Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1057: The demon of all things

Can you listen to the class wholeheartedly? Yun Nu looked at Muria helplessly, at this time Muria was surrounded by a layer of dark red gas like mist.

The appearance of these black gas represents that Muria is practicing at this time. This is a vision that will definitely appear on the body when the Gay family practices.

"You're speaking, I'm listening." Looking at the teacher who was tired and crooked in front of him, and then quit, Mr. Muria responded that this father was specially invited by his father to be his teacher. , Her level is still worthy of recognition.

After all, she abdicated because she felt that it was too boring to be a king, not that she was not qualified for the post. Muria found that Yun Nu has a talent for insight, and she could easily pass a person's subtle face Emotions, and some subconscious movements, to infer whether a person's mind is lying.

And when a king has this talent for insight, the effect is terrifying. But because of this, Wang Zi has great powers, and at the same time assumes the position of corresponding responsibilities, making Yunnv feel abnormally boring.

So because of boringness, when the Yunnv received a request from Fernand, who he had accidentally met when he was young, he agreed without hesitation.

It was originally Yun Yun's prediction that this was a trivial matter of passing time, but when she really started, she found that things were not completely different from what she imagined.

The student Fernand entrusted her to teach can be said to be very obedient, and no matter what they learn, it is very fast, it can be said that it can be taught once, and there is no need for a second time.

Such students, no matter which teacher they are, are very fond of. But Yun Yun couldn't like it, because this guy never listened to her lectures.

Just in the first class, the little guy listened carefully to one lesson, and then in the second lesson, Yun Nu discovered that this little guy named Arnold was practicing while he was listening.

At first, she held the little guy and reprimanded her severely, but she faced her reprimand. She refused to be outdone. She talked back to her and said that she didn't need to concentrate on what she said in class. You only need to distract a small part of your attention.

At that time, when she heard Muria's words, Yun Nu was irritated, but Yun Nu was a “gentle” woman who would not easily be violent to others.

So after hearing Muria's words, she didn't do it, but asked him about the content of the course she told, and Muria answered all her questions.

This made Yun Yun, who was preparing to punish Murialo, completely out of recruits. After all, she really learned all of what she said and achieved her teaching goals.

Since then, Yun Nu has always increased the difficulty of the course, but Muria is like a bottomless pit. While she is practicing in class, she accepts the content she taught.

Such a talent makes Yun Nuan depressed when she is amazed. After all, no matter what the teacher is, when he sees the students he is teaching while doing other things, he will be angry.

So at this moment, Yun Nu, who heard Muria ’s answer, was a little annoyed, but helpless, because she knew that this little fart was really listening to her lecture.

But while this little guy listened to her lectures, she devoted herself to one's heart and heart, and was really practicing.

When this class was over, Muria got up and left this tree house, which was used as a classroom, to prepare for the next class, a practical training class.

Yun Nu, looking at the back of Muria's departure, lost her thoughts. "As a teacher, what is my dignity? This is not the way to go. I have to think of a way."


At night, a faint moonlight sprinkled on several huts in a valley. At this time, in one of the huts, an old man with ordinary appearance and no glory, an elegant and noble beauty There is also a big man with a knot in his muscles, sitting opposite.

"It's been a while, how did you teach that little guy." Yun Nu took the lead.

"Not bad. No matter what I teach him, he can learn immediately. This is a very smart boy. Fernand has a good vision." The old man answered with a smile.

"Okay." The strong man hesitated for a moment, scratched his bare head, and then answered dullly. He was the unicorn with iron-grey skin.

"Nice? Okay?" Yun Nu hehe, "Arnold's ability to accept is really nothing to say, no matter what I teach him, he can quickly accept, but his learning attitude is very bad, he is always in my class Cultivate. "

"But the result is good, isn't it?" The old man comforted with a smile when he heard Yun Nu's complaining. "Don't you say he has learned everything you taught? In this case, he also practiced in class. no problem."

