzle of the huge caliber is still smoking blue, the sniper mirror is the outer pillar where Lin Yi is hiding, Lin Yi is the first to escape under his gun, how did he do it? Dodge bullets? It sounds weird.

Even the strongest students in Kassel School should not be able to do it.

The girl gritted her teeth and turned the muzzle around, she had to admit that Lin Yi escaped, as long as he didn't come out of the dead end of the shooting, she couldn't help, looking for new targets in the chaotic battlefield downstairs, she didn't worry about her safety at all, and the troops had cleared the entire building when they rushed up.

Refining marksmanship, every time you pull the trigger, the members of the crimson combat uniform will definitely fall one, almost a third of the people in the entire battlefield were killed by her, and when she was in high spirits, who would have thought that a figure behind her had been silently watching her for a long time.

Standing on the tall building, Lin Yi had time to look down at the overall situation, it turned out that the two sides of the big melee were wearing black combat uniforms and the other wearing blue.

On the scene, now black and blue are mixed, and it seems that the battle situation is glued.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

More and more frequent gunshots, a scuffle, as far as the eye can see, there are corpses, and the black and blue team members are all left.

The sound of gunfire gradually became sparse, and the corpses were strewn all over the campus, and from the hustle and bustle, the silence returned to the next moment, the smoke dispersed slightly, and a powerful voice came from all directions, which was played through a certain amplification system, "Caesar, how many of you are still alive?" Do you want to continue? "

Under the witness of Lin Yi, Caesar and Chu Zihang began to meet.

For the two supporting roles in these two original works, the charm is not weaker than the protagonist, Lin Yi is still more interested.

......... Again....

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