As long as you raised your head, you could see the flames ignited in the distance outside the city of Anluhala, the prince, the princess, and several super-destructors from Dormerga, walking around and looking around, but they soon disappointed There were no pedestrians on the road, and there were only occasional two or three knights who drove the war horses crazy.

"Where did everyone go?" The King of Crimes looked around with vigilance.

"I don't know, they should all go home!" Her Royal Highness answered this question, which was also of great concern to her. For the princess who came from afar, Anlu had too many things that she could not understand.

"Yes, Your Highness! People have gone home, every time the beacon ignites, and the military will prohibit anyone from moving in the narcissus without notification of the exact enemy situation." The princess gave the affirmative answer to the narcissus knight Lieutenant Colonel Stebury of the regiment Tassen.

"Oh my god! How do people live? I mean those peasants ... ah ... in short, those who have to go out to make a living." The princess's eyes widened.

"I don't know very well, this kind of thing is under the jurisdiction of the military. Your Royal Highness, you should believe me, what you just said is not a very serious problem." Lieutenant Colonel Stebery said with a smile.

"So what is the serious problem?" Her Royal Highness was not stubborn.

"When the Persians appear at your doorstep, that is the most serious problem."

The princess made a disapproving expression, "Aren't the Persians always at the door of Anlu's house?"

Stapley nodded, but he didn't answer.

"Lieutenant Colonel Stadbury, I haven't congratulated you on winning the lance competition!" Oscar smiled slightly at the officer under the second brother. He felt that the topic initiated by the princess should be over.

"Thank you, Your Highness, I was just lucky."

"Lieutenant Colonel Stadbury! Even if you're modest, you have to have a limit. Isn't the six consecutive results a fluke?" Major General Murat, who has been following him, was not happy, and this Stadbury defeated him. Only one of the knights won the championship.

"Hey, hey! Major Murat, you can't say that. The game is a match of luck and strength. My strength is comparable to that of Major Lallah under you, but I have taken more luck."

Murat grinned a little, and even though Stei Berry was very face-saving, this kid shouldn't mention the word luck! Damn it! Murat felt that he had been in bad luck since he met the little prince. Maybe he had offended the **** of light before, and now his situation should be punished by the god.

"General Murat, is your knight okay?" Oscar saw a miserable look at Murat.

"Thank you for your blessings, but you should change your name. You should call those soldiers" My Knight "" Murat said to the prince with some anger. "They are all yours, even me."

Oscar knew that the major-general had some vulgar words about himself, but he didn't care, they were still together for a long time!

"Then Lieutenant Colonel Stebery! Tell me, why is General Figo, my second brother, why did he let you follow me?" Oscar turned to another topic.

"Sorry, I don't know why General Figo arranged this. I just executed the order, but I believe that General Fergo must have his reason to do so, because he never issued a command without purpose."

"So you are very confident in my second brother?" Oscar dare not have most confidence in the second son, that guy is too cunning!

"Your Highness, I have great confidence in the general!" Lieutenant Colonel Sdeberg said even his expression became solemn when he talked about Fego.

"Of course you are confident!" Murat said angrily. "Good soldiers are willing to follow the general who can win the battle!"

Oscar shrugged his shoulders, and he knew that Murat was still complaining.

The prince and his party are about to reach the official residence of the Anlu family. This small fortress is located on the edge of the forest alone, and the battle flag has been raised on the enemy tower of the fortress. The gate is still open, but vaguely able to see many guards.

Oscar is a little reluctant. The family members are probably running for the war. It seems that only he and the third son are hanging out. The third son is justified, but can't he really help with anything?

"Oscar! Brother" heard Sasha's shouting from afar. The little girl seemed to have been waiting at the door of the house. As soon as she saw the prince and her party, she urged her little mare to run over.

"What's wrong? Has something happened at home?" This was Oscar's only understanding after seeing his sister.

"Yes! Wedding! Brother's wedding!"

Oscar dumbfounded! Is this second child too anxious!

We know that the An Ling's Ying Ling Hall is actually a small church. Figo Anlu Debordi, the second son of the Anlu family and commander of the Tassen Front of the Narcissus Knights, today, July 29, 791, like most of the Narcissus knights, is building the army On the day of the festival, he is going to have a wedding with his lover.

