Time Travel Simulator: Start With A Green Dragon Fruit

Chapter 82: The Terror Of The Devil [4K Big Chapter! 】

"Professor Lu, why are you so sure?"

After Li Xiu glanced deeply at Li Yangjin, his eyes locked on the old researcher and asked in a deep voice.

"General Li Xiu, you may not have understood that the energy in the crystal core is actually a very mild energy. It is precisely because it is mild energy that it can be used so smoothly by us humans, so it can be used with all kinds of energy. Spiritual herbs and elixirs are mixed together to create various spiritual liquids that restore physical strength and spiritual power!"

"Of course, the energy in the crystal core cannot be detonated. Our scientific research department once thought of using the crystal core to make crystal core bombs to supply to various military departments.

Let the |army| units feel less stressed when facing the beast tide!"

As the researcher surnamed Lu said, he suddenly let out a deep sigh.

"Did your scientific research department fail in the end?" Li Xiu asked with a frown.

"It can be considered a failure." Researcher surnamed Lu said.

"Really?" Li Xiu asked again.

"We spent nearly a year and hundreds of billions of resources, and finally succeeded in producing a crystal core bomb, but!"

The researcher surnamed Lu said and sighed again: "The cost is too high, and the power of the explosion is seriously inconsistent with expectations."

"How do you say that?" Li Xiu frowned.

"Let's put it this way, if you want to make a fifth-level crystal core into a crystal core bomb, you must have a sixth-level superpower to make it personally. The success rate is about 30%. In other words, on average, every time a crystal core bomb is successfully made, A fifth-level crystal core bomb will waste two fifth-level crystal cores in vain, and because the entire manufacturing process requires a high degree of mental concentration, after the manufacturing is completed, the sixth-level superpower user must rest for about two days. time to recover!"

"Not only that, although it is a crystal core bomb made from a fifth-order crystal core, the power of the explosion is only half of the energy level of the crystal core before creation! In other words, before creation, if the crystal core If the energy level is 4 million, then after being made into a crystal core bomb, it can only explode with a power of 2 million energy level at most!"

"Considering the three reasons: the cost is too high, the manufacturing conditions are too harsh, and the power of the finished product is too low, our scientific research department finally had no choice but to suspend the research on the crystal nuclear bomb!"

"However, we finally recovered the hundreds of billions of resources lost in this research, because Haishan Group spent a lot of money to purchase a 100-year patent for the results of this research from our scientific research department!"

"The so-called life-saving jade charms currently circulating on the market, which are worth billions or even billions, are the result of Haishan Group using our research results to hire seventh-, eighth- or even ninth-level superpowers at a huge price. It is made using sixth-order, seventh-order and eighth-order crystal nuclei. I think you must have heard of General Li Xiu.

Researcher surnamed Lu suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Xiu.

"Not only have I heard about it, I also spent a lot of money to buy an eighth-level life-saving jade talisman from the Haishan Group for my grandson who always loves to make trouble!"

When he said the words "I bought the eighth-level life-saving jade talisman", Li Xiu's face was full of pain.

To know!

He is a ninth-level emperor.

To be able to make a ninth-level emperor show such an expression, just think about it and you will know how 'not a small price' he talks about.

"General Li Xiu, since you have bought a life-preserving jade charm, you must also know how outrageous what you just said is!"

"I still say the same thing. It is absolutely impossible for a fourth-level low-level superpower to detonate a fifth-level crystal core, let alone make the power of the crystal core stronger than its own when detonating. The energy level is 50% higher! Absolutely impossible!”

As the researcher surnamed Lu said, he pointed to the big cabinet on the side and said: "If someone can really do it, I can eat the entire row of cabinets in front of that person!"

The words fell.

The room suddenly became quiet.

Li Xiu suddenly turned his head, cast his eyes on Li Yangjin, and said in a deep voice: "Li Yangjin, I can give you one last chance to change your story. Even after listening to the explanations of the three researchers, you still have to insist on what you just said. Something?"

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Hearing this, the three researchers all turned their attention to Li Yangjin.

Facing the bright gazes of the four people, Li Yangjin nodded without hesitation and said forcefully: "Report to the commander of the army, I am willing to take responsibility for what I said! Because I witnessed with my own eyes that Jiang Xuan was blessed with upgraded super powers. , a kid who has just barely entered the fourth-level low-level, used some means to create a fifth-level crystal nucleus and detonated it, and made it explode with an explosion power exceeding 50% of its original energy level! "

As soon as Li Yangjin finished speaking, the researcher surnamed Lu shouted with great determination: "Impossible! Absolutely (cdeg) impossible! Li Yangjin, you are definitely deceived! Absolutely impossible! I am still like that In other words, if someone could really do it, I would eat this house right now!"

