Time Traveler

Vol 2 Chapter 22: Cyborg

"Originally, synthetic insulin was awarded the Nobel Prize, but due to historical reasons that you all understand, I missed it. It was not until the year before that our country won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. It is worth mentioning that artemisinin is Wagyu insulin. The scientific research projects in the same period are also military projects that are secretly developed by the power of the whole country." Professor Xing said.

   Liu Yanzhi and Zhen Yue cooperated and made expressions of awe.

   "But does this have anything to do with the vixen?" Liu Yan asked directly.

"This is just a background introduction, telling you that scientific research in a special historical period and under the conditions of the Cold War is unimaginable in peacetime. If there were no World War II, would there be an atomic bomb? The answer is obvious, well, too far, let’s get to the point. A few years ago, there was a rumor that animals were not allowed to become refined after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Do you all know that?” Professor Xing ate the crayfish and talked about Xing Zhengnong and digressed at will. “Do you know how this crayfish was introduced into China? "

"Professor, let's talk about things that are not allowed." Zhen Yue is impatient. Girls have a gossip heart. Hu Banxian can become a fox. She is like a dog in her throat. Served.

"This should start from the 1960s. During the Cold War, all countries were preparing for war, and our country was even more so. Chairman Mao said, fight early, fight big, fight nuclear war, and one of the plans formulated by the General Staff In war with the United States and the Soviet Union, our country does not lack people. If there are enough soldiers, the militia alone can organize hundreds of millions of people. Whoever dares to invade China will surely fall into the sea of ​​people’s war. But then again, no matter how many people there are, they cannot stand the atomic bomb. Ah, so our country has secretly launched a project, guess what it is." Professor Xing said that, he began to sell it.

   "Create human beings." Liu Yan rushed to answer, "Using artificial protein to directly cultivate humans, it is best to incorporate the genes of some other animals, such as beasts."

"You are very imaginative." Professor Xing said, "but you guessed it incorrectly. Our main subject was artificial humans. At that time, several scientific research groups were doing research in this area. Are there competitions between several design bureaus? I was young at the time and I was also involved in some peripheral work. Then the war broke out. The limited resources were used to produce technologically mature weapons, and the project was shelved indefinitely."

   "But what does this have to do with the vixen?" Zhen Yue couldn't help but interject.

"I'm talking about it. The project was shelved indefinitely, but there is still a technical team that continues to research with the support of a certain old military chief. Later, it was forced to terminate after an accident. I don't know what happened, but I guess It has something to do with the half-human, half-fox animal you see."

  Professor Xing knows so much. The next thing is that he talks about some strange things in this area, half-truths and half-truths, right to listen to the story.

   After dinner, the patriotic party driver sent the drunk Professor Xing home, and walked with Liu Yanzhi and Zhen Yue on the streets of Beijing late at night.

"Professor Xing is actually not a professor. After so many years in the field of biochemistry, he is still a deputy senior title. He is not a doctor, and he did not bring a research group. Such decadence is related to his experience in his youth." Dang Aiguo said as he walked. The huge neon lights shining in the smog, giving people a dreamlike feeling.

   Liu Yan said straightforwardly: "He still has a lot of things left to say, I can see it, and the time is not right. I met Hu Banxian in 1900, how could he be a freak developed in the 1970s."

   Zhen Yue said: "You forgot that a technique is called traversal, maybe Hu Banxian traversed back."

   Liu Yan knocked his head straight: "Stupid, stupid, forget this. By the way, Professor Party, Zhen Yue decided to join us."

   Party patriotism reached out to Zhen Yue: "You are welcome to join."

   Zhen Yue shook hands with him and said, "Can I be a member of the traverser and go to ancient times to perform tasks."

  Dang Paiguo said: "The members of the traversing group need strong comprehensive qualities. What are your strengths?"

   "I can put out fires." Zhen Yue said proudly, "I can also fight and shoot. In the Armed Police Academy, my performance is among the best, and I can be a man."

  Dang Paiguo said: "By the way, the crux is here. We don't treat women as men. After all, we have a lot of good soldiers."

Zhen Yue was a little unhappy: "Then what does it mean for me to join? Did you let me join because my dad was a commander? You want to get close to my dad to obtain certain resources. You businessmen are not profitable. early."

   Party Patriotic smiled: "In fact, the patron is already one of us."

   Zhen Yue was speechless.


At Beijing Capital Airport, the tarmac was brightly lit. A Gulfstream jet flying from near the river slowly slid into the hangar. This is a private chartered plane leased by Future Technology. Although the airline is equipped with pilots, it comes out of the cockpit. It is Ji Yuqian wearing a navy blue flight uniform. He has the qualifications of a civil aircraft pilot and can even fly a giant aircraft like the Airbus A380.

