Titan Dawn

: Section 19 (Introduction): Breaking the Interweaving of Time and Space

There are endless evil beasts like the beasts. . .

They rode on a wolf that was also defiled by the blood of the demon, and frantically shuttled around every corner of this world, killing all lives that were not orcs.

Soulbound Tulani stood on a small high platform in Oakington, watching Talador's once-beautiful land turn into a piece of scorched earth and broken walls.

Oh god! If there really is a god, come down to benevolent redemption and give them the power to defeat these cruel enemies.

Draenei. . . It's time to perish!

The evil orc tribe, this huge killing group manipulated by Gul'dan, all drank the blood of the demon, and everyone accepted the violent and powerful power of the devil.

Gul'dan was a demon found deep in the Tanaan jungle, a dying abyssal lord. Gul'dan drained his blood and used his powerful sorcerer's feats to continually summon batches of demons to provide blood for the orc tribe to drink.

The entire tribe has fallen, and the world is trembling in front of this group of scarlet beasts.

From the moment Gul'dan drained the blood of the Lord of the Abyss, the sky of this world began to produce some different subtle changes. These changes are long-lasting, slow, and hard to detect by the naked eye.

随着 But over time, the draenei found abnormalities. The sky in this world seemed darker every day, and the sun's rays seemed to be weakening.

The leader of Draenei, the prophet Velen, was even more worried. He could not predict the future. It seemed that the long river of time was suddenly cut off, and Draenor suddenly had no future.

I seem to. . . An important turning point in fate has changed, and the long river of time has shown serious deviations!

Wu Weilun was deeply worried, and he did not know whether the future fate could no longer be predicted, or whether. . . There has been a serious mistake in this world, and there is no future?

According to recent news, the strength of Draenor's four elemental lords has declined to varying degrees, and they seem to have a weaker connection with the elemental plane.

的 And those creatures named Naaru who had been in contact with Velen suddenly broke off for some reason, as if they had disappeared from this world and even the universe.

All this made the old prophet very disturbed. What went wrong? Where is the irreversible deviation?

However, all this is not a problem for the evil orc tribe, they don't care at all!

Everyone drinks a lot of blood of the devil, everyone is crazy and violent, they only care about when the next killing and the next massacre can take place.

Facing these crazy orcs, the draenei began passive defense. Even the forests of Alanka Peak and Tongtian Peak have been attacked by the evil orc tribe.

世界 This world is entering the madness of killing.

Turani the Soulbinder, she belongs to a very special and rare priest organization of the Draenei: the Soulbinder Priests.

Each soul-binding person must be extremely devout to the Holy Light, and naturally have an excellent affinity and perception of the Holy Light. Whenever such a Draenei woman is found, they will be sent to Oakington for training.

Okington, the place where Draenei rested, became the life of the new soul-binding people. They were not allowed to leave Oakington even one step before they became formal soul-bindings.

The two most powerful soul-binding people now are Turani and Nyami. The former two are good at treating and influencing the people with the holy and gentle light, or burning the enemy with the hot light. The latter is good at the power of shadow. This seemingly opposite energy to the holy light is actually one of the priests' needs to master. Rev. Delaney believes that light and shadow are intertwined, and light and darkness are intertwined. So Shadow Priest is also very common in Draenei.

Turani returned to her room at this moment, and the bad news that came every day made her extremely heartbroken. The evil orc tribe is getting closer and closer, and its own people are dying or becoming slaves who are endlessly abused.

跪 Kneeling in front of a huge light crystal placed in the room, she repeated her actions countless times. Although she knew it was useless, she prayed prayerfully over and over again.

God, please help Draenei, please save Draenei! We are suffering, we are being killed! If the merciful Titan deity really exists, help Draenei! Help this world ravaged by evil orcs!

I still didn't hear anything, there was no answer to her prayers.

世界 This world seems to be an island, an isolated existence trapped in an endless void.

Wu Hufeng was restless in the past few days, and seemed to feel a call as if there was nothing, with eagerness, despair and helplessness in the call.

At first he thought that this distant call was the white tiger calling himself, but soon found out that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ this call seemed to come from a farther place.

Can no longer be defined simply by distance, but distant is like another space, another timeline!

I also want to respond to this call, but I don't know how to do it. . .

When I thought of it, he gritted his teeth.

This pot is Sargeras again! Had it not been for this dog-day group to destroy the Pantheon, wouldn't he know how far he is now? If you want to answer a prayer, you don't know what method to use, this should be it. . . Terrible without culture.

If there is an elder Titan to teach himself, now he is already a young and promising, a good Titan with all-round development of wisdom, body and mind!

Plus Hu Feng's intuition tells himself that if you miss this call, you will definitely miss something very important!

So anxious!

格拉 Avenger Agramar is still on his way, and it is estimated that he is still in a certain corner of the universe and has been unable to contact him.

I waited for him to estimate that the source of this call had died hundreds of times!

Hu Hufeng sat by the window and looked at the distant Storm City pier. He fell into hard thinking for a while.

温暖 The warm sunlight swept over him and the table in front of him in the afternoon, and the seagulls flying out of the window from time to time toward the pier softly tweeted, forming a peaceful scene.

Hu Feng found that he had begun to sleep!

After I became a Titan, he didn't need to sleep at all, and the sleep in weekdays was just to return to the body.

Now the turbulence is coming, Hu Feng closes his eyelids unconsciously.

I forget. . . Go to bed first. . .

After all, I haven't experienced the feeling of sleeping because of sleepiness for a long time.

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