While the researcher surnamed Lu was shouting excitedly, Li Yangjin silently took out a ball from his body and said: "Report to the commander of the army, not only did I witness the whole process with my own eyes, I also recorded the whole process with a video orb. Coming down!"

Hear the words!

The room suddenly became quiet.


The next second.

The researcher surnamed Lu excitedly grabbed the video orb and poured spiritual power into it.


The scene of Jiang Xuan detonating three level five crystal core bombs in succession was projected onto the video orb.

After reading.

Inside the house, it became quiet again.

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

Three seconds later.

Swish, brush, brush!

The eyes of everyone present gathered on the face of researcher surnamed Lu.


At this moment!

The researcher surnamed Lu seemed to have completely forgotten the cruel words he had just dropped about cheating on food and drink.

His body was even trembling because of this matter.

"This, this, this, this... this... this... is incredible! Incredible! Incredible!"

While shouting, he suddenly grabbed Li Yangjin's arm with a red face and said: "Who is the kid in the picture? Is he a student of our Kyushu University of Science and Technology? Where is he now? Take me there quickly. See him! Quick! Quick! Quick!"

It's not just him!

At this moment!

The bright eyes of Li Xiu and the other two researchers were also focused on Li Yangjin.

"Mr. Lu, Jiang Xuan is not a student of Jiuzhou University of Science and Technology, he is a student of Demon University, and he is also a direct disciple of Emperor Feng, the feudal principal of Demon University!"

As soon as Li Yangjin said these words, the expressions of Li Xiu and others suddenly changed.

"That boy named Jiang Xuan is a student of Devil's University, and he is also the direct disciple of that old ghost Feng?" Ji Xiu asked with eyes wide open.

"Yes!" Li Yangjin nodded.

"When did Old Ghost Feng secretly accept another disciple? Why haven't I heard him talk about it? That Old Ghost has a very tricky eye. Since he can be valued by him, and since he can be accepted as his personal disciple, it means that The boy named Jiang Xuan himself is definitely not simple! His super power is definitely not simple!"

"The reason why he can detonate crystal nuclei that are higher than his own level may have something to do with his special superpower!"

"If nothing else happens, he should be in our Garrison No. 1 now, right?"

Li Xiu said, and suddenly asked thoughtfully.

"Yes!" Li Yangjin nodded.

"Go and help me bring that kid over!"

After Li Xiu finished speaking, he suddenly regretted and said, "Forget it, take me over and have a look in person!"



Under the leadership of Li Yangjin, the group left the military camp in a hurry.

And this time!

Garrison City No. 1, south of the city, non-military control area, at the entrance of the Resource Points Exchange Center.

Jiang Xuan, who had redeemed a large amount of resources, strode out of the exchange center side by side with Zhao Linwan.

"Junior brother, originally the teacher asked me to come here to take you and take care of you, but looking at you, it is obvious that you do not need my care, senior sister. It just so happens that your senior sister and I have been attacking the sixth level recently, and there is not much. Time to take care of you...

Zhao Linwan said and gave Jiang Xuan a complicated look.

"Senior sister, just go and do your thing. I can do it myself." Jiang Xuan nodded.

"With your words, senior sister, I will feel relieved. If that's the case, then I'll leave!"

After Zhao Linwan finished speaking, she was about to lift her legs and leave.


She seemed to have thought of something, turned around and said, "That's right, junior brother."

"What's wrong, senior sister? Is there anything else?" Jiang Xuan was confused.

"As the saying goes, a man is not guilty, but a treasure is his fault. People are afraid of fame and pigs are afraid of being strong. Regarding the matter of crystal nuclear bombs, if you can keep a low profile, just be as low-key as possible. Don't do it for those meaningless reputations. , just reveal your identity as the inventor of the crystal core bomb!"

"You have just left the high school campus, you have just entered the University of Magic, and you have been exposed to and experienced relatively few things. You may not know that the most dangerous creatures in the world are not actually ferocious beasts, but us humans!"

"If crystal core bombs can really be produced on a large scale, you, the inventor, will definitely be remembered by countless power organizations!"

"The ninth-level imperial beasts in the cracked world will hate you because you ruined their plan to boil frogs in the warm water of the beast tide! Third, the cultists of the big cult will put you on their first choice list for hunting! A certain Some secret forces will try to capture you and force you to develop all kinds of things they want for them, etc.!"

