Time Travel Rules

Chapter 132: Eat Lao Tzu 1 Star Destroyer Cannon!

"Ten minutes left."

Li Muchuan stood beside the extremely slender and wide Star Destroyer Cannon, the expression on his face seemed extremely serious and cold at this moment.

Looking at the time, it was already fifty minutes.

After Li Muchuan once again confirmed that there was no deviation in the angle, he took a deep breath.

The Star Destroyer is ready.

"Come on! I invite you to eat a Star Destroyer Cannon!"

Li Muchuan looked at the night sky and roared to vent his inner unease.

At this moment, he can already fully feel the sense of oppression in the face of w97's timeline when facing salvation.

The heavy pressure like a tide made Li Muchuan breathless. After Li Muchuan roared, the pressure in his heart eased a little.

At this moment, people all over China are already cheering and preparing to watch the countdown reset, and then start shouting Happy New Year.

No one noticed that a huge meteorite in the distance of the earth had quietly approached the earth. The meteorite avoided the planetary warning system, as if it was a silent killer.

The meteorite carries germs, and when the meteorite falls, the creatures on earth will suffer a devastating blow.

At this moment, the only person who can change this future is standing in a desolate suburb, quietly waiting for the meteorite to come.

Looking from space, China is brightly lit at the moment, and some foreign websites are reposting the costumes of China at the moment.

Some young couples are hugging each other, and when the time comes, they will kiss and celebrate.

Some people picked up the salute, ready to release the salute.

Some people were holding mobile phones and filming the moment when the countdown was cleared.


Seeing that the New Year is about to start, everyone has started the countdown at this moment.

In the squares of some big cities, the sound of mountains and tsunamis was heard.

At this moment, in a remote suburb, Li Muchuan has also set up a star destroyer, and the countdown has also started.


Li Muchuan was with everyone at the moment, and the countdown came to nine seconds.

Then suddenly launched the star destroyer.

According to calculations, the fire from the Star Destroyer Cannon would just reach the meteorite invasion point in nine seconds.

The Star Destroyer Cannon was pulled, and in the incomparably thick barrel, a faint blue light suddenly shot straight into the sky.

Like a sharp sword, it rose from the ground in Huaxia at this moment, and the faint blue light slashed through the dark sky.

At the moment when the Star Destroyer Cannon was launched, a huge anti-gravity force directly caused Li Muchuan to retreat several meters away.


The erection point where the cement was poured was instantly shaken.

Li Muchuan couldn't care so much at the moment, and his expression changed suddenly when he looked at the collapsed erection point.

He hurriedly raised the Star Destroyer Cannon and aimed for the second time.


Sweat broke out on Li Muchuan's face, and the sweat instantly wet his clothes.


According to the second data, Li Muchuan began to adjust.


The faint blue light flashed across the sky, but the extremely fast speed made many people think that they were dazzling, and various devices did not respond to the blue light at all.

Even if the meteorite fell at a speed of more than Mach 50, it would take half a minute to fall to the ground.

The speed of the Star Destroyer Cannon is far beyond Mach 50, and it only takes nine seconds to slant out of the atmosphere!


The huge blue sword has already crossed over half of the sky, and it pointed directly at the meteorite that crashed into it.


In the square, countless men and women were still cheering, and some people were watching the Spring Festival Gala at home, unaware that their fate was tied for a moment.


At this moment, Li Muchuan couldn't help but look up at the sky.

Must be successful!

Li Muchuan frowned, praying silently in his heart, his clothes were all wet with sweat at this moment.


"Happy New Year!"

Countless cheers spread in the streets.

And in the atmosphere on the bear.

The huge dark blue beam of light suddenly collided with the meteorite.

The huge meteorite with a diameter of 450 meters was instantly disintegrated in front of the Star Destroyer Cannon, as if it had never existed.

Li Muchuan was still waiting at the moment, he didn't know whether the first shot was successful or not.

But according to the data, in about fifteen seconds, he could see the meteorite here, carrying a trajectory of nearly 20 kilometers, and smashed it towards this side.

Li Muchuan was still counting down, carrying the Star Destroyer Cannon on his shoulder.

The Star Destroyer Cannon was so heavy that it bent Li Muchuan's body, but he was still standing hard.


Li Muchuan counted silently to fifteen, and he didn't see any visions in the sky.

Li Muchuan began to feel joy in his heart, but he continued to count down.

When Li Muchuan counted down to thirty seconds, the sky was still dark, Li Muchuan put down the star destroyer, and lay directly on the ground.

Then he laughed.

After laughing for a few minutes, Li Muchuan got up from the ground.

Looking at the Star Destroyer Cannon on the side, Li Muchuan couldn't help touching it with his hand, and then put it away.

After disposing of the things on the ground a little, Li Muchuan immediately returned to the car and started the car.

Li Muchuan turned on the car stereo, playing dj music, and drove towards the house as if bombing the street.

For more than three months, because of this meteorite, Li Muchuan's heart had been pressed for more than three months. At this moment, Li Muchuan finally felt that he had been liberated.

It's finally over!

Li Muchuan hummed a song, and the car drove towards home quickly.

At this time, those who should go home are almost home, and there are not many people on the highway.

Occasionally seeing a few cars, Li Muchuan was very happy to see it.

They honked their horns friendly to each other, and the car sped along.

More than three hours later, Li Muchuan drove back to the downstairs of his home community.

After turning off the engine and getting out of the car, Li Muchuan walked to the door of his house with the steps that his six relatives did not recognize.

From the cat's eyes, the room was already dark, and everyone in the family should have fallen asleep.

Li Muchuan opened the door carefully. He was so dirty now that he didn't want to wake his parents.

Otherwise, with his mother's character, she would definitely ask questions, and then cook something for him herself.

Li Muchuan quietly returned to the room without awakening anyone.

I took off my clothes and took a shower.

These days, he has been staying in the suburbs, and he has not showered for nearly ten days.

Especially if you get cement or something, it's already dirty.

After taking a comfortable bath, Li Muchuan went back to the bed, and when Li Muchuan lay on the bed, he immediately felt that the quilt was extremely warm and had been exposed to the sun.

The room was extremely clean all around. It was Li Muchuan's mother who had cleaned it up several times, and the quilt had been left in the sun for several days.

Li Muchuan lifted the quilt, got into the quilt and fell asleep comfortably.


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