The arrangement in the chapel is very simple, with two rows of seats, a divine platform, an icon of the **** of light Sapurius, and a red carpet specially prepared for the wedding.

"That is to say ..." Oscar stood at the entrance of the Hall of Heroes. "Our bridegroom has appointed a priest, a witness, a relative, a best man, a bride, he is alone. Did not count yourself! Right? "

Travis's black military uniform is covered with a white wedding dress. Although she doesn't care about this strange dress in black and white, she at least knows that she is definitely the most sloppy one in the marriage history of the Anlu family. bride.

"No Highness! Oh right ..." Travis blinked. "Can I call you Oscar the Little? You know, if there is no accident, I will be your second sister-in-law in the future."

"Of course, dear sister-in-law, you should never call me a prince or a name like His Royal Highness."

"So, can we leave that late guy first, I wonder, why did the big **** of Figo bleed blood on the field?"

"Ah ... it's like that, it's chicken blood, I put it in the skin in advance, but dear sister-in-law, with your wisdom, you should clearly know that all this is arranged by the late guy." Oscar touched After touching his nose, obviously, this little guy was embarrassed again. However, he knew that if he wanted to tie his second brother in the future, it is absolutely necessary to please this sister-in-law now.

"However, I don't think it's a big deal. Figo will use eternal love to repay everything he did to you today. Although he is a bit lame, a little nasty, a little shameless. But these are nothing, you should believe I, I should believe my brother, he is a man who will protect you all your life! "

Travis looked at Oscar the younger, "Uh ... I don't know what to say! But ... thank you!"

The bride kissed the little brother's cheek. She wanted to say something more, but she saw a team of knights riding on the forest road. The lady finally knew what the tension was. She did not pounce on her husband like a nympho, but ran into the church with a red face.

"Hahahahaha!" Feige hasn't laughed like this indulgence for a long time, and Oscar heard this guy laugh heartily from far away!

"Hey! My little brother! How do you feel?" The second son of the Anlu family just jumped off from the Mercedes-Benz battle, and the knight he brought grabbed the horse's reins.

"How can I feel that this question should be answered by you, you are the groom!" Oscar smiled and greeted his second brother.

"My feeling! Haha! My feeling is only one!" Fei Ge hugged his little brother, "This feeling is really ... really wonderful!" This brother did not forget He kissed his brother's forehead heavily.

Oscar looked at his brother, and for the first time he was so excited for another person besides himself.

"Let's go in!" Oscar reminded his second brother.

Figo looked into the door of the chapel, and he adjusted his military uniform again.

"Yes! I will go first, and you will follow me. If I look back and see you are gone, boy, if that happens, you will be out of luck! You are my best man!"

"This sentence seems to be my line?" Oscar took La Figo's sleeve. "So what should I do? No one told me how to be a best man!"

Figo dragged his brother into the church. "No! The best man is actually a decoration. You don't have to do anything!"

While Oscar was still wondering, there was already a loud cheer in the chapel.

The boss of the Anlu family took his wife and children to sit in the first row. Mrs. Bo Ling looked at the bride for a while, and then looked at her son. , The silly son of the Anlu family actually stood on the seat of the witness. Another point is that the people watching the ceremony are sitting on the seats of the relatives of the man. There is no one on the side of the woman. There is no doubt about it. The bride is an orphan and her parents died in the war.

That's it. For a very simple wedding, even the priest was included, and no more than ten people attended the ceremony.

Figo walked towards Shentai, he knew what he was doing? He originally planned to consider the issue of marriage only after the Persians were completely resolved, but did he decide? And the gods seem to have been banging in his ears, "Boy! This is a good girl. If you miss today, you will regret it all your life!" Fei Ge accelerated his pace, he walked firmly to his wife, he did not want to regret it, especially in this one Matter.

"Why is time so slow?" Travis whispered in his heart, cheers came, didn't he? He's already here, isn't he? The bride looked down at Shentai and she heard his footsteps, but God! Almighty God of Light! Can you set the self-bell to go faster? marry! God! Travis groaned, she didn't know if she was a little confused, but her wedding dress, she had

"You are late!" Anlu's pastor greeted the groom.

