Out of nowhere, the old man who was cross-kneeled at the top of the peak raised his eyebrows slightly. There were some movements on the seemingly unchanged appearance.

That's majesty.

"Feeling, no."

There is no self-talk with an open mouth to speak. But that's how the voice came out.

It's a magical thing. It is not right to use magic, it should be said that it is weird. It seems that something is starting to move.

What is it? What is it? What exactly is it?

With this thought, such understanding, I slowly closed my eyes. Silent until the body is illusory and disappears.

I don't know where to go, this seems to be the source of all darkness.

There is a big fog here. Pure black. Even more penetrating than pure black. There seems to be something inside? In swaying. In the swing.

Madness, killing, bloodthirst, and indifference seem to exhaust all the darkness of the world. Whether it's real or false.

Malicious and evil thoughts can be applied to a person, but they are not the same. It seems to be the evil thought itself. But there is no sense of danger. Calm and waveless, it seems that it will exist so permanently.

Suddenly, a line of blood appeared from this nameless darkness. It's shaking. Obviously there is no breath. But it made the inky mist that was constantly churning in front of it tremble madly.

Yes, the fog is trembling. The trembling should not have been observed. But on the other hand, I can feel the trembling movement in this.

Something got in the way, though, not strongly. But it doesn't allow such a small thing to appear.

There was no sound.

Clouds of fog below. But there is already action.

A few dark lines of fog rushed out.

The sun outside was shining on them. They disappeared silently.

Tranquility returns to once again.

After a long time, a voice came out.

"It's not time yet. Then forget it. No rush, no rush. "

It's an uncountable land. Endless vastness.

This cannot measure the ocean of the margin. Unspeakably broad.

Endless stars in the sky. Hard to count.

I don't know the infinite creatures in this heaven and earth. How many more? Be aware of change.

After Feng Ling took Lan Shu and his group with him. What should have been going in order has changed. After the evolution, there was no more change.

Present in the body of the trigram. The power of the Prisoner Dragon is changing. Why change? Why has it changed?

Who knows?

Something has changed. No living being can feel it. No one felt it. No one can feel it.

Because, you can't feel it.

Lan Shu was slowly comprehending the state they were talking about.

The development of the field cannot avoid the power of the prisoner dragon. This is very important for them who are still in the exploration period.

Moving forward, even extending branches to the side, these are all like this.

To be honest, Lan Shi already felt amazing when he heard these basic theories.

But the master performed an even more magical play for her, and she has nothing now.

There is no Dragon Ball energy, no power to summon dragons that you are proud of. There is no power to perceive these subtle changes in one's own physical body due to heartbeat or breathing.

Now in her world, there is only the almost misty blue fog. Obviously very close. But far away. Can perceive a little, but can't touch.

She listened to the first thought that stretched out from her heart. Master said that this kind of thing in the realm of cultivation requires instinct, listening to the heart.

Get close to it, try to perceive it, find it little by little like a smashed stone, and then piece it together little by little.

Then inscribed, the connection allows it to rotate, operate and accept its own control around itself. This process is repeated over and over again.

Its trajectory, how it works, and the structure it consists of are all up to you. Others can be adjusted slowly later.

But if even the first most likely successful contact can't be made, it will only get more and more difficult.

She doesn't have many opportunities, and she doesn't have much time.

Without a doubt, this time is very important. For her lack of time, it is even more indescribably important.

Tranquility cannot fluctuate now. Because even the flying thoughts are blocked.

This was the first time she felt the horror of the master's dragon. But fortunately, the other party is her master, not her enemy.

I heard Master say that this first time is actually very important, in any sense, important in various aspects.

However, it is not difficult. It is difficult to repeat this process over and over again, and then reach a limit, and break this limit.

Because it takes a huge amount of time to accumulate. Talent can increase speed, but it does not exempt from this process. Therefore, in order to achieve the level of strength she needs, she can only work hard in addition to hard work, and there is still hard work.

The fog of confusion made it impossible for her to see what was inside. She clearly felt that the fog was very important, very important, as long as she could touch it, she could achieve the realm that Master said.

But whenever it touches, it is like touching a cloud before the awakened self at that time. There is no real feeling.

And she can feel it very clearly. His movements are becoming more and more slow, and exhaustion and sleepiness are surging up his body irrepressibly.

This is its own consciousness, which is unable to accept such strong oppression.

A little, she just needs to see a little bit and try to hold it.

This time there was no action. She was there watching, doing her best, pouring her gaze, pouring her spirit into seeing even a little, just a little.

There it became clear. No longer a foggy fog. It's no longer that chaotic look.

She saw one small ball of light after another. It was different from the ball of light he had when he was cultivating.

The ball of light during cultivation seems to have spiritual nature, and it will generally move and flash.

But the other side won't. It seems to be somewhat exclusive. Whether it is the same ball of light or the palm of your hand, as soon as it gets close, it will be 'bounced' away.

But not absolutely. It seems to be attracted to something.

Can't see, a little thinner, a little thinner.

The exhaustion of the body was constantly pressing her. She had never felt this level of exhaustion since she awakened.

She felt that after this time, she would be able to sleep forever, forever.

So tired, really tired. But the idea just came up a little bit, and then disappeared from her thoughts in an instant.

Leave the mind behind, move on, wash a little more, look a little more. became her motivation.

Darkness emerges from behind. That is a sign that meaning is about to disappear completely.

A sign of disappearing into this space.

But she didn't pay attention, she wanted to see a little more, wanted to see a little more.

She held out her hand.

In the camp of the mercenary regiment. Four guys who could afford to swing a hand were closing their eyes there, constantly spilling out their own small field.

In the middle of four people. A young man pressed his palm on the back of a young girl. The two of them sat cross-kneeled.

Six days later, the girl fainted. Several people also slowly opened their eyes. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Feng Ling quietly looked at the girl's fingertips. There is a drop of water there.

It was just a tiny patch of ice.

There is no Dragon Ball energy to pull it. It's like rubbing electricity out of your hands.

"Sure enough, you're better than I thought."

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