Titan Dawn

Chapter 117: : Parties gather and hang out

It is only a few days before the ascension, and the three sisters of Windrunner have reached the world tree Teldrassil following the messenger group of the Stormwind Kingdom.

规格 The high level of the messenger group of the member states within the alliance makes people speechless. All the relatives and friends of the king, and important personnel at various high levels.

"The land of the night elves has been made into giant fortresses, as well as those statues and posters, and the eyes I want to see are calloused." Queen Greek rode on her black land line named "Cuckoo". Birds, staring at the dark night wall at the junction of the Black Coast and Ashenvale, commenting.

"This is my first visit to this land, the land of our compatriots, the hometown of ours ..." Aurelia was so impressed that she looked at this endless forest with a completely different style from Quel'Thalas. .

蕾 Wen Leisha yelled in surprise at this moment, pointing her finger at a green mountain peak, which was moving slowly.

"What's that? So big !!! Bigger than the Mountain Giants!"

元 This head ancestor Jing Beast keenly heard the shout of the female elf, turned her head and looked at the party of the Storm Kingdom. A pair of huge grey long horns grow on both sides of his cheek. The body is like a centaur structure, covered with green leaves and thorns.

"The elves who haven't seen before ... humans?" The rumbling voice of the ancestor Jing Beast echoed in the air.

Roussa rides on horseback with a smile and pays homage to this ancestral beast. He participated in the invasion battle of the Azeroth coalition, so he recognized this as a powerful natural creature in the Draenor world.

各位 "Everyone, this is the ancestor Jingshou, a powerful creature in Draenor's world, who returned to Azeroth with the coalition not long ago."

King Ryan, who was covered with gold armor, commanded the human messenger to make a salute, and expressed due respect for such a powerful and intelligent creature that could hardly attack the Goron giant.

"Speaking of this, I'm angry! I lied to run a leg to save the orc son Guey! But I ran to invade other worlds without taking me!" Queen Greek angered the crown, a ripped Hu Feng expression. Then suddenly thought of something, looking at her sister sideways. "And also turned back a beautiful Draenei woman ... sister, we have to form a strong alliance to fight against that hoof."

Alleria patted Queen Hea ’s head, "What are you talking about? Do not use such insulting words. I heard that Turani is a powerful priest, a very rare type, and is called a soul-binding man. . "

Rosa also came over at this moment, agreeing.

"Yes, soul-bounders are rare in that world. I was ..."

However, Lothar was pulled away by King Lane before he finished speaking, "What is your family's business, Lord Lord!" Then he turned to look at the Windrunner sisters.

不管 "Anyway, the two came to our Storm City early in the morning and are our friends. So ... the Storm Kingdom will definitely be on this side!"

Queen Greek nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, Lane, let me think about it ... Allison Sand has the support of the night elves and the upper elves, and that Tulane has the support of Delaney, so our sisters are not The most effective Quel'Thalas must also have a backing, so as to avoid any unexpected situation and lack of confidence. "She turned to look at the dwarven king Magni and the dwarf master craftsman Mekatok. "Hey! Don't both of you show their attitude?"

Always feel. . . He was dragged into an incredible struggle.

Magny and Mecatok heard that the same idea came to their hearts.

"Ahaha, of course, we dwarves and dwarfs firmly support the two Windrunner ladies! After all, of the Queens, the two of you have the best relationship with us!" Magni said with a clap on his chest.

The ambassadors successively boarded the floating island and settled in the newly built foreign guests' residence next to the palace group.

Sister Windrunners lived in the area called Xiaoyongge Forest specially prepared for them.

The three sisters stunned and stared at the exact same environment in front of Yongge Forest, the familiar architectural style of Windrunner Tower and the farwalker's residence not far away, not even the taste of the air.

"I feel like I suddenly returned to Quel'Thalas!"

Sha rushed to the top of a tree, looked at everything around, and shouted excitedly.

Queen Greek poked her lips, wanted to pick some thorns, and found some opinions to express her opinions, but unfortunately she looked left and right, and finally had no choice but to conclude: this place is completely smaller than Yongge Forest except the difference!

"Hum, this time he passed ... I can't do much work to keep our sisters."

Aurelia smiled and glanced at her sister who was supporting Ao Jiao, and shouted Wen Leisha, and the three walked towards the engraved version of the far traveler's residence.

While the Windrunner sisters visited the new home, the messengers ran to the city of Suramar and fooled around.

Ryan and Lothar met many acquaintances here, such as Prince Kael'thas, such as Princess Gianna of Kul Tiras. But the latter looked nervous and followed Kael'thas tightly and did not dare to leave half a step. This is the old nest of the Crusaders. The terrible experience of the last arrest is still vivid. If this ceremony was too important, his father and king forced her to participate, otherwise Jaina would not be willing to set foot on the night elves. Core area.

However, the luxurious style of Suramar City, combined with magic and crystal at the same time, made everyone look envious and shocked, and deeply experienced the rich financial resources of an elf and the magical heritage passed down from ancient times.

Envoys from all over the place are now gathered on Crystal Avenue, the prosperous commercial street of Suramar City. Everyone is not bad for money ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's hard to come to this world famous A commercial street, how can you not spend it hard? Even Jaina for the moment temporarily left behind the fear of the Crusaders, rushed into a magical materials and equipment store, and went on a crazy fight.

"A few, how do you feel here?" Kael'thas came over with a smile and greeted King Ryan and his party.

Lothar's eyes were a bit overwhelming, and he was still looking for all kinds of things he was interested in. He was now wearing a brand new set of silver armor, which was engraved with elven-style patterns, and the power of arcane and ice flowed in exquisite In the lines.

"I now understand where the elf's pesky pride and superiority come from." As soon as Lothar's words fell, his eyes brightened and he rushed into another shop selling all kinds of magic jewelry.

Lyan touched Varian's head, who was holding a cup of something called Sha Bing, which was heard to have been invented by the Lord himself, and was fighting hard.

感觉 "It feels that the commercial street in Stormwind City is like a small market in the country compared to this. The first thing I am going to do when I go back is to transform the commercial street." Lane answered with a smile.

Noisy noise came from not far away at this moment, several people turned around and saw that the green dragon queen Ysera was constantly stuffing large bags and parcels piled on the ground into her space ring.

"I still feel ... It's not unusual to see these rare people in Suramar, even the characters who appear in the legend." Lane touched his nose and said jokingly.

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