"Sorry! Urgent military meeting! I just got out."

The priest in the robe shrugged indifferently, and he knew the boy was talking to his bride.

"So can we start?"

"Yes ... oh no!" Fei Ge changed his tongue quickly.

The priest looked at the groom strangely.

"I mean ... my men are waiting for me outside, you know, my time is very limited, so esteemed pastor, can you go directly to the most important part of the wedding?" Fei Ge was anxious. Looking at the pastor, time! This is very important to him.

"Does the bride have any objections?" The pastor asked Travis.

The silent bride shook her head.

"So well, the omnipotent **** of light, in accordance with the requirements of the new couple who serve you faithfully, we simplified the wedding ceremony, and now we need to prove that the bridegroom handed the sacred token to the bride and groom.

Kucodi stepped forward, he uncovered the silk on the silver plate in his hand, and saw two large and one small diamond rings lying quietly on it.

The bride took the big one, and the groom took the small one. In the process, the little Oscar standing behind the groom silly as a best man really pinched the couple, he was afraid that the third brother would ask them for yogurt at this critical moment, oh! In that case, the fun will be big!

But the worries of the teenagers are superfluous. Kukodi completed the process meticulously like a real cleric. Like dancing, the silly young master became a mature and stable man.

"Then, in the presence of the God of Light, answer my question with the most pious heart. Figo Anlu Debordi, would you like to marry Miss Travis Ninoa? And stay with her In life, even when you are old, you will be sick. "

In this gap, Oscar looked at the young lady beside the bride. He met Sasha's gaze, and the two quickly avoided like a fright.

"Yes, I am willing." Figo rarely swear solemnly once, his chest was straight, and the scars on his face were glowing strangely.

"Travis Ninoa, would you like to marry Figo Anlu Debordi? Even if a group of Persians suddenly broke into the door."

"I do."

"Then please exchange your rings."

The bride and groom completed the procedure. Travis wanted to break free of Fego's hand, but she couldn't do anything.

"Then the groom! What are you waiting for?" The priest asked the second young master who was still staring at him.

"What are you waiting for?" The second young master was puzzled.

"Don't you want to kiss your bride?"

Figo suddenly realized! In addition to the rogue pervert, he knew for the first time that he was a fool!

The bridegroom lifted the bride's veil. This was not the first time he saw her, but the indulgence happened at such a moment. Figo looked for the right position on the charming lips in front of him. Forget it! do not care!

For the first time Travis saw such a scar on Fego's face so close, it was terrible! very scary! Very hot! Very suffocating! God! Where does this follow? Why is he not over yet? Isn't there a chance in the future?

The kiss was finally over, Feige wiped his mouth shamelessly!

"Congratulations, the God of Light proves that you are already married!"

People stood up and applauded. Mrs. Bo Ling burst into tears. She covered her mouth with a sobbing mouth with both hands. The little girl took out the flower basket that had been prepared for a long time. Kukodi threw up countless daffodils in excitement The eyes of the boss of the Lu family were also flashing, Feige noticed that his elder brother was also out of control, and the corner of the kid's eyes was wet!

Oscar followed the new couple like a fool. He and his relatives clasped the bride and groom to the door. At the door, the teenager who still wanted to continue was grabbed by his brother and they stood On the steps, the bride and groom approached the group of knights.

The bride turned around and people could tell that she was happy! Oscar was puzzled because he saw the bride winking at him, and then the bride's wreath threw him at him!

The teenager subconsciously wanted to catch the garland, but a tall figure suddenly stood in front of him, Kukodi! The kid giggled at his brother like a smirk. Oscar was a little upset. This guy snatched the bride's blessing! This blessing should have belonged to him!

"Oh! Fortunately, it's not me! The daffodils in this place are all for the heroes!" The teenager decided to crack down on the treacherous third brother.

really! The little brother's words caused Kukodi's face to collapse, heroic? This word is one of the few things he can understand. The youngest man threw the garland to the big brother without thinking about it. Rutherf was so miserable in his wife and children's circle, neither he threw nor hugged!

