Time Travel Simulator: Start With A Green Dragon Fruit

Chapter 24: Born To Be Extraordinary!

3000, which is almost three times that of 1013.

what does that mean?

this means.

The dragon-like form of the Blue Dragon Fruit gave Jiang Xuan a threefold increase.

three times!

This is a threefold increase!

This is an increase of 30%.

What is this concept?

Explosion concept.

Jiang Xuan happily retracted his palm and returned from the dragon form to the human form.


He quickly cleared all the detection data of this energy detector.

After doing all this, Jiang Xuan clapped his hands with satisfaction.

He did not leave immediately, but sat down on the ground, meditating and waiting quietly.

Time passed quietly.

About an hour passed.

In his ears, he suddenly remembered a familiar mechanical female voice: "Ding dong, the time travel simulator has finished cooling down."

Hearing this, Jiang Xuan suddenly opened his eyes and turned on the time travel simulator.

[The time-travel simulator has been turned on——]

[You have fixed your talent, do you want to change it? whether? 】


[10 survival points are deducted, and the talent card pool has been refreshed. 】

[Please choose the talent you want to wear: greed, peace of mind, extraordinary birth, dragon blood]

[Greed (white): You are an extremely greedy person. 】

[Sitting calmly (blue): Your restraint is very strong. Even if a beautiful woman is in front of you, you can maintain a normal mind. 】

[Born Extraordinary (Purple): Your birth is extraordinary. 】

"It's not easy!"

Looking at the three talents that were refreshed this time, Jiang Xuan was so moved that he almost cried.

"It's been seven days. It's been seven days. Do you know how I've spent these seven days? Every time, I got into a lot of trouble because I couldn't control my lower body. I died young again and again. This time But you have refreshed a pretty good talent for me!"

After being excited for a while, Jiang Xuan gradually calmed down, and then he easily checked the three talents of Sitting in Peace, Extraordinary Birth, and Dragon Bloodline.

[Simulation time travel officially begins——]

[Day 1: You traveled through time and became a baby about to be born. 】

[First month: You were born. Thanks to you being a time traveler, you successfully learned the identity of your father - the then Marine Admiral - from your parents' conversation. 】

"Damn! That's awesome! It's truly a purple talent! The beginning of the game turned me into Marine Admiral's son!"

"In this wave, I can easily live to be 70 or 80 years old, right? Even if I don't live to be 70 or 80 years old, then as the son of Marine Admiral, I will definitely be able to learn Armament Haki and Marine Six Styles Bar?"

Jiang Xuan suddenly became excited when he thought that he might soon obtain Armament Haki.

The time-travel simulator is still running.

[Year 1: Due to the increasingly chaotic situation on the sea, your father, Marine Admiral, is away from home all year round. Over the past year, except for the few days when you were born, you have never seen your father again. . 】

[The second year: You start to consciously exercise your body, and you are growing rapidly. 】

[Third year: You train yourself consciously, and you are growing rapidly. 】

[Year 4: You, your mother and grandparents were attacked by pirates on the way to Naval Headquarters. Thanks to your dragon blood talent, you did not die after falling into the sea, but relied on You survived by grabbing a piece of driftwood, but in the process, you lost your memory. 】



"Grass (a plant)!"

The moment he saw the fourth year's information, Jiang Xuan's face darkened suddenly.

"Huh... It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay. If you lose your memory, it's okay. At least you survived!"

Jiang Xuan breathed a long sigh of relief while comforting himself.

"But having said that, Marine Admiral's son was attacked by pirates when he was four years old and almost died. Could it be that the father in my time travel simulation is Zephyr?"

[Year 5: An archaeologist named Olbia adopted you. 】

[Year 6: Your sister Nico Robin is born. 】

[Year 7: You thrive in Olaha, West Blue. 】

[Eighth Year: Your adoptive mother went to sea and left you in order to explore the historical truth. 】

[Year 9: You live in Olaha with your sister Nico Robin, and your strength is growing rapidly. 】

[Tenth year: Your strength grows rapidly. 】

The next few years passed by the same thing.

[Year 14: The World government launched a Buster Call on Ohara, and you escaped from Ohara with your sister Nico Robin. 】

[Year 15: You become a pirate. 】

[Sixteenth Year: After killing a group of pirates, you accidentally got a big sword and became a swordsman. 】

[Seventeenth year: Your swordsmanship has improved rapidly. 】

[Eighteenth year: You become a swordsman. 】

[Year 19: When you and your sister Nico Robin were wandering on the sea, you accidentally encountered the Marine internship ship led by Zephyr. Zephyr noticed the birthmark on the back of your neck and the amulet you had always kept around your neck. He recognized After revealing your identity, I deliberately let you and Nico Robin go. 】

"I giao! I'm really Zephyr's son!"

(Please give me flowers! Please give me votes! 嘤嘤嘤!)

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