"So, until you have absolute confidence and strength, you must keep it a secret!"

"Since the seven people who witnessed you making the crystal core bomb were able to pass through the screening and enter the cracked world here, it means that there is basically no problem with their identity and background, but just in case. , I will contact the teacher later and ask the teacher to communicate with the organizational forces behind them, don’t worry about that!”

Facing Zhao Linwan's serious face and listening to her sincere explanation, Jiang Xuan felt warm in his heart.


Jiang Xuan nodded heavily and said, "I understand, senior sister!"

"As long as you can listen.

Zhao Linwan nodded and continued: "However, the matter is actually not as serious as I said. After all, you are Master's disciple and a student of Magic University. Even if your identity as the inventor of the crystal core bomb is exposed, as long as If you stay within the confines of the Demon City, basically there won't be any big problems!"

"You have to remember one thing, the Demon City exists because of us, the Demon City!"

"Why is it that the military and the Fang are clearly dominant in Guangming City, but the outside world says that the rift in space and time where Guangming City is located is guarded by our magic power?"

"that is because----"

"Among the five ninth-level emperors stationed in the Guangming City Military Region all year round, two are mentors of our Demon University, and two are students who have graduated from our Demon University!"


I have said everything that needs to be said, and it is not appropriate to say more. Junior brother, you are a person of your own opinion, you can make your own choice!"

After saying that, Zhao Linwan waved to Jiang Xuan and strode away.

Jiang Xuan, on the other hand, still stood there quietly.

What Zhao Linwan just said kept echoing in his mind.

My heart is full of shock.

In fact, as early as half a month ago, after entering the rift in different time and space and arriving at Guangming City, Jiang Xuan was confused.

Wasn't it agreed that this rift in different time and space would be guarded by the Demon King?

How come after entering, the students of Magic University are not qualified to live in the central and central Guangming City, and can only live in the three garrison cities on the side.

It seems that this space-time rift is completely dominated by the military and Fang.

This confusion has always been hidden deep in Jiang Xuan's mind.

It wasn't until that moment that Jiang Xuan was untied.

Among the five ninth-level emperors stationed in the Guangming City Army Area, four are from the Demon University.

Ninth-level emperor, this is the ninth-level emperor!

What is the concept of ninth-level emperor?

The decisive factor that determines the final direction of the battle.

Once the ninth-level emperor loses, no amount of superpower troops will be effective.


Below the ninth level, all are ants!

A ninth-level emperor can easily annihilate tens of thousands of superpower armies with a single thought.

After calming down for a while, Jiang Xuan finally regained his composure.

Shaked his head.

Put all distracting thoughts behind for the time being.

"Huh, don't think about it so much, cultivation is more important!"

With this in mind, Jiang Xuan returned to the small house he rented in Garrison No. 1.

Just returned to the house not long ago.

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a knock on the door suddenly.

After opening the door, Jiang Xuan was immediately greeted by five scorching eyes.

"Captain Li."

Just as Jiang Xuang was about to say hello to Li Yangjin, he saw an old man among them, about seventy or eighty years old, wearing a white coat, suddenly hurried up.

He stuffed a large pile of fifth-level crystal nuclei and fifth-level spiritual liquid into Jiang Xuan's arms, and said: "Jiang Xuan, right? You, you, you, you, you, you, you... …Can you please demonstrate to us your method of detonating the fifth-order crystal nucleus right now?”

After finishing speaking incoherently, the old man's face was bright and he stared at Jiang Xuan expectantly.

Jiang Xuan quickly glanced at the crystal core and spiritual liquid in his arms.

Good guy!

There are a total of six fifth-order crystal nuclei and six bottles of fifth-order spiritual liquid. Among the six fifth-order crystal nuclei, four are fifth-order high-grade and two are fifth-order mid-grade.


He turned his eyes to the five people in front of him again and said: "I'm sorry, old gentleman, I can't do it.

"Can't do it!? How can it be impossible!? You can obviously do it in the video orb!" The old man suddenly became anxious.

"The energy levels of these crystal nuclei are too high. With my current strength, I can only detonate the fifth-level low-grade crystal nuclei..."

Jiang Xuan hasn't finished speaking yet.

Swish, brush, brush!

He saw the old man stuffing a bunch of fifth-level low-grade crystal nuclei into Jiang Xuan's arms, and then stared at Jiang Xuan eagerly.

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