Fei Ge jumped on horseback. Although many bridegrooms of the narcissus riders said goodbye to the bride at the end of the wedding, he still felt pain. He did n’t know what to say about this woman who had just become his wife. It is extremely pale! "Wait for me to come back!" No, Feige denied this sentence. Since he wants to come back, why not just stay? "I love you! Wait for me to come back!" This sentence is a bit threatening.

"My husband is a narcissus knight charged on the battlefield. His duty is to guard the frontier. Although he left me, this period may be forever, but I believe that there will always be a day when my husband will take off. The blood-red armor, with the medal of victory, holding a large narcissus, knocked on my door in a sunny afternoon. "

Travis looked at Fego to say this, it was a dialogue in a very vulgar legendary novel, but for many years the narcissus never tire of it.

"I forgot, what did the knight say?" Travis stood in the shadow of Fego, her husband in her eyes was extremely tall!

Figo squeezed his lips. He was n’t sure if he wanted to say that dialogue. The dialogue had been used up. He thought Travis would be innovative, but things did n’t seem like that.

"I ... my wife!" Feige compromised. "My wife is a normal daffodil girl. She took care of my parents and three children at home, although I left her, this The deadline may be forever, but I believe that one day, I will take off my blood-red armor, hang a medal of victory on my chest, hold a large narcissus, and return to my hometown on a sunny afternoon. And she was standing by the stream in front of her house. "

"I ... can I kiss you?" Travis can't hold on anymore. She doesn't want to be strong anymore, at least for a while, turning her into a woman who needs love and promises.

"Oh ... Travis!" Facing such an affectionate call, Figo didn't want to pretend to be indifferent anymore. He bent down immediately, and when his lips pressed against his wife, He finally knew that the cold bitter liquid was clearly tears!

The rapid sound of horseshoes quickly disappeared into the forest. Travis waved his veil in the direction of the disappearance of the knight, but she soon discovered that a knight turned back and stopped at the corner of the forest road.

Figo shouted to his wife loudly: "Travis! What if I really see you with three children when I come back?"

Travis stomped his feet in shame, and her husband was still a virtue! The bride raised the skirt, and she picked up a stone on the roadside!

"If a woman brings a child to the door when you are not back! Don't ever want to see me again!"

The stone fell conveniently far away from Fego, and the general ran away with a grin, and Oscar knew that the guy must be grinning!

Oscar stood there quietly, and he could feel the deep affection here. Sasha comforted her new sister-in-law, and mother Bo Ling looked at her son's disappearing direction. The elder brother was holding the "Bride's Blessing", but his ears had been picked up by his sister-in-law, and Kukodi, who was bored, was wrapped around his "Nanny" plays mud.

The teenager exhaled, he felt that he was also out of place in this scene, he did not know which party to join.

"Hi!" The Blizzard boy greeted him.

"Oh! Paul! What's wrong?" Oscar greeted the killer king.

"No, it just feels very uncomfortable." When the King of Killers spoke, he didn't forget to look around alertly.

"What's wrong? Dangerous?" Oscar was nervous.

"Did you not find it?" Blizzard felt a little weird. "God! Didn't you find out? We are surrounded by a large number of military secret guards, and the number of these guards doubled when the flames ignited."

Paul stared at the teenager for a while, and he finally sighed, "It's not that I said you, His Royal Highness, you basically put your vigilance down after returning home. This is definitely a dangerous move. And you have often been in a daze recently for no reason. I told you that these are extremely dangerous. Why do n’t you think about it, if someone in the military guards wants to murder you, what should you do at that time? "

"Oh, this is the first time you called my prince, but my killer king, are you allergic? They are military commanders and the most loyal secret troops to the family." Oscar was a little disapproved, in fact he was not Willing to admit his abnormality.

"Do n’t be so naive! If you remember that you are a prince, then it ’s best to regain your energy. I believe in my judgment. Many times, there are some guys in the crowd who are absolutely uneasy and kind to you. I have noticed several times. Such a guy. "

"Of course, Narcissus is flooded with many spies. They guard Anlu like thieves." Oscar still knew a little bit about the situation in the family's territory.

"My little Oscar! I can only say that you are fine!" Paul is not in a hurry. "Since you think there is no danger, then I have nothing to say."

When the wedding was over, Oscar said goodbye to several relatives. He didn't want to go home. He thought about going to the base camp to see how the base camp operated in the face of war?