"You teach him miscellaneous studies. Of course, it doesn't matter what he does." When the old man stopped to comfort him, Yun Nu rolled her eyes. She knew that the old man gave Muria something very complicated. Astronomy and geography, astrological divination, almost nothing. Nothing is included, nothing is included, and there is no specific detailed teaching task.

The teaching of the elderly is not so much teaching as a form of entertainment dedicated to relaxation.

"No matter what you learn, your own strength is fundamental. The strength is strong. Everything is easy to say. If there is not enough strength to support it, even everything will be useless."

The strong man looks at Yun Nu and defends Muria's behavior. He is also a supremacy of strength. He agrees with Muria's behavior while listening to class. After all, what the little fart will teach Learned not.

"And you are much luckier than me. You can still teach him not. I do n’t know what to teach if I want to teach."

"Huh?" Yun Nu was surprised when he heard the words from the giant. "Don't you say you want to teach him to fight among the armies, and still lead the army to victory? How? Is there any problem?"

"I found that this boy has a terrible fighting talent. Don't say whether I can be his teacher in this aspect of fighting. I find that he can be my teacher."

The strong man's face was distressed. "As for marching, I found out that he just flipped through the books and knew everything. I have nothing to teach him."

"That said, I'm even luckier than you. I still have something to teach him." Compared with the encounter between the giant and herself, Yun Nu finds herself quite lucky. At least when she taught, Muria He was still listening, and the Giant was not even qualified to let Muria listen.

"of course."

"That being the case, why would you take Arnold out every day?" But in an instant, Yun Nu was a little confused again.

"Hunt, then eat." The strong man replied dullly, both him and Arnold were appalling. And they live in such a barren land, and want to eat enough, they can only do it themselves.

"So you take Arnold out for a small stove every time you call teaching?" Yun Nu's face was strange.

"Of course, haven't you noticed that this boy is now growing his body? He eats more every day."

"You say that Fernand knows this? If so, then the purpose of Fernand's finding you is not to teach, but to cook for his son."

The old man looked at the giant. The burly guy in front of him was a eater, and because of his origin, he was more picky about food, but because of the horrible appetite, not many people could satisfy him. Therefore, he was self-taught. It is everyone.

"..." Hearing the old man's guess, the strong man's face jerked violently, without speaking. Because according to the thinking of the elderly, it is very likely.


Time is slowly passing, Muria is very quiet in this position where I do n’t know exactly where I was trained by the three teachers, which is very easy for him, because what these three teachers teach, he Basically.

In Fernand's expectations, the content taught by the three teachers he invited will be completely on the edge of Muria's extreme tolerance, which will allow Muria to have a "pleasant and beautiful" "fullness" childhood.

But in fact the opposite is true. In the eyes of Muria, the teachings of these three teachers are just a way for him to obtain more crystals of the king's blood. Well, Fernand will keep all the blood crystals of the king prepared for him to the humble old man as a bait to guide Muria's learning.

In fact, there is no need to guide at all. Muria is very "obedient" in this regard. uukanshu.com only occasionally does something that is not related to learning, but does not affect learning.

In this case, the old man regularly gives Muria a piece of king blood crystals, and Muria uses this to quickly strengthen himself.

While Muria relaxedly spent leisurely studying time, in a gorge that could leave the Imir plains and go to a wider world, the vigorous black mist poured into it.

The tenacious and vigorous plants growing on both sides of the gorge quickly dried up when they came into contact with the black mist, and the vitality contained therein was emptied in an instant.

Such a terrible scene suddenly shocked the animals living on both sides of the canyon, and they fled frantically in the direction of the black mist.

However, some animals that escaped at a faster speed than the black mist were shrouded by the black mist, their bodies gradually dried up, their vitality was drawn, and they finally became dry corpses.

But this is just the beginning. The dry corpse formed by the black mist evacuating life force lay on the ground for a while and then stood up staggeringly, with scarlet light shining through his eyes.

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