Titan Dawn

Chapter 146: : International Spitfire and Sartre Demon

The Storm Kingdom expressed its condolences for the first time, and King Lane issued a long eulogy to praise Mograine's life.

But then the words turned around, and began to question that Mogleni's death was not caused by the undead nature, but by an inner ghost around him!

The Brotherhood of Dawn also followed with skepticism, and they also came up with an abnormally detailed data for analysis. The Lord Ashes has encountered countless undead wars before, and the number is much more than this time. There is no reason to die because of irresistibility.

The final blow was done by Hu Feng. He broke through the embassy of the Empire of the Night: the murderer was the oldest son of the ash lord Renault. He was because of his father's preference for his brothers and blocked him from staying with Whitemane With a grudge, he committed the atrocities of his uncle! Now these dogs and men are hiding in the Scarlet Monastery and pretending to be innocent, it is really hateful, that is, I ca n’t make it, otherwise I would have gone and leveled the place!

The Emperor of the Night is a real Titan deity. The credibility of his words is absolutely moist!

This time, it exploded. Silver Dawn had been extremely skeptical about it. Now that it has the Titan's certification, it is even more convinced. They immediately jumped up and scolded Renault, pointing at him as a heartbroken beast! Silver Dawn will be at odds with Renault's Scarlet Crusade and will be in a state of war immediately! Darian, who left with Silver Dawn, was extremely angry, and he publicly declared that his brother was the greatest enemy of Mograine's family!

Lord Elisonn of the Hearth Valley murmured in his heart, and the Titans let go. Could this be false? So the Scarlet Crusade of the Fireplace Valley also cleared the relationship with the Scarlet Monastery for the first time, and seriously asked Renault to prove his innocence.

Lord Darthulhan has been occupied by the dreadlord Barnazzar. At this moment, the dreadlord has known that Lord Archimonde has been overshadowed by Lord Kil'jaeden. The world of Azeroth hides a true Titan God!

He was afraid that Renault would collapse and explode himself to seduce and seduce him. In case that Titan noticed himself, it would be really off. . . So start with a strong hand, angrily expressing that Renault is a beast! My Scarlet Crusade in Dasuohan is incompatible with your Renault. If you do n’t explain your uncle ’s beastly behavior, I will treat you as an enemy.

In the Scarlet Monastery, Renault is smashing with rage.

The truth that no one could have discovered was now exploded by that Titan, and his reputation became suddenly unheard of. The refutations and excuses issued by himself were hit by the Titan for various reasons, as if he was watching by the day of the incident!

It was impossible for Falbanks to confess. He had already been locked in a closet of the Scarlet Monastery at this moment, and had become a free-willed undead.

What makes Renault guilty most is that he is no longer angry and unwilling, and dares not to blame the Titan Emperor. Instead, he still puts on a grievance to explain constantly, saying that Titan misunderstood himself and the like. of.

Renault is not a fool. Even a behemoth like the Empire of the Night, even the Scarlet Crusade during the full heyday is not enough to practice. This dragon lingering in the Kalimdor continent changed the style of the night elves and the evasive world, and began to actively export and infiltrate its influence and ethnic culture to the world. The night empire's army is extremely large, and there are terrorist corps like the Iron Horde, plus giant war machines such as the Goron giants and the ancestor Jingshou looted from Draenor. It is no exaggeration to say that the current night empire, even if the whole world join forces, has a slim chance of winning.

At that time, a night elf in the state of scattered sand could carry the attack of the Burning Legion. Now it is more terrifying to condense the night elf into a fist.

Then the international form became a bit weird. The Emperor of the Eternal Night kept angrily spraying Renault, the unfilial son of his uncle, and the client Renault kept explaining himself. You are misunderstood, Lord God Emperor, the thing is not what you think is a good baby attitude.

Kalimdor, Feralas, Dire Maul.

The Sartre demons are retreating non-stop, and have now shrunk to their core position, near their leader, Wild Deformer Ozn.

The dark border guards are steadily fighting, advancing step by step. Sartre's body is everywhere along the way, and some elf soldiers are very competent to make up a few knives. A few screams, pretending to be dead, were really dead. . .

A small group of upper elf warlocks followed the border guards, and the soul stone sucked a lot along the way.

These elven warlocks taught by the Black sickle council, because of their inherent magical talents, are called a rapid progress on the road of the warlock. Summoning demons such as the Demon Guard is a piece of cake, and even some Elven Warlocks can summon and control higher demons such as Doomguard or Hellfire for a long time.

So the Sartres were unlucky, and their strength was not bad, especially Ozn, the leader of the wilderness deformer, was also a strong one. But in the face of the state machinery and the army ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ no matter how strong it is also useless.

In addition, the **** dogs summoned by the warlocks are extremely sensitive to the taste of demons, and some Sartre demon who are good at sneaking and hiding cannot escape the hunting of **** dogs.

Ozion, the deformed deformer, watched his subordinates fall to the ground with humiliation. These elf soldiers are really abominable. They don't play close combat with you at all. volley. With two rounds of enchanted bullets, the Sartres can still use their mana shields to block them, but a volley of hundreds of people can make you the guardian of Meri *.

Ozern the Wild Shaper roared, his hands began to emit the light of evil energy, preparing to release a fierce wind of evil energy. . . amount. . .

Then he was silent. . .

Two tentacles on the back of a dozen hell-dogs faced him, in turn releasing silence.

The group of **** dogs rushed up quickly, and the tentacles tightly absorbed the body of the wild deformer Ozn, who immediately felt that his mana was rapidly decreasing. After the mana was drained, it was his own vitality.

The frontier soldiers also drew out their long swords and rushed over, preparing to chop this last Sartre into meat sauce.

Ozion the Deformer of the Wild is not the protagonist and has no aura. He can only use force and his claws to tore a hell-dog like an episcopal, in vain, blocking the elves soldier's chopping, looking for escape. Methods.

At this moment he felt a pain and weakness in his spirit and body.

Curse of pain!

Curse of Weakness!

The warlocks also launched an attack.

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