Titan Beneath the Heavens

: ycbz comment Titan 3 Author: ycbz

This is the third episode.

Oscar the Little, who had become a prince, began to reach the upper levels of the empire's power. Like the laws that everything must follow, the novel ushered in a relatively gentle transition period after the opening chapter. The various conspiracies hidden in luxury are like the silent water flowing in the dark night-you may only hear some sounds, but the water flowing in the dark night will burst out at a specific time and place The tremendous energy has broken the obstacles in front of it mercilessly, or it has been ruthlessly blocked by an insurmountable dam in a certain place, and it has once again become a pool of undercurrents.

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Let me talk about a person first. The woman I hate the most in this book has made me hate the incomparable woman when she first appeared. "Anlu's Daffodil Corolla"-Sasha Netapo Anlu, Oscar's cousin and wife, his most beloved woman in life.

how to say? A spoiled woman who thinks she is beautiful, thinks smart, thinks kind, thinks she is loyal. Speaking with facts: At the reception of the Empire State Finance Minister, she was so eye-catching, so reserved, and so good at dealing with interpersonal relationships; in the second episode, she could speak for a girl who was bullied by knights and sold daffodils And use words and actions to convince everyone; when there is a crack between Oscar and Annie, she will come forward for Anne; she does not care how many women Oscar has, she only cares about Oscar.

how about it? A man's dream lover?

Unfortunately, she is a spoiled woman. In addition to the death of her biological parents and the yearning for Oscar, she has never experienced more suffering-and the love of her by all people has made her an absolute ego. Her feelings for Oscar are unquestionable, and her psychology should be in doubt. So, what is her psychology? It's simple-a sense of security.

She lacks a sense of security and is extremely lacking. A sign of a person's maturity is whether he can bring a sense of security to himself and his loved ones. Our daffodil corolla does not have this ability. All she can do is ask for security, whenever and wherever. She can ignore everything, even her face and status. She only needs a sense of security, as long as she can bring a sense of security to Oscar. Therefore, she doesn't care whether Oscar's feelings for her are love, or how many women Oscar has, she even pulls a pimp. A woman who is extremely insecure is lovely, she is very docile; a woman who is extremely insecure is even more dangerous, because you must not let anyone or something that makes her feel threatened appear in front of her— Otherwise, let ’s stand beside the wasp needle and the green snake tail.

Comparing Xiao Zhao with her in Yi Tian Tu Long Ji and her, you should be able to agree with me. The external performance of the two women is basically the same. The difference is that Xiao Zhao is mature. Her strength allows her to persevere when she is insecure, and Sasha will only cry and ask for it. Sasha's character is quite universal. In real life, there are not many women with such diseases. It ’s simple to want to love such a woman: if you let her immerse herself in the safe world she built, everything will be fine. However, I really think that such a simple comrade may wish to give it a try.

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At the beginning of this episode, the new moon showed us what luxury is at the reception of the finance minister. The word luxury is easy to understand, it means waste. Therefore, the word luxury is also easily misunderstood, making people think that gold and silver jewelry, gold and brilliant is luxury.

No, that's low-level luxury. Luxury means wasting human labor, including physical strength and intelligence. Therefore, the upstarts always show off their wealth. In fact, they show off that they own metal and metal products produced by other people ’s labor, or other high-end supplies, just like the Moran left admiral in Domolga. The rich and the third generation of rich people usually like more treasured items, such as all kinds of strange mountains and strange stones. These items are more natural and rarer than metal products, and require more professional manpower to discover and build, so they also They are less likely to be contaminated by their eyes; the nobles of higher ranks usually prefer intellectual waste, such as this finance minister. His room, which was made up of all kinds of scary materials, hides the wisdom of a large number of high-level architectural talents, and the dazzling list of drinks and food at the reception hides the huge amount of money he needs for the participants ’eating habits and hobbies Investigation of money and manpower.

Of course, there is a higher level of luxury. These people like nothing but cultural relics. They will be immersed in the thrill of possessing history. There is such a person in the first episode of the legend of Lu Xiaofeng, I have forgotten the name. I only remember his little wooden house that Lu You lived four hundred years ago and the wooden chairs in the palace. This kind of person does not appear in this book, which is a little regret. However, based on the civilization process of the western continent, such people do not yet have the conditions for their creation. If you don't, don't.

Well, about luxury, if you happen to have a vain girlfriend or wife, remember not to tell her that. Let them think that metal products are the top enjoyment. Otherwise, what do you deal with?

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The conspiracy appeared. I like the word, and I prefer the description of the new moon. To give a few examples:

"The little prince Osne. Anlu. Morissette was taken into the mansion by the big fat man"-we know that the finance minister asked Oscar, or that he would use Oscar. Then, in the face of an empire prince, a child, a king in a dark society, a possible son-in-law of the emperor, and a dead enemy of the Minister of State-assuming you are the Minister of Finance, how would you receive Can he show enough sincerity, show humility that can confuse people, show a certain elder posture to produce enough psychological cues, and not offend the Secretary of State to death and leave a way for himself? Look at our finance minister, how he greeted him, and his conversation with Oscar at the reception.

"Little Oscar ’s smile is very stiff, which is completely understandable. He really does n’t know why the old guys in front of him can keep the smile meticulous for so long. The prince is not very familiar with this high standard of entertainment, but he is very Quickly mastered the trick: smile, smile can make you inexplicable, and it can make you inexplicable "-smile is the best weapon, Hahaer in the peerless doubles has already told Xiaoyu This is the point (the characters in Gu Long's pen are usually extreme, but it does make sense). ——Trust me, smiling properly is difficult. I practiced for a long time, and I ca n’t laugh at the kind of sunny and moving effect ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I admire those actors, and even more admire politicians who are more professional than actors.

"Wild Lidoran personally sent the Chancellor of the Treasury to the carriage. At that time, the sky was completely dark. The sea monster wiped the lady's oil and water in disregard of his identity, although he was disgusted by the fat and dirty hands The extreme, but Ye Liduolan still chose to spit the fat pig like a little girl "-what did the finance minister say after Kaiyou? "Oh! Bitch is worthy of being a bitch!"-The finance minister who always looks like a pig is very good at inserting two green onions in his nose. This trait is most vivid at this time-he touched Ye Liduo Lan gave him a lustful appearance, which made Yeli Duolan habitually despise him. This is good, because hate is the beginning of contempt; he touched Wild Lidoran and expressed his interest in Wild Lidoran, thus showing that he did not particularly oppose Wild Lidoran ’s father, Kachif de Karas. . Duke Fettnand came to occupy the position of Minister of State; he touched Wild Lidoran, indicating that I dared to violate you, and thus reminded Wild Lidoran not to go too far; He touched Wild Lidoran To announce to the people around: Look, the emperor's woman, I dare to touch. This wonderful touch!

There are still many conspiracies. The entire third episode is full of these. The Oscar meeting with Lord Mailer, the Oscar meeting with the Duke of Katchev, the Oscar-designed strategy to frame the Secretary of State, the Oscar meeting with the emperor ... I can't really write much about this.

So, the third episode is over ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~

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