Titan Dawn

Chapter 137: : Eve of War and Energy Cannon

The Kalimdor continent was a mess, and the Plague Army landed from Azshara. Arthas led the Scourge forward all the way to the west. The resistance of the night elves was very weak, and it seemed that they did not care about their going to Mount Hyjal. The Black Dragon Cavalry of the Iron Horde did not sit idle, and they were very happy with the air gargoyles of the Scourge.

Arthas encountered Illidan Stormrage, and the night elf seemed extremely dissatisfied with his tribe and the Titan deity. He stole the skull of Gul'dan, and absorbed the powerful essence of evil energy, and became a demon-like existence. He was being hunted by the night elves at this moment.

So Arthas thought that Illidan could be brought in, and he and Illidan plotted a murder.

After a great battle, Illidan, the demon hunter, killed Tito Dios, the dreadlord of Arthas, who came to Kalimdor following the Scourge.

Illidan absorbed all the essence and evil power of Tito Dios. At this moment, the evil flames on his pair of demon horns were burning fiercely, his feet also became devil's hoofs, and the demon wings behind them were huge Incomparable.

"Are you here ... are there any other demons?" Illidan stared at Arthas with a smile, holding his pair of Essinos blades flowing with a flame of evil energy.

Arthas shook his head. "No, you have proved your sincerity to the Scourge. From now on, you are a powerful Scourge ally."

Illidan's smile was even more weird at this time, "Really, I'm really honored, Arthas. But ... I need to go to the South China Sea to find an artifact, you can provide me A group of undead warriors? "

If Kel'Thuzad was present, he had already begun to doubt at this moment. It's a pity that Arthas didn't let Illidan's abnormality be discovered by Frostmourne's endless whisper and his endless pride.

"Yes, you can get a team of Scourgemen. But I hope you get back before the decisive battle in Mount Hyjal."

"Of course, of course! I don't want to miss such a good show." Illidan laughed, and then took the Scourge that Alsace had assigned him to the Scourge Temporary Pier in Azshara.

Illidan went to the tomb of Sargeras and successfully obtained a part of the dark titan's body, the eye of Sargeras.

The Scourges performed the cannon fodder and attracted demon firepower perfectly. After the entire army was consumed, Illidan embarked on the return journey alone.

He returned secretly to the Palace of the Night. Now the tallest building in the palace complex, the sun and moon sculptures on the top of the assembly hall are being rebuilt on a large scale, and a strange turret is taking shape.

Sunbird Lukma was so dissatisfied that he could only crouch on the sharp barrel to sleep.

Illidan gave Hu Feng the eye of Sargeras, who laughed.

"Very well, the last part of my Yong Ye Energy Cannon is finally here. Illidan, it's beautiful!"

Illidan bowed quickly: "I am willing to give everything for the night elves!"

Archdruid Malfurion stood beside his words and stopped, sighing.

"Brother, look at yourself ... Your appearance now is almost no different from the devil. Although Her Majesty the God believes that you will not fall for this, but ... I still want to remind you that you must not be evil Lost my heart! "

Illidan looked at his brother calmly, "We are all for the elves, and the difference lies in the different ways. Your understanding does not affect me in any way. After this holy war, I will go to another The world is gone. You do n’t see or worry about it, do you, brother? "

Tyrande sighed and looked at Illidan.

Illidan's affection for Tyrande is really good, but now he keeps this feeling deep in his heart, forcing himself not to see Tyrande.

Hu Feng looked at the love triangle, and felt that the atmosphere was awkward. Haha laughed a few times and hurried away, and went to the top of the palace to install the eyes of Sargeras.

The Scourge finally reached Mount Hyjal, and they established a base in a valley near Nordrassil, a tree of the world, to make a defensive gesture.

Archimond's army leading the Burning Legion also came here shortly after and established a base in the valley on the other side of the World Tree.

Archimonde himself went directly to the World Tree and began to crack the ancient magic guard and the blessings of ancient dragons around the tree.

Seeing that the guests had arrived, the night elves also tightened their mouths and surrounded Mount Hyjal.

The new tribal coalition, the alliance's army, and the priestess of the Temple of the Moon are responsible for destroying the Scourge. They will establish positions near the Scourge base, head-on against the Scourge and fight a battle against Scourge.

The Night Elf Border Guards, the Night's Crusaders, Draenei's Auchenai Guard and the Iron Horde will be responsible for resisting and destroying the main forces of the Burning Legion.

The upper elves, the druids, the Sokressa Fel Legion, and the Warlocks of the Black Sickle Council will cooperate with Her Majesty to launch an attack directly against Archimonde.

The jihad in Hyjal is on the brink.

Eastern Kingdoms mainland, ruins of Lordaeron.

Roaring, Barazar snarled, taking a few steps back, clutching the wound that was constantly corroding and burning in the chest.

Another horror, Varimathras, was also upset. He was besieged by countless barbed tentacles rising from the ground, and a group of dark rangers and banshees were releasing him remotely to him. attack.

"You ... Sylvanas ... You are not under the control of the Lich King at all! This attack is your own will! Don't try to lie to me!" Barnazzar roared as he thought. Escape strategy.

Queen Greek smiled charmingly, **** eyes were killing.

"Now, don't you think it's a bit late? Lordaeron is the domain of my dark queen. You can't take it. Arthas can't take it after he defeats him.

Barnazzar laughed. "Alsace defeated? Lord Archimonde will fail? Did your brain rot with it, Sylvanas?"

"Really? But I don't think Archimonde is as strong as Sargeras? You don't know the truth about Sargeras' failure? The news is blocked ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is sad. Queen Greek smiled, "If the Lich King is not stupid, he should now figure out how much he can gain after Archimonde's failure, or even complete freedom."

Banazal and Varimathras trembled in their hearts. What happened to Karagaz in Karazhan and the final outcome, the Burning Legion is now actively exploring the truth.

"You think ... Archimonde can survive from a Titan? Then IQ of your feared devil really makes me worry for you." Queen Greek continued to explode, playing her poisonous tongue attribute casually. .

Barnazzar yelled, and despite Sylvanas' continuous attacks, he turned into a large group of bats trying to escape.

Queen Greek guarded him for a long time, and immediately shot an energy arrow full of dark golden divine power.

The dark golden divine power turned into golden raindrops scattered over the sky, shrouded in the bat group of Banazal incarnation, and the latter screamed suddenly.

A black breastplate fell to the ground with a bang.

Banazzar is dead, and his soul is sent back to the twisted void. Although it wasn't real death, but he wanted to return to Azeroth again, it would take a lot of effort and time.

Queen Greek turned and looked at the only Varimathras left.

"So it's your turn, Varimathras, obey me, or roll back to Void Home like Banazzar?"

"Salute to you, Queen of Darkness."

Varimathras thought for a moment, then showed a respectful expression, and his huge body bowed slightly.

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