Time Travel Simulator: Start With A Green Dragon Fruit

Chapter 35 Three Months Later! Increased Strength

"It truly deserves to be one of the three largest cities in Kyushu!"

Jiang Xuan couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the Magic City Superpower Association building, which was twenty or thirty stories high.

A building that is twenty or thirty stories high is already a very low floor compared to the world before Jiang Xuan traveled through time.


For this spiritually resurrected world, a twenty or thirty-story building is already very tall.

Very, very high.


There are often a large number of flying beasts in the sky.

After sighing with emotion, Jiang Xuan strode into the Magic City Superpower Association.

The Demon City is truly a Demon City. Jiacheng, a small place, cannot compete with the Demon City at all.

Although the superpower user association in Jiacheng is very lively and there are people with superpowers coming and going, most of them are first- and second-level low-level superpower users.

But it's different here in Magic City.

There are a lot of fourth-level, fifth-level, and sixth-level mid-level ability users.


Can you still see a high-level ability user passing by?

"It truly is a magic city!"

Jiang Xuan sighed again in his heart.


He followed the markings on the ground and came to the low-level bounty mission acceptance hall on the seventh floor.

Looking at the dazzling array of first-level bounty missions on the screen, Jiang Xuanxin Chūnin couldn't help but secretly rejoiced: "My choice was indeed right! My guess was indeed right!"

The reason why Jiang Xuan is so happy and excited is actually not just because of the large number of first-level bounty missions from the Magic City Superpower Association.

Another reason was because he quickly read through it and discovered it.

The bounty of the first-level bounty missions here in Demon City is generally higher than the first-level bounty missions in Jiacheng.

And it’s almost twice as high.

"As expected of a big city!"

Jiang Xuan sighed and directly accepted five first-level bounty tasks in one go.

He actually wanted to take on a few more bounty missions in one go, which would save him a lot of time running back and forth.

But what a pity!

According to the regulations of the Superpower Association, each person can only take on a maximum of five tasks at the same time.

After purchasing some cheap elixirs for healing, Jiang Xuan hurriedly left the Magic City Superpower Association and rushed to the first mission location without stopping.

He started the five tasks at around 1 p.m. and worked until around 7 p.m. before completing them all.

"I made 220,000 yuan in six hours. The speed is still a bit slow. I can speed up the time a little tomorrow and try to complete two waves of ten tasks within ten hours during the day and earn 400,000 yuan a day! Then I will work directly at night. Use these 400,000 to buy spiritual herbs and elixirs to assist your cultivation!"

"Set a small goal and try to improve a small level before school starts!!"

In a dilapidated, small and dark rental house, Jiang Xuan silently planned and decided on his goals for the next three and a half months.

Life like this seems really hard.


What can be done?

Who made him poor? Who makes him not a rich Second Generation?

If a poor person wants to turn around, it is useless to rely solely on talent. In addition to talent, he also needs hard work!

Even those rich Second Generations must work hard enough if they want to quickly improve their strength.

after all.

Spiritual herbs and elixirs that can directly enhance strength are very rare and rare.

Most of the spiritual herbs and elixirs can only assist in cultivation.

If you don't work hard and just rely on taking magical herbs and elixirs to improve your strength, even if you are given hundreds of millions or even billions, it will not be enough.

A quick night.

Early the next morning, before dawn, Jiang Xuan woke up early and rushed to the Magic City Superpower Association.

After accepting five first-level bounty missions in one go, he rushed to the mission location without stopping.

At around 11:30 p.m., Jiang Xuan, who had completed all the tasks, hurriedly returned to the Magic City Superpower Association, took on five new tasks, and then left in a hurry again.

By the time he returned to the Magic City Superpower Association, it was already dark and it was already past seven o'clock in the evening.

The reason why it took him so much longer to complete the five tasks in the afternoon than in the morning was because he stopped for a while.


Why did you stop, you ask?

No need to ask!

Hard work is hard work, Cheat can't be forgotten.

There is a shortcut to take, why not take it?

Yes, the reason why Jiang Xuan stopped was precisely to complete the simulated time travel once a day.


This time he still failed to develop any good talents. Although he lived to be in his fifties, he relied too much on the talent of dragon blood descendants. During the simulated time travel, he did not have a single ability until his death. learn.

Naturally, Jiang Xuan couldn't extract a single ability.

Jiang Xuan was almost mad to death.

Back to business.

In one day, Jiang Xuan received a total of 430,000.


He used about 30,000 yuan to buy some wound medicine, and the remaining 400,000 yuan was all exchanged for cultivation resources.

Then, Jiang Xuan hurried back to his rental house and started today's practice.

He continued practicing until around twelve o'clock in the evening, then he lay down and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, before dawn, Jiang Xuan went out again.

Just like that, day after day, day after day.

Jiang Xuan's life seemed so boring.


But he enjoyed it with relish.

Time passes quietly.

In the blink of an eye, more than three months passed.

This day.

Magic City, Association of Superpowers, Thirteenth Floor.

detection layer.

"Beep beep beep beep!"

An urgent and sharp beep sounded suddenly.

Jiang Xuan slowly released the detector.

He raised his head and looked at the screen of the detector.

Energy fluctuation: 3341

Looking at these four numbers on the screen, the corners of Jiang Xuan's mouth slowly raised.

"Even if I don't enter the dragon-human form, the energy fluctuations I detect exceed 3,000. In other words, in human form alone, I am already a first-level mid-level superpower!"

Muttering, Jiang Xuan suddenly activated the Azure Dragon Fruit ability in his body with all his strength and entered the dragon form.


He grabbed the detector.

"Beep beep beep beep!"

Along with the harsh prompt sound, a new string of numbers appeared on the screen of the detector: 10023.

Breaking ten thousand!

The energy fluctuation exceeds 10,000!

what does that mean?

Put it this way.

According to the classification of the Superpower Association.

The energy fluctuations of a second-level low-level superpower are between 5,000 and 10,000.

The energy fluctuation of a second-level mid-level superpower is between 10,000 and 150,000.

And now, Jiang Xuan's energy fluctuation in dragon form is 10023!

this means.

Jiang Xuan in the form of a dragon can burst out with the power of the second-level mid-level. ,

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