Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1034: I didn't expect me to be worse than a dog

"Jeros and the other king are fighting."

When Muria flew out of the carriage to face the different kings, the members of the Douglas family who stayed in the carriage also got out of the car. They knew that they could not get involved in this level of fighting, but they were the pride of the children of the big family. They were allowed to flee while Muria was holding the alien king, so they could only stand aside.

"It's a different king, brother, he should be fine." The face of a girl with long hair in black color is full of worries. In her consciousness, this existence of the different king represents the peak of the individual military force in the world.

虽然 Although her elder brother is a natural wizard, her practice is progressing thousands of miles, to the point where they all have to look up to, but now she can't compare with the existence of another king. Her elder brother still needs time to grow.

At this time, Muria and the other king collided for the first time, and the impact rings of white and purple halo diffused one after another, and the entire sky became an unpredictable and moody ocean.

"It is indeed Jelos, even the other king has no way to get him." Seeing Muria's first strike was equal to the other king, a young man sighed sincerely.

Among them, many girls saw such a magnificent blow, and they could not help staring up in their eyes, and the face of their worries appeared in worship.

"The other king ca n’t help teacher, will he retreat?" The young girl Betty looked at the battle above the sky, because she found that the other king was stopping to communicate with Gerlos at this time, and seemed to be saying something, but they were away. Too far, I can't hear it at all.

"Started again!"

After not knowing what the two said, the members of the Douglas family who watched the battle saw the other king shoot down once again, and Muria faced this palm, slammed a punch, and this punch was obtained The results are unimaginable for these people.

看着 They watched the fist that glowed brilliantly in this dark world, and instantly penetrated the palm of the purple cloud photographed by the other king and hit the other king.

"Yeah, hit," Seeing that Ria was so successful, he has decided to scream with excitement in this life with Victor, who decides Muria, as if he had just hit the other king.

"If I read correctly, it seems that Jelos hit the training of the other king." Rober, who has put on the star armor to watch the battle, said with some uncertainty.

Because he thinks that for the existence of the other king who can only look up, it is too much and too dangerous to directly slap his face, but attacking this position can give them an unusually pleasant feeling.

没 "Yes, that's right, Jelos just hit another king's face."

"The next king will be completely angry now." The girl looked at the chitinous carapace contaminated with blood falling from the sky, and her face was worried.

Everyone knows that the first and second blows from the other king just came out. It was probably the attack that the other king sent out without any effort. Now Muria has directly injured his face, no doubt. Will offend this strange king.

Sure enough, the girl's voice fell, and the purple and black clouds in the sky set off a huge wave, as if the world was angry, and then they saw the dense clouds in the sky. The spear condense, and then shot at Muria, one after another, without stopping.




Alas ... Seeing the fierce attack from the other king, and Muria's figure was completely drowned by the thousands of purple light spears, and the crowd watching the scene immediately exclaimed.

But in the next moment, extremely sharp white swordsman burst out in the sphere formed by the purple light spear, tearing off the darkness covering the sky, reappearing between this sky and the earth, shining and blooming. , Releasing his own unique glory.

"Don't worry too much. Jelos has absolutely more power now. He still has the ability to do it. Don't you find out? He hasn't used our strength to fight now. He hasn't reached the limit. He can still talk to him. The other kings compete. "

Among the members of the Douglas Family Watching War, a young man who graduated from college and fulfilled his obligations on schedule said calmly that in his abdomen, a pure white gas wheel was slowly turning.

Here are the five generals who saw Muria's beheaded, and after consulting with his parents, he took the initiative to find Muria, and then asked him to give him the seeds of martial power and practice martial arts.

He has learned from his parents that Muria is the only candidate for the next Douglas owner, and no one can compete with him.

With this news, and because of this coincidence, he has a comrade-in-arms relationship with the next homeowner. Naturally, he has to use this relationship to go further and stand directly on the team.

And he can gain direct benefits, because after Muria returned to the Federation as the homeowner, no matter how you think about it, the frequency of fighting will be greatly reduced, and since there is no need to fight, then there is no need to worry about extracting power.