Also coming by the same plane was Ji Yuqian’s alcoholic friend and old classmate Zou Yijun. He was picked up by President Ji from the bed in the middle of the night. His stomach was full of upset, but when he heard about the secret of the "fox spirit", he immediately became energetic and cried. If you want to come, don't let you come and get angry, he said that you must first let him verify the authenticity of the female vixen.

A Maybach took the two to a courtyard in the second ring road. There are fewer and fewer authentic courtyards. This courtyard was purchased by Zou Yijun ten years ago. It was at a sky-high price at the time, and now money can’t afford it. Up.

A friend from the Chaoyang branch came over the night. This master had his bald head shaved, and the meat on the back of his neck was dangling. The gold chain on his neck weighed hundreds of grams. He carried a handbag, and he looked like a social person. In the bag were pistols and handcuffs.

Zou Yijun introduced them to each other, and the criminal police friend said: "The person you are looking for is quite divine. No one can tell his origin. Some people say that he is from the northeast, some say that he is from Henan, and some say that he is. He is an authentic and authentic southerner. Some elderly people in their 70s or 80s have seen him as a child."

   Ji Yugan nodded: "This person is really interesting. Is there any more information for my reference?"

The detective said: "Yah has a good fortune-telling. Many rich people look for him for fortune-telling, but he is not good at it. People who are worse than him have become Rinpoche. They live in the villa all day and Cayenne is driving. , Countless little ladies are supporting them, begging to be consecrated, but ah, it's a mess. Recently, I have offended a group of northeast buddies because of something. They are looking for him all over the world and want to remove his leg."

   Ji Yu thoughtfully.

   Zou Yijun said: "Brother Zhang, can you help us find this surname Hu, bring people there, and I will give you a car."

   The detective rubbed his big bald head, and seemed to be a little embarrassed: "I said, why are you looking for him? Just a stick."

   Zou Yijun said: "How about the Audi A6."

  The detective said: "No, I can't bear it. Besides, I can't shake the number sign. I'll help with this, but I can't guarantee it. I will try my best. I will leave if there is nothing else."

   "Thank you Brother Zhang, let's have a supper all night together." Zou Yijun said.

"You're welcome, I'll send it directly when I find someone." The detective picked up the handbag and left. Ji Yugan, who had not spoken, suddenly said: "First help me find the group of Northeastern people, how much money Hu Banxian owes them, I will pay back, and then make an appointment with Hu Banxian ."

   "Okay, I see." The detective hurried away.

"People like them say that the police and bandits are exaggerated, but they all know the three religions and the nine liu. Except you want to hang your father's photo on the Tiananmen City building, you can't do anything. There is nothing wrong with them. Finding someone is easy and you just send it to you. If you come here, do you still have to go out in person? You don't trust others." Zou Yijun criticized with folded legs.

   Ji Yu sneered: "If you are looking for someone, I can rest assured that they will do it, but I am not looking for people. An incomplete fox is cunning enough, let alone a refined one."


In the afternoon, the detective contacted the leader of the group of northeastern people. He was originally a Rinpoche. He was cut off because of a business that had been disturbed by Hu Banxian. Ji Yugan wrote him a cash check for 200,000 yuan on the spot, telling him not to stop. Trouble with Hu Banxian.

  Rinpoche was born with big ears and a majestic treasure, but he has no bodhisattva heart. Seeing Ji Yu's dryness and purity, he thought it was a bully, so he tore up the check.

"200,000 want to send me, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, if it's not for Zhang Ge's face, Lao Tzu will ignore you, you know how much the surname Hu ruined my business, one whole." Rinpo erected. A finger, without knowing whether it meant one million or ten million, pointed it to Ji Yugan's nose.

   "Hey, don't refer to people." Zou Yijun couldn't stand it anymore, and started shooting the case.

   "It's okay, I'll open another one." Ji Yu had a good temper, and wrote another two million check and handed it over.

   Rinpoche looked at the numbers and changed his face and said, "Chang Liangren! We will be friends in the future. If you have anything to do in Chaoyang District, please mention me so that you can help."

"Thank you, I have a chance to drink two glasses together." Ji Yu gave Rinpoche away with a dry smile, and Zou Yijun blamed him: "Two million, you can't spend it like this if you have money. If you kill this kind of person, you can just pinch it to death. Is an ant almost the same?"

   Ji Yugan said: "Don't spend money to kill people. Two million is unstoppable for killing people at the feet of the emperor. Besides, I didn't give this money to him, I spent it for Hu Banxian."

   This action really worked. There was news in the evening that the missing Hu Banxian reappeared. According to the location of his mobile phone, he appeared in his rental house in Tongzhou. The detective Zhang Ge promptly called Zou Yijun, and the latter took Ji Yugan to Tongzhou.

   Tongzhou Sixth Badge, Hugezhuang Town, where Hu Banxian rented the house, the remote community, the rough house, you can smell the smell of animals far away.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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