"What's wrong, Lao Zhang?"

The instructors on the side heard his laughter and looked over curiously.

The instructor raised Jiang Xuan's admission file and asked, "Do you know what kind of super power the new student named Jiang Xuan has awakened?"

"Isn't it agility?"

One of the instructors asked subconsciously.

"No, no!"

The instructor shook his head, his eyes suddenly turned to Jiang Xuan below, and said meaningfully: "What he awakened is an A-level upgraded superpower!"


"Upgraded system!?"


Hearing this, the other four instructors were stunned for a moment.

"Upgraded system? Lao Zhang, are you sure?"

A bearded instructor stared and asked.

"OK." The previous instructor nodded.

"Interesting, interesting!"

"Judging from his performance just now, I almost thought he had awakened the agility system, but I didn't expect it to be the upgraded system!"

"Wait! Upgraded system! Since he awakened the upgraded system, doesn't it mean that when he fought Xiao Yan just now, he didn't use all his strength at all?"

"You can defeat Xiao Yan, whose strength is perfect at the first level without using all your strength. If you use all your strength, wouldn't you be able to fight the second level?"

"I really want to see how much he weighs!"

The tutor from the Academic Affairs Office said and suddenly waved.

Immediately afterwards.

A beam of light suddenly fell from the sky and shone on Jiang Xuan, causing Jiang Xuan, who was about to jump off the ring, to stop.

"what's the situation?"

Jiang Xuan looked up at the high platform in confusion.

"Jiang Xuan, right?"

Facing Jiang Xuan's confused gaze, the tutor from the Academic Affairs Office suddenly said: "Now there is an opportunity to double the points you can get for freshmen student aid. Do you want to fight for it?"

"Double it again!?"

When Jiang Xuan heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He did a quick calculation in his mind.

He could only get two million points originally, but after defeating Xiao Yan, the points he could get had doubled. In other words, he could now get four million points.

If it were doubled, his points would directly become eight million!

Eight million, this is not a small amount.


Jiang Xuan's heart suddenly moved.

He was just about to speak when he heard the voice of the tutor from the Academic Affairs Office sounded again: "Of course, there are gains and losses. If you fail, your points will be reduced to a quarter, which means that in the end you can only I got one million student aid points, now, I’ll give you ten seconds to think about it.”

"No need, teacher, I need this opportunity!"

Jiang Xuan's eyes were sharp, he clenched his fists and spoke without hesitation.

"very good!"

A look of appreciation suddenly appeared on the face of the instructor of the Academic Affairs Office. After nodding with satisfaction, he spoke again: "It's still two minutes! As long as you can not suppress Xiao Yan's attack, If you persist for two minutes, you will be considered successful!”

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, Xiao Yan's strength is the second level of perfection!"

"I can give you a chance to regret it. If you take the initiative to admit defeat now, your student aid points will only be reduced by half!"

The words fell.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Brushing, brushing, brushing.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Jiang Xuan.


Jiang Xuan took a deep breath and said, "Teacher, I'm ready."

"very good!"

After the tutor from the Academic Affairs Office nodded, he turned his attention to Xiao Yan and said: "Xiao Yan, this is Jiang Xuan's opportunity, and this is also your opportunity. As a sophomore student of our Magic City University, you should be very good. Understand the rules of our Magic City University. If you win, the four million point reward you received this time to welcome the new students will not be halved because of your defeat just now. But if you lose, you will not be able to win this time. You won’t get a penny!”

"I see."

There was no longer a smile on Xiao Yan's face, and he no longer looked as smiling as before.

His face was full of solemnity.

The gaze he looked at Jiang Xuan was full of fighting intent.

"Now that you all know it, let's get started. Don't waste everyone's time!"

As the instructor from the Academic Affairs Office finished speaking, Xiao Yan jumped directly onto the ring.

"Jiang Xuan, I admit, I did underestimate you just now, but this time, I! No! Will! Keep! My hand! Again!"

The words fell.

Brushing, brushing, brushing.

Xiao Yan shook violently.

Two clones separated from his body one after another.

Including his body, there are three in total.


The clone and the main body are exactly the same.


The clones created by A-level superpowers are exactly the same as the original body, whether in terms of strength, speed, or various abilities.

It is impossible to tell the difference with the naked eye.

Unless you use the mental power detection ability such as Nianwang.

As for the mental power detection ability of Nianwang, the minimum requirement for cultivation requires at least 2000 Hz of mental power.

Under normal circumstances, the mental power of 2000 Hz can only be achieved by breaking through to the fourth level.

Of course.

Some people with extraordinary talents and superpowers who have awakened spiritual superpowers or rich people with large mines at home may also meet this requirement at the third level.

Jiang Xuan's spiritual power is only over 600 kilometres.


This did not prevent him from easily locking onto Xiao Yan's body among the three bodies.


From the beginning!

Even before Xiao Yan split into clones, his body had been locked by Jiang Xuan's Observation Haki.

This time, Jiang Xuan was no longer holding back, nor was he taking the opportunity to use Xiao Yan to increase his actual combat experience.

after all!

Xiao Yan did not suppress his own strength this time.

Jiang Xuan didn't think that with his full strength, he would really be a match for Xiao Yan, who was in the second level of Dzogchen realm.


He knows it very well.

If he wants to defeat Xiao Yan, he only has one chance.

An opportunity to catch him off guard!

Xiao Yan was the first to move.

Three bodies flashed rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Xuan was surrounded and attacked from three directions.

Five meters!

Four meters!

Three meters!

Two meters!

Seeing that Xiao Yan was already killing him, Jiang Xuan suddenly moved.

Within the body, the power of the Azure Dragon Fruit exploded.

In an instant, he transformed into a huge half-man, half-dragon monster.

at the same time!

Conqueror's Haki burst out with a loud bang, instantly enveloping Xiao Yan.

that moment!

Xiao Yan's mind instantly went blank.

It was blank for 0.5 seconds!

And it was within this 0.5 seconds that Jiang Xuan took action.

A Tempest Kick with all your strength!

A Tempest Kick mixed with Armament Haki!

With lightning speed, it landed hard on Xiao Yan's body.

[There may be two less chapters updated today and tomorrow. If there are no updates, I will make up for it on the weekend when my friend is getting married.]

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