"But ... don't you want to see the real war?" Lieutenant Colonel Stebury of the Tassen Front said suddenly.

His prince strangled the horse, and his entourage stopped. The teenager finally understood why the lieutenant colonel had not gone with his army commander.

"Oh, it seems that my second brother has never done anything without purpose! Lieutenant Colonel Stadbury, your General Feige's purpose for you to follow me is to seduce me to the front line, right?" Oscar smiled. Said to the lieutenant colonel.

"His Royal Highness! It's not temptation, it's just a suggestion, or a choice for your reference. You can stay at home or go to the battlefield with the Tarsen Army." Lieutenant Colonel Stebery said Shi also laughed.

"Stebery! You guys should be honest. Isn't this temptation? I think it's a very tempting thing!" Oscar was a little tempted. He looked at the dense jungle again. But his entourage soon came out against him to continue to think deeply.

"Your Highness! If you really choose to go to the front line, then I can only say that your approach is extremely irresponsible." Major General Murat knew it would be too late to speak.

Before waiting for the teenager to speak, Lieutenant Colonel Stebery took the lead. "General Murat, how can you fear the war as the chief of the cavalry division directly under your prince? Do n’t forget! You and your cavalry division will follow your prince into the interior. Why not seize this opportunity? "

Murat opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say a word, yes! Stapley said that he had hit the most depressed place in his heart, and it was not bad to follow the prince, but it was really farther and farther away from the battlefield! He has been wondering these days, maybe he and his red tiger will never be able to gallop on the battlefield after leaving the narcissus.

Oscar also bowed his head to think about his own affairs. He had to admit that the second son was not only cunning, but also a very, very powerful person. A large part of the reason this boy sent a man to talk to himself about it was to get rid of the suspicion and act privately when the time comes. It ’s just me, and the second son left first, did n’t he? When my father asks, haha! The unlucky one must be myself.

Oscar shook his head, it seems that this second brother really had to do it, this guy's calculation is too powerful, just like Murat, even this general is calculated to death by him, Oscar believes that if he really wants to go to the tower Mori front, then Murat and his Red Tiger Cavalry Division will follow.

"Have you decided?" Lieutenant Colonel Stadbury urged, thinking he still should not give the Highness enough time to think about more things.

Oscar's eyes brightened! There is nothing to be afraid of! The second brother will not let him be in danger, and his father can pass it through. As long as he returns safely, his father should not blame himself. So why not see the real war? Since I am going to study the theory of war history, why not start now?

"It's decided!" The teenager said decisively.

"Have you really decided?" Murat stopped sticking to her ideas and went to the battlefield? He is right.

"Yes! Following General Targo's Frontier General, let's go to see if the Persians really grew up like Warcraft!" The teenager said with great excitement.

"No, they are similar to your driver, and they are extremely difficult to deal with." Murat splashed another pot of cold water.

Oscar's face cooled instantly, and he finally didn't want to tolerate this grumpy general anymore.

"General Murat, I do n’t know what happened to the two of us, but I now ask you to seriously consider it, if you ca n’t accept the fact that I ’m directly under the division, then everything is still too late, I Now you can go to the base camp to explain this to my father. By then you will still be the Red Tiger Commander of the Neruda Front. "

Murat wanted to say something, but he was stopped by His Royal Highness. "Do n’t rush to answer, I ’m not finished yet. If you plan to accept this appointment, then you should know what to do and what to say, just like my driver, about his Things are not the topic you should talk about. "

Murat knew that his uninhibited attitude finally angered the Highness. He really did not want to follow the Prince to the interior of the empire, because he felt that his future was ruined. Is there a future for a general who cannot go to the battlefield?

The major general really wanted to leave like this, but he knew that if he really did, then he would not be a qualified narcissus knight. The command of the base camp is very clear. He knows that he has embarked on the trajectory of destiny when he accepted the command. Although he is targeting the little prince everywhere in his words, it is just an attitude. The knight's duty, Murat finally accepted this fact.

