Time Travel Simulation: The Opening Villain Actually Married The Protagonist's Mother

Chapter 94: The Overlord Attacks, The Overlord Is Seconded

In order to manage the Qiao family's business, President Leng has made many plans since he learned of Qiao Qingmiao's identity, which cost him an unknown amount of brain cells.

It looks like it will be a success.

In the end, who knew Qiao Qingmiao ran away.

Still under the strict surveillance of his President Leng, he escaped to heaven safe and sound.

Not only did his long-term hard work go to waste, but he also slapped his domineering CEO hard in the face.

This made the domineering president, who had always been fighting for life and death, furious, and immediately drew his gun and killed several subordinates who were not doing well.

However, there was a turning point, unexpectedly he was angry, and Qiao Qingmiao came to the door by herself again.

Looking at the plain white figure in the field, the domineering president licked his tongue excitedly, his red phoenix eyes revealed the gaze of a hungry wolf looking at its prey.

"Little thing, let me see where you are going this time?"

As for Xiao Ye beside Qiao Qingmiao, he automatically ignored him.

However, the next second.

One movement of Xiao Ye made the domineering president's eyes burst into flames.


Under the watchful eyes of the audience, Xiao Ye came to the next shop.

"This, this, and this..." Xiao Ye chose a lot of clothes very casually.

Qiao Qingmiao became anxious on the spot, and tugged on Xiao Ye's sleeve, "Brother Ye, so many things? It's too expensive, and it's not worth it to give me a sigh of relief."

Xiao Ye smiled and patted the beauty's hand, comfortingly said: "It's worth it, how could it not be worth it, compared to you, these things are not worth mentioning."

"After all, you are my priceless treasure."

In the last sentence, Xiao Ye looked affectionately at Qiao Qingmiao's beautiful eyes, full of love.

Qiao Qingmiao shuddered, feeling goosebumps.

But at the same time, he felt very sweet in his heart, his innocent pretty face flushed with shame, and he couldn't help pinching Xiao Ye's arm.

"There are so many people watching."

Xiao Ye understood in seconds, and immediately grinned and gasped, pretending to be pinched.

A gleam of satisfaction flashed in Qiao Qingmiao's eyes, even though she didn't choke at all just now, her hand hurt.

But Xiao Ye's cooperation naturally made her feel happy.

"Hey, let me tell you whether you want to buy it or not. Don't delay the time under the guise of showing affection." The female manager just now was stuffed with dog food.

All of a sudden, he shouted impatiently.

A cold light flashed in Xiao Ye's eyes, and a streak of spiritual power shot out quietly and entered the female manager's body.

If you are so noisy, even if you are mentally demoted, you still have to

teach me a lesson.

Just fine her for three months, let's all come to relatives.

"Huh, the employees in this store are not in a hurry, what are you talking about, are you in a hurry to reincarnate?" Xiao Ye sneered sarcastically.

"You..." The female manager was furious: "I don't believe that you two poor bastards covered in goods can afford these things."

Xiao Ye curled her lips in disdain, too lazy to talk to this demented idiot, but turned to the store manager and said with a smile:

"I think your service attitude is good, just swipe your card."

"Okay, please wait a moment, I will wrap it up for you..."

The female store manager has a sweet smile and is very polite. She is completely different from the female manager who was demoted before.

This is also a common problem of female frequency and male frequency.

The first waiter or manager I met must have a bad attitude, sneering at the hero and heroine.

And the next store must have a good service attitude, rather than the opposite employee or manager.

Step on and hold, let the protagonist complete the pretend slap in the face, and then give a good lecture on the truth.

"Wait..." Xiao Ye suddenly stopped.

The female store manager frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

"What can he do? It's probably because Kari has no money and is afraid of being exposed."

The female manager was sneering and sarcastic, and continued to jump out to make faces, as if you don't step on my foot, I will not give up.

Xiao Ye was annoyed, and when she launched the method in advance, the female manager let out an ouch, and suddenly couldn't straighten up.

"It's finally quiet." Xiao Ye nodded in satisfaction, and immediately said: "I don't want the ones I chose just now, and the rest are all included."

"What did you say? Except for the ones you just selected, the rest is all covered." Both the female store manager and Qiao Qingmiao were shocked by Xiao Ye's words.

Xiao Ye said affirmatively, "Naturally."

Hearing that Xiao Ye really paid for everything, Qiao Qingmiao rushed forward again, persuading Xiao Ye that it wasn't worth it.

He even blushed and said, "You are so profligate, how will we live in the future?"

Xiao Ye laughed, and only said that he made a fortune some time ago, isn't this little money nothing?

In fact, it is also true. Some time ago, although they did not make an army of 100,000, they sold some gems and saved tens of millions.

In the end, under the distressed eyes of the hostess and the astonishment of everyone, the female clerk finished swiping the card.


Now that everyone had no doubts, they all took a breath of cold air.

It was this chilling movement that attracted the attention of the domineering president.

Since spending a lot of money on beauty

Yes, Xiao Ye naturally wanted to get the reward he deserved, so he immediately put his arms around the heroine's slender waist and lowered his head.

Perhaps because she was dazzled by Xiao Ye's actions, Qiao Qingmiao did not refuse, but closed her eyes subconsciously.

At this time, President Leng, who had just arrived, couldn't stand it immediately: "Go away, you don't deserve to touch that woman."

Hearing the cold shout, a sneer appeared in Xiao Ye's eyes, he had actually noticed the boss's arrival a long time ago.

After all, Xiao Ye couldn't think of another person for Qiao Qingmiao's full of malice and greed.


The familiar voice made Qiao Qingmiao tremble, and she quickly opened her eyes in fright, wanting to run away.

It can be seen how much psychological shadow the domineering president has caused to the heroine.

However, how could Xiao Ye let her run away.

With a slight movement of spiritual power, Qiao Qingmiao was fixed, and after appeasing the fear in her heart, Xiao Ye continued to move.

(* ̄( ̄*)

"Bastard, how dare you..."

Looking at this scene, the domineering president's eyes were tearing apart, and he roared angrily.

Xiao Ye continued, looking at him contemptuously with one eye.

Under the influence of the spiritual pattern, the domineering president instantly understood the meaning contained in Xiao Ye's eyes.

"You trash, who do you think you are."

"You're so fucking moist."

"Hats on."

Any of these items is unbearable for a normal person.

Not to mention, a cold, domineering, supercilious protagonist like Leng Yingjun.

"Die to me."

Leng Shuai completely lost his mind and punched Xiao Ye with one fist.

This punch was fast and loud, with astonishing strength.

As a domineering president who satisfies the fantasies of countless girls, strong force and excellent physical fitness are naturally essential requirements.

Especially for a domineering president like Leng Yingjun with the traces of the underworld, his force value is at the peak of human beings.

It's a pity that the one in front of him is a great monk in the royal body.

Xiao Ye slapped her across the face without raising her head.


(* ̄( ̄*)==o)) ̄#)3 ̄)


The domineering president flew out like a fly, crossed a perfect parabola in the air, and finally hit a wall.

It appears in a large font and slides down slowly.

It's like a scene in a martial arts movie: beating people is like hanging a painting.


All this happened in a blink of an eye, and the bodyguards and secretaries didn't react until the dust settled.

Then he hurried to rescue him.

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