Titan Dawn

: Section 16: Exploring the Future (Very Special)

Hu Hufeng once again used the foreseeable future, because the timeline in which he was located seemed to be independent, and was no longer affected by the established time flow. So even Titan, it is difficult to foresee the future of this timeline.

Poke yourself. . . Seems to represent infinite possibilities, no one has a glimpse into their future.

So although Hu Fengming knows this is no longer useful, he still uses his insights into the future in his spare time, trying to find some broken information about his future.

But this time. . . . Some are different.

What he sees is no longer what he has seen countless times, the same set history and time flow.

In the endless stream of time, it seems to be mixed with something completely new. . .

About your own fragments. . .

碎片 These fragments seem to represent one of myriad possibilities, he may come true, or he may be a fantasy.

Titan's will grabbed a fragment and sank into it.

He saw a blue dragon and himself.

蓝 The blue dragon looked very wrong at himself. . . That is. . . Look at your lover's eyes? Got it with a blue dragon yourself? how can that be!

It looks like this is a wrong piece.

"Stella Gossa, I said to stay human ... Don't change back to dragon form again!"

The future self was roaring helplessly, and the blue dragon crooked his head and turned back into one. . . Beautiful bubbling elf chick!

"You said you should always call me a little star." The blue dragon girl named Stella Gosa muttered.

Hu Feng paused for a moment, he was not not seen beauty, but. . . This blue dragon chick. . . Yourself. . . I really like it! It's the type I like!

Is this the right fragment? ? ?

He shook his head vigorously, Titan's will returned to the vast time stream, looking for different fragments.

Suddenly Hu Feng saw a very overbearing piece!

碎片 The piece of debris was so huge that it ran on like a road roller without any fear of the influence of time.

Wu Hufeng can feel one of them. . . Despise everything?

Will sinks into it, Hu Feng suddenly looks dumb!

This is a cosmic starry sky. Azeroth and his Sarodal planet exude a beautiful light. The two planets echo each other.

A huge space fleet!

宇宙 The space battleships are silver-white, the streamlined artistic shapes reflect the cosmic light, and the fleet is surrounded by an unusually large disc.

This is an amazing mothership!

And the creatures above made Hu Feng's eyes widen.

He is himself, sitting on a huge throne, on top of which is a sculpture of the eye of truth.

The guards around were all the night sons of the Crusaders. They wore highly sci-fi armor and shot a pair of laser swords at the wrists of both arms.

This is the fleet of elves. . . this is. . . . How long after? ? ? Hu Feng looked a little blank.

The future self seemed to be giving a speech, and Hu Feng leaned on his will.

"The people of the night empire, soldiers!"

"Comrades in the new Pantheon!"

Hu Feng in the future wore a dark golden armor, his eyes were burning with divine flames, and he held the super artifact wand.

"This day is finally here! The time for our revenge and counterattack is finally here!"

"Our fleet! Our fleet! Our soldiers! Will crush them! Crush those sad enemies !!!"

At this time, as if the number of black space fighters in the ocean were flying out of the mothership, like countless ants surrounding their huge queens.

"Kill all the Burning Legion! Kill all those void creatures! Kill any !!!!! Dare to oppose our enemies !!! The universe is ours !!!

"For Azeroth !!! For the glory of our mother star !!!"

Endless cheers, endless long live.

狂 A fanatical, powerful, empire with revenge and flames is about to go.

"People! Spirit Network! Connect!"

At this time, a virtual shadow was shot on the mother ship's platform, and their huge figure seemed extremely majestic.

That's Titan. . .

Dozens of Titans. . .

Wu Hufeng was suddenly shocked and leaned forward to see clearly.

Alas, he failed to do so, and the fragmentation shattered sharply at this time.

The moment he returned to the stream of time, he saw it. . .

The future self glanced at him with calm eyes.

"Follow your heart."

The future self spoke silently.

Hu Feng panted in a big mouth, and he returned to the quiet side hall of Stormwind Fortress.

的 Fragments about myself are no longer found.

For a long time, it seems that he is unwilling to show too much about the infinite possibilities of the future.

"When that day ... really comes ... Are I ready?" Hu Feng stared at the calm Stormwind Harbor outside the window, muttering to himself.

Follow my heart ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is just one of the endless future. If you think this is wrong, then. . . Just let him not happen.

But. . . At the end of the end, after all, we have to face the enemies in the universe.

After all. . . Take action and destroy those terrible enemies.

As for how long later. . .

If you refer to the established timeline you know, then the appropriate time can be chosen a long time later. . .

As the Burning Legion invades the Broken Isles. . .

In established history, Azeroth's heroes defeated the Legion, captured the tomb of Sargeras, and killed Kil'jaeden and Sargeras' avatars.

If you have to do this, just at that time.

When that day really comes, can you rush to the universe in your timeline? Rush to Argus?

Can the Azeroth fleet crush all enemies?

Our army must be established faster.

When that day really comes. . .

Lawn Legion. . .

Silver and white fleet. . .

New Pantheon. . .

Wing Yong Ye Shenhuang. . .

帝国 Azeroth Empire. . .

Hu Feng fell into 恍惚 at this moment.

At the moment when he left the debris, there was a special woman beside his future self.

女人 That woman has an indescribable charm.

Her eyes were like bright moonlight, with stars shining a little.

She wore a silvery robe, and her long silvery hair went straight to her waist.

She also smiled at herself, it was an innocent smile.

I seem to. . . Azeroth mother star, always with you.

When that day really comes. . .

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