"Your Highness, if my words bother you, then I would like to extend my most sincere apologies to you. I am the chief of your direct division. I am only responsible to you. This is a fact. I think I am There is no reason to change this fact. The independent fourth cavalry division of the Narcissus Knights is the new designation of the Red Tiger. The independent four divisions are always waiting for your assignment. Please give orders! "

Oscar stared at Murat's eyes, and the kid finally compromised. "Mura, I believe you have decided, then I don't want anything that makes me frustrated."

"Yes, Your Highness." Murat said nothing more.

"So okay! You first go back to the division's station and prepare for all the expeditions. You are an expert in this regard, so everything is yours."

"But your Highness, won't you return to the station with me? We can set off tonight at the latest." Murat made a rationalization proposal for the first time.

"No!" Oscar vetoed immediately. "I didn't mean to go to the base camp. I guess a secret officer from the military had informed the matter there. I must go and say hello to my father. So ... Come on! "The teenager turned his head.

"Blizzard, Dorami, Little Godot, Pals, Thrall, several of you go home first to pack up some travel stuff, remember to bring me too, Baron Ebb, you are my housekeeper and family Assistant, please stay, and listen to the dispatch of Her Royal Highness, she has no one to call here. "

"Lieutenant Colonel Stadbury, you and I went to the base camp. Then we went directly to Murat's division and will leave tonight!"

The teenager turned to Murat again, "I said, General, where is your division?"

Murat's old troubles have recurred. "Don't you know?" The general did not believe that his immediate chief didn't even know where his knight was!

"You never told me."

"Uh ... I apologize to you!" What can Murat say! "Well, I will send an officer to the base camp to greet you, wouldn't that solve the problem?"

"Send one over the mansion too, my followers don't know where your station is."

"Good lord! All listen to you."

"Then let's do it, we will act separately, see you later!" Oscar finally greeted a few people, and then drove out. Now his time is precious. Before the military commanders find out what is going on, he must take his father and those ghosts out of sight.

Unlike Oscar ’s imagination, the base camp did not show the current situation of the enemy, but the guard force of the forest and Schonbrunn Palace has increased a lot, and Oscar has passed countless levels when entering the gate.

In Schönbrunn Palace, all the officers have returned to their posts, and their holidays have once again been ended by the evil Persians! The strategic command center on the second floor of the palace is the war hub of the Narcissus Knights. Here, the knights ’staff analyze all the battle reports and various related documents, even though the front of the military has been lost to them. Important time effect, but at least they can make the most correct decision for future war deployment.

The strategic command center is undoubtedly the busiest department compared to the rest of the quiet palace. The communications officer shuttles quickly inside and outside the gate like a wild cat, and a large number of documents are erratic like snow flakes in front of the chiefs of various departments. Oscar stared dumbfounded at everything in the command center. It was like a flea market. He didn't know what the guys shouting at various place names and troop numbers were doing. The boy regarded it as a bargain.

No one paid any attention to the prince, the staff had focused their attention on the large amount of battle information in front of them.

The little prince found his father in front of a huge table with a map of Narcissus County about four or five meters long. The teenager finally found a place among the officers around the table.

"Oh? My little son, what are you doing?" The Duke found the little Oscar who suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

"It's nothing. Come and look casually." Oscar touched his nose. He could only say that. He just noticed it a moment. He didn't understand anything that the staff were arguing about. This means ~ ~ He can only stay at the stage of casual look, he can't help at all here.

"Marshal! This is a comprehensive analysis of the battle reports of the Buchwald Front, Tassen Front, Bilber Front, Mistral Front!" An officer squeezed into the table, and he had a document in his hand It was given to Duke Anlu.

"Haha! It's time to come!" The Duke flicked the document with his hand. "Little Oscar, come to me."

Oscar crossed many officers before he came to his father. During this period, an old general patted him on the shoulder. The teenager remembered that this was one of his grandfathers. After standing beside his father, the teenager paid attention. Sure enough, there were several officers on the scene who were his relatives.

"Little fellow, feel uncomfortable, don't you?" The Duke whispered to his son.

"No, nothing!" Oscar did not feel uncomfortable, and now he just wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

The Duke did n’t say anything. He handed the analysis report in his hand to a staff member around him, "My boy, this is our chief of staff. You can call him General Luriel or you can call him Lurie. Uncle Er. Come on, let the chief of staff of the Narcissus Knight explain to us and see what happened to the Persians this time! "

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