Of course I said so, but the body is still very honest.

In the next period of time, Xiao Ye changed his previous idea of ​​trying not to provoke the protagonist.

Decisively cut off the protagonist's plot in advance.

Without delaying the practice, he cleaned up all the original villains and tricks that he could come into contact with at this stage in advance.

Su Yang immediately lost more than a dozen harems, plus more than 30 stepping stones, and an extra piece of grassland.

[Ding, the host kills Lin Caier in advance, the reward increases]

[Ding, the host sleeps and serves Wang Yuqing in advance, and the reward increases]


Hearing the notification tone, Xiao Ye grinned from ear to ear.

Immediately decided to cut off the biggest opportunity for the protagonist's rise, the mutated electric eel.

The result... Pen Fun Library

It naturally ended in failure.

It is clearly recorded in Qingjiang Seafood Center in the novel, but Xiao Ye led people to dig the ground three feet.

Not a single vellus was found either.

"What a protagonist halo."

Xiao Ye sighed in admiration, but then smiled.

Because, with the protection of the system, he is immune to lowering his intelligence.

"Someone came to pry off the manhole cover, and I'll see where it hides."

Xiao Ye thought for a while, and thought of the hiding place of the mutated electric eel.

The opportunity to be the protagonist will definitely not go far, and this place can hide and is suitable for coming out to give away the head when the time comes.

Just the sewers.

Well,...actually, Xiao Ye found a big hole in the manhole cover.

Sure enough, when the sewer was opened.

Xiao Ye spotted the mutated electric eel.

"Follow me."

Xiao Ye immediately jumped down, and after a few flashes, he chased after him.

Stab it!

The mutated electric eel is ferocious by nature, and whenever it is hunted down, its body surface is covered with lightning, and it will fight back.

After it mutated and expanded, its body was comparable to that of a large boa constrictor, and its strength was astonishing.

"You beast, dare to resist."

Xiao Ye clenched his fist in one hand, and charged towards him with surging energy.


The electric light clashed with the fist, and the astonishing air wave set off a storm in the sewer.

But the mutated electric eel was still defeated and was knocked out.

The next moment, Xiao Ye stepped on its head with his foot to protect its body, and smashed it hard at its body.

"You continue to resist."

"Little Loach, I'll let you jump."


Maybe God couldn't understand Xiao Ye's bullying too much, so he asked the subordinates who just got off the manhole cover to interrupt Xiao Ye's atrocities.

"Boss, behind you."

Liu Weiqing pointed at the back of Xiao Ye with a horrified expression.


Xiao Ye's heart skipped a beat, and he realized something was wrong, so he turned around suddenly.

I saw densely packed mutated mice sweeping from the walls and water.

Each one was the size of a puppy, with sharp teeth and sharp claws, and scarlet eyes.


Xiao Ye's scalp is also numb from shock

, quickly dug out the electric eel brain nucleus, and ran away.

Nima, are you kidding me, isn't this the evolution frenzy yet?

Why is the plot advanced.

In the later stage of the original book, both zombies and animals began to mutate on a large scale.

The surviving military of human beings finally opened their minds according to the needs of the plot.

The zombie brain core was used on a large scale, and a large number of strengthened fighters were created with it.

Not one of them is weaker than when Xiao Ye first stepped into Qi and blood.

Coupled with its own strong physical strength, it can carry heavy weapons such as rocket launchers and Gatling, which is simply a replica of a tyrant.

Of course, the corresponding zombies and mutated animals became more terrifying.

Especially the mutated mice and mutated cockroaches, relying on their terrifying advantages of small size, fast speed, and amazing vitality, and relying on their boundless numbers, they became natural disasters that overwhelmed everything.

And Su Yang relied on attracting zombies to defeat the military that almost unified the province and rebuilt human civilization.

When it was all in the late stage, and now it suddenly popped up, Xiao Ye was in favor of suspecting that he had done it too hard.

The butterfly effect triggered caused the plot to advance.


Smelling the smell of food, the mutated rats chased after them, and a broken manhole cover couldn't stop them at all.

