Titan Dawn

Chapter 157: : 1 generation of old people for new people

Stormwind City.

A grand carnival and celebration is spreading throughout the city, with King Ryan's abdication ceremony and new king Varian's ascension ceremony taking place at the same time.

On the square in front of the Storm Fortress, a high platform has been built here. Hu Feng's family and the big brothers from all countries in the alliance have attended and sat side by side.

At this moment King Lane's speech has come to an end.

"So, the future of the Storm Kingdom, the future of the alliance, is in the hands of the new generation at this moment! They are at the peak, and they are in a great period of energy!"

"Varian! Are you willing to take over the throne and become a wise and wise king, leading our people forward?"

Varian kneeled on one knee, holding one hand Hu Feng's adult gift, "The King's Will, the Heart of War," the two-handed sword.

"I do! I will lead the Storm Kingdom to the forefront and protect my people with my life!"

On the sidestand, the dwarven king Magni came to Hu Feng.

"Master, does Stormwind Kingdom have a problem with Zen making the throne? First, Lothar's ancestors gave up the throne to Ryan's ancestors, and now Ryan gave the throne to his son. Is this throne so hot?"

Hu Feng glanced at the dwarf. "Can you accumulate morality in your mouth? This is called Xianming."

At this time, a continuous cheer sounded, Ryan put a golden crown on Varian on one knee, and then raised his son up.

"For Stormwind! For the Alliance!"

"Salute to the new King Varian!"

At the same time, in Stormwind City Barracks.

Lothar also helped Windsor up, taking him and familiarizing him with the things of the Alliance Commander.

"Now it's a comeback, and after Varian's inauguration ceremony is over, your appointment will come down immediately, so I will show you in advance what you need to pay attention to."

"Can't you continue to be Grand Marshal?" Windsor was a little bit reluctant. As a soldier brought by Lothar, he went all the way to Marshal's position, and he had great respect for his chief.

"Our era is over. Your new generation of generals cannot live under the shelter of Lane and me forever, so it is time for you to take up this courage, as does Varian." Lothar walked in with a smile. Grand Marshal's room, pointing at the scarlet two-handed sword on the wall.

"Everything in this room is yours from now on, including this Brotherhood Sword, make good use of it." Lothar looked at Windsor, "Don't let the Storm Kingdom disappoint, let alone the Alliance."

Windsor nodded firmly. "No, Marshal Lothar. I will carry this burden and not let anyone down."


A rough stone platform appeared outside the city, with braziers and torches burning on both sides, and the blood-red flag of the new tribe stood on the top of the platform to hunt and hunt.

Durotan stood quietly under the tribal banner, and on the side stood Orgrim.

Ooo ~~ Ooo ~~~

The desolate horn sounded one after another, and a team of wolf cavalry came galloping, then turned over the wolf.

Thrall held the Doomhammer and walked across the elevated road to the orcs and soldiers who greeted him constantly.

The two brothers Saurfang followed behind Saar and walked towards the high platform.

"Thrall, my son!" Durotan yelled at this moment.

Since Thrall insisted on using the name, Durotan had no choice but to do whatever he wanted.

"The tribe was born again from ashes and ruins. Now, tell me, do you have the ability to continue to lead it! Are you capable of leading the proud orc!"

Thrall didn't say anything, but he lifted the Doomhammer high, and the hammer began to emit fierce electric light. Sky mines and lightnings fell from the sky and surrounded Thrall's side.

"I, Thrall, the new shaman, has the ability to lead the Horde! The ability to lead the glorious orcs!"

Orgrim looked at the two brothers of Saurfang, "Brocks Saurfang! Varok Saurfang! You defeated me in the arena. Now, are you willing? Take the glory of the Grand Overseer and lead the tribal army to continue to guard our people? "

Under the gaze of their compatriots a few days ago, the two Saurfang brothers defeated Orgrim one-on-one in the arena, which caused a burst of admiration and admiration in the new tribe.


The two Saurfang brothers held up their arms and roared loudly.

Durotan nodded with satisfaction, and continued to look at Tauren's leader Kane Bloodhoof and Darkspear Troll's patriarch Vol'jin.

"Do the Tauren and Darkspear Trolls have any opinions and questions? The new Chiefs and Warlords will accept any challenge!"

Kane * Bloodhoof has a gentle and very wise personality. He is very satisfied with Thrall's conduct and strength.

"The Tauren have no opinion and are willing to accept the leadership of Chief Sal."

Woking grinned and grinned hoarsely. He and Thrall were already very good friends. Thrall also respected him and regarded him as an elder.

"The Darkspear Troll has no opinion, and I believe Chief Thrall can lead the tribe to a better future."

Vol'jin bowed at this moment, and continued to say, "I also want to offer a congratulations to the new chief." Saying, Vol'kin clapped his hands,

At this time, several trolls dressed up completely different from the dark spear trolls came up from the platform and paid respectfully.

Their faces are covered with blood-red dye, and their hair is dyed with blood ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The Bloodtop clan asks the tribe for help to deal with the Cleavage Clan and the Gurubashi Clan in Stranglethorn Vale as In return, our patriarch Ganzuraan is willing to join the tribe, but we need to retain great autonomy. "

Durotan glanced at Wojin in surprise, but he knew that the troll clan in the Stranglethorn Vale of the Eastern Kingdoms mainland did not like the new tribe and the dark spear trolls. Especially for the Dark Spear Trolls, those troll clans are completely full of scorn and hatred, treating them as betrayers and exiles.

Now that Vol'jin was able to win over the Blood-Top Trolls, it seems that this situation of Ganzuraan is indeed very critical.

The Gurubashi clan dominated the city of Zul'Gurub, while the Skull-skull clan controlled most of the wild areas of Stranglethorn Vale, and the humans of the Storm Kingdom began to enter Stranglethorn Vale to establish outposts. Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine that the Blood Top Clan, which was already in a weak position, will do things to seek tribal help.

Thrall immediately entered into the idea of ​​the chief of the tribe, he thought for a moment, and nodded to the messenger of the blood crest.

"The tribe accepts your request and agrees to your request. For friends, the tribe's door is always open to him."

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