Time Travel Simulator: Start With A Green Dragon Fruit

Chapter 50: Little Book Spirit Lolita

Return to the dormitory.

Jiang Xuan immediately opened the school's official website and found this week's class schedule.


It was beyond Jiang Xuan's expectation.

In the next week, there will be only three open classes in total.

"Free-range teaching model?"

Jiang Xuan murmured thoughtfully.

Then he thought about it and realized that it was normal for there to be so few courses.

After all, this is Magic City University, one of the three largest universities in Kyushu, and it only recruits geniuses selected from a million.

Geniuses are different from ordinary people.

For ordinary people, because of their limited talents, their ability to learn and improve is limited, so it is difficult for them to grow up without a lot of dedicated guidance from teachers.


Geniuses are different.

Geniuses are all very high in terms of talent, basic skills, and ability to learn, understand and improve themselves.

Even without the guidance of a teacher, geniuses can grow up quickly.

And there is an advantage to being a genius who grows up in this way.

Because their formation relies entirely on their own efforts, their training methods and fighting methods will have their own systems.

Although it may be that in the early stage, because of the cultivation style and system developed by oneself, it is not as perfect as the system formed by students who are completely under the guidance of teachers.


no doubt.

In the middle and late stages, the cultivation system style you have developed is definitely better than the cultivation system style imitated and learned from them.

Because the former was developed by oneself. Since it was developed by oneself, it must be a perfect fit for oneself.

The latter, after all, is imitated and learned from others. After all, what others have belongs to others, and it is definitely impossible to completely fit one's own.

"Is there a meditation class in the afternoon in three days? And it will be taught by a sixth-level superpower. It's really exciting."

Jiang Xuan silently remembered the start time of that meditation class.

He was not idle in the following time.

Because he cherishes his current living environment, he cherishes this dormitory that has a spiritual energy concentration that is five times higher than the outside world.

He didn't want to lose at the hands of others a month later because of his momentary laxity, and eventually have to leave here in despair.


Jiang Xuan didn't practice stupidly.

Shortly after the teacher from the Academic Affairs Office left, Jiang Xuan also left his dormitory.

All the way, go straight to the Treasure Pavilion located in the core area of ​​the school.


It was beyond Jiang Xuan's expectation.

The so-called Treasure Pavilion is not a building, but a stone door standing on a square.

Jiang Xuan followed the instructions of the old man sitting at the stone door and inserted his student card into the card slot on the stone door. A prompt sound suddenly sounded in his ears: "Beep ~ student card!"

Immediately afterwards.

Under Jiang Xuan's unbelievable gaze, the stone door in front of him suddenly bloomed with a burst of deep blue light.

"Boy, what are you doing so stupidly? Why don't you go in quickly?"

"Oh oh, oh, okay, okay."

Jiang Xuan quickly came to his senses and immediately pushed the door open and entered.

"It is indeed one of the top three universities in Kyushu. The school treasure pavilion is actually in a separate secret realm."

Jiang Xuan curiously looked at the scenes in the Treasure Pavilion, filled with emotions.

At this time.

Suddenly a sweet voice of a young girl asked in his ears: "I've never seen you before. Are you a new student?"


When Jiang Xuan heard this, he immediately came back to his senses and quickly looked around.


But he didn't find anyone except him.

"Hey, hey, this guy, where are you looking? He's right in front of you!"

The young girl's voice sounded again.

Jiang Xuan quickly lowered his head and saw a little loli with twin ponytails. She was holding a book that was bigger than her with great difficulty. She was looking up angrily with her head raised and her cheeks bulging. Own.

"Little sister, what's your name?"

Jiang Xuan suddenly became curious.

"You are just a little sister. Your whole family is a little sister. I am not a little sister. I am not a low-level creature like you humans. I am a noble book spirit! Moreover, I am almost three hundred this year. How old are you?"

The little loli puffed out her cheeks and said angrily.


Jiang Xuan was stunned for a moment.

"Okay, okay, I won't gossip with you anymore. Let's talk quickly. What are you doing in the Treasure Pavilion? Are you exchanging cultivation resources? Or are you exchanging various cultivation techniques? But you are just a new student. There shouldn't be much in the card. Points are the right thing, let me be healthy."

The little loli who called herself Shu Ling said and suddenly waved her hand.

Immediately afterwards.

Jiang Xuan felt an inexplicable suction force suddenly sweep across his body.

Before he even reacted, the student card in his hand had already appeared in the little loli's hand.

"Really, how many points can you have as a new student who just entered school yesterday? Why don't you keep the points and go to the cafeteria to eat spiritual food? Why come to the Treasure Pavilion to disturb people's dreams? 1, 1 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 6 zeros, one hundred million, one hundred and twenty-three million!!!!!!”

The little Loli muttered with some complaints.

As she muttered, her voice suddenly became sharper.

Immediately afterwards.

Jiang Xuan saw her eyes widen suddenly and Sakura's little mouth opened wide.

That delicate and cute little face was full of shock.

"You, you, you, you, you, you..."

She stared at Jiang Xuan dumbfounded and stuttered for a while, unable to form a complete sentence.

at last.

"Hoo ho ho ho!!"

She suddenly took seven or eight deep breaths in succession, and then looked at Jiang Xuan again with a warm face and a bright smile.

"Brother, your name is Jiang Xuan, right? Your name is so nice and artistic. You are so handsome. You are the most handsome human being I have ever seen in my life!"

The little loli's voice suddenly sounded like tea, making Jiang Xuan feel uncomfortable.

What a special reality!

You were so disgusted with me a second ago, but after seeing my total points clearly, your face changed too quickly!

But having said that, being courteous for nothing is either cheating or stealing!

Thinking of this, Jiang Xuan suddenly became wary.

"Brother Jiang Xuan, you must be here to use your points to redeem training resources, right? Can someone recommend it to you?"

The little Lolita Shuling spoke enthusiastically again.

"No, no need, I can just choose myself." Jiang Xuan shook his head and refused.

"Brother Jiang Xuan, please don't look down on me just because I look young. I have been the manager of the Treasure Pavilion for more than a hundred years. Basically, everyone at Magic City University When students come, they will ask me to help them choose, and even the instructors at Magic City University sometimes ask me to help them choose the training resources that are suitable for them!"

"Oh really?"

"Of course it's true! I'm very capable!"

The book spirit little Loli emphasized the word "competent".

【Nine updates! Ah, I can't write anymore. My condition is getting worse and worse. I'm going to take a bath. The last update may be a little late! 】

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