"I really thought I couldn't do anything to you." Xiao Ye's eyes sharpened, and then he took out something from the space in pain and threw it down.

It was a modified gas tank with a grenade strapped to it as a detonator.

This is a big killer made by Xiao Ye with limited resources.

Originally, I wanted to use it as a hole card, but now I can only use it first.

"Lie down."


As soon as Xiao Ye finished speaking, dazzling flames gushed out from the manhole cover, and the manhole covers of the whole street were blown up to the sky.

The terrifying air wave lifted the street and soared into the sky, almost reaching the sky in the entire block.

"Huh, it's dangerous."

Xiao Ye couldn't help wiping off his cold sweat. This kind of power was beyond imagination.

"I can be regarded as a veritable bomber."

The sewer is full of methane gas, which is easy to explode, not to mention that he put a gas tank and forced them to ignite in a humid environment.

"Come on, come pick up the corpses with me, so many mutated mice have made a fortune."

After Xiao Ye got up from the ground, the first thing he did was to ask his subordinates to pick up the body and work.

The brain nuclei of the mutant mice in the entire sewer are a huge asset.


the other side.

Su Yang, who was playing with his sister, felt a sudden pain in his heart, as if something important was about to leave him.

"Where is it again, Qingyan District."

Su Yang's eyes turned cold, and he looked towards the Qingyan community.


For a while, he could always feel a sense of emptiness of being deprived of something.

His intuition told him that there was something threatening him.

And last month, Su Yang's influence finally radiated there, and he discovered the powerful influence of Qingyan Community.

Su Yang thinks this is the culprit.

But after a period of investigation, Su Yang found that the other party was difficult to deal with.

The leader is a strengthened person like him, in order not to leave future troubles.

Su Yang thinks it should be well arranged and catch everything at once.

But recently, Su Yang also has a lot of things to do, so he has been slow to do it.

However, what happened today made Su Yang feel that he couldn't wait any longer.

With a decision, Su Yang immediately took action.

Put on your pants and run out to work.

The members of the harem left in the house looked at each other in dismay, "Master, this is...to no good."


However, Xiao Ye knew nothing about the coming crisis.

At this time, he was directing his subordinates to harvest the brain cores of zombies in full swing.

The sewers in the entire block exploded, killing over ten thousand zombies and mutant animals.

Coupled with the high explosion rate of animal zombies, Xiao Ye harvested thousands of brain nuclei at one time.

This is enough for Xiao Ye to cultivate the mortal body to Dzogchen, and directly prepare to attack the spirit body, which is extraordinary and refined.

I saw him driving an off-road vehicle with terrifying noise, honking the horn, tying up the captured male survivor, and using the blood that flowed from his body.

Breaking into the city center with the most terrifying population will directly attract endless zombies in the city, forming a wave of zombies and sweeping them.

In the end, hundreds of thousands, including many mutated zombies, flocked to Qingyan Community.

Such a number is enough to submerge some military regions.

When Xiao Ye returned home with a full load, it was too late.

Only Bai Yuqin, mother and daughter, and a very small number of people managed to escape by riding in Xiao Ye's modified off-road vehicle to prepare for a rainy day.

"Sure enough, in this world, if you are not a protagonist or a female, you are destined to become a villain."

Xiao Ye sighed in disappointment.

Fortunately, I took precautions, and the little Lolita was safe and sound, otherwise I would have cried to death.


To come and not to go is indecent.

Su Yang took him to his lair, and Xiao Ye went to kill him that night. Biqu library

At this time, Xiao Yefan's body was perfect, with a three-foot wall of qi, and the rifle was hard to hurt.

Su Yang's harem tried their best, even taking out bazookas and grenades, but to no avail.

Because Xiao Ye reacted too fast.

Su Yang's several powerful ceilings were simply unresponsive.

When Su Yang came back, he saw that the wall was broken and there were women's bodies everywhere.

A tall figure walked over with a beautiful and pure beauty in his arms:

"You have a good eye, she is very moist."

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