He did not expect, however, that they were on their way to the Commonwealth. Will be attacked by a different king.

"Yes, the boss can still stand it, he can fight with the other king, it is really good, it is indeed that I decided to go with the boss of a lifetime."

"Don't be poor. Although Jelos can now be entangled with the other king, he must not have beaten the other king. Give him ten years. He may be able to fight with the other king, even kill him, but it is too early now. . "

"The other king is really shameless, and the old thing who has lived for hundreds of years bullies a person who is not even his age."

"It's because Gerlos has achieved what he has achieved at such a young age, that makes the other king feel daunted, otherwise, the existence of the other king would not be easily moved."

怎么 "What to do? We can't help Muria again now, can we just watch him fight with the other king?"

不用 "Don't worry, this kind of movement will definitely shock the empire. This is still the empire's territory. The empire will not let it go. It won't be long before the empire will have a Sagittarius division to support it."

"Singapore Star Master, do we have the opportunity to meet such a big man today? Really looking forward to it!"

"What are you looking forward to? As long as you give my boss enough time, sooner or later he can become the legendary Emperor Wu and hang the so-called Star Warrior of the Gods."

I heard the expression of admiration on the faces of these so-called Star Warriors on Victor, and Victor's face suddenly appeared dissatisfied. He had licked the dog faithfully from Muria.


At this moment, in this dark field, a thick howling wolf sounded, and everyone looked at the sound, and suddenly saw a huge black dog with blood flames on his body that tore the top of the train. The steel carriage climbed out of it, two front claws pulled on the top of the carriage, and growled his head.

Then everyone watched as the huge black dog set foot in the void and marched towards Muria's battle with the alien king.

"This dog actually runs in the sky." Victor watched Shi Fanlin, who was running fast in the sky, and left a clear flame trail, and suddenly opened his mouth, showing the wrong color.

"It is the black dog that my brother-in-law's most loyal." The girl saw this black dog named Shi Fanlin joined the battle group to support Muria, and her face suddenly showed a huge surprise.

如果 "If I remember correctly, only the lord's native species can ignore the race and fly above the sky. Does this dog have become the lord?"

"If we are not blind, we should be right."

"Wait a minute, since even this dog has become the lord, what about the other native breeds of Gerlos? I remember that their strengths are not much different. This dog is the weakest among them. With such strength, wouldn't other native species be worse? "

As soon as the words fell, everyone saw the train carriages carrying Muria's pets, shredded piece by piece, thick in size, and scaled pythons, dragging huge snakes winding in the air. Line; burly and strong like a giant bear like a hill, treading the sky, as if stepping on the heavy earth, running in the sky ...

Muria's captive one-by-one native species joined the battlefield, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com followed him to besiege the different kings, and such a raise immediately surprised these people.

"I didn't expect that one day I wouldn't even be as good as a dog." Victor looked at Shi Fanlin, who had just been joined in the war group, and was not beaten from the sky.

"Master Jenos really has a good dog, and it has been beaten like this, and he has to fight more!"

Looking at the battle group, a young man couldn't help expressing his emotions at birth, because he saw that the blood on his body had just been dropped to the ground, and the blood was like a huge black-skinned dog that sprayed out like no money, and rushed into the sky again. , As if not to die.

"Although Shi Fanlin is a bit ugly and the weakest, he is really loyal. He was the first one to rush out. After returning to the family, I will also have a black scale dog."

Uh ...

At the same time when Muria was besieging different kings with his native species projected by his family consciousness, the empire was as luxurious as the palace buildings of the palace.

In a large lake-like swimming pool, a young man hugging left and right, looking at the information in front of him, snorted and stood up,

"The alien king entered the empire, so daring, did you not think of us old guys? Well, since you dare to come in, then you are prepared to stay here."

After speaking, the young man put on a rather poor black armor, and then he reached out and pressed it. The space suddenly collapsed. Then, he stepped into the cracks in the space and advanced to the coordinates given by the Empire. .

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