Titan Dawn

Chapter 179: : Druid Mission and Gilneas

Eastern Kingdom Continent.

Conflicts between the parties are still in full swing, and the fight is overjoyed.

After the druid mission of the night empire arrived, he thought it over a little bit, and then split his army. A group of Druids with higher positions and strength traveled to the Undercity to meet the Dark Queen Sylvanas to seek the cooperation of this operation. The other group went to Fenris Island to meet Princess Carlia of Lordaeron.

This is also learned, Sylvanas belongs to the Secret God of Her Majesty, and this is not a secret among the night elves.

Moreover, the dark queen is keen to pull out the clans and seize every opportunity to strengthen the position and strength of Windrunner Sisters in the Palace of Eternal Night. Therefore, the Queen of Queens attaches great importance to the order and order of the mission. If she goes to Princess Caria first, or sends a group of missions with low specifications. . . The Queen Queen promises to give you little shoes.

As for the cooperation of the forgotten?

Oh, don't even think about it.

So the druids wisely sent the accompanying new druids to Princess Kalia, and the remaining old druids went straight to the Undercity, saving time and allowing this The Queen is satisfied.

Inside the Undercity is also an intriguing fight at the moment, and the fear lord Varimathras is competing with the Dark Queen for power distribution. Since the gambling contract and the contest have been put on the bright side, the two have made no secret of it. Today I will suppress you a bit, and tomorrow I will draw another batch, and you are happy to come and go.

The druids followed the Royal Terror Guard into the Queen's parliamentary hall, and the dark elven-style decoration made the druids awkward and uncomfortable.

No matter they are night elves or high elves, their style is bright and elegant with artistic sense, and the elf style here seems to be deliberately dimmed, with dark patterns and decorations, like a grave.

"What's that? Behind you!" A druid turned his head sharply, watching a little human girl holding a doll suddenly appearing behind his companion.

The little girl gave him a gloomy look, and then a wave of fluctuations disappeared again.

Druids aren't afraid of ghosts, of course, but this weird, numbing ghost is the first time I've seen it.

The companion heard the words and looked back behind him, then shrugged, "Nothing? You look at the eyes ... It's normal to look at the eyes in such a dark place ... Lying down!" This Before the name Druid finished, he burst out an exclamation following the tone learned by His Majesty the Emperor.

Pamela appeared again behind Druid, who told him something was behind him, with a mischievous smile in the corner of her mouth.

"Pamela, don't bother, have your training tasks been completed?"

Sylvanas' voice came from not far away, and Pamela heard the elder sister's voice, grunted, and disappeared again.

"A few druids come to me. What's the matter?"

The druids immediately saluted respectfully.

"Say you, Queen Sylvanas."

Queen Greek nodded with satisfaction, her face also kind.

"Say it."

Silver Pine Forest, Fenris Island.

"This is how it is, Her Royal Highness Princess Carlia, so we would like to ask you to cooperate for a period of time. During the period when the forsaken cooperated with us to clear the werewolf and search for the same thing, you can temporarily stop the Silver Pine Forest offensive . "

Fenris Island is now supported by the Brotherhood of Dawn, and things are much better.

Princess Carlia was sitting on the master chair in the middle of the newly renovated town hall, quietly thinking about Druid's proposal, and the table in front of her stood quietly with the golden sword.

"So, what kind of compensation is the Dark Empire willing to give?"

"You have to find out that your strength now is given by His Majesty the Emperor!" A young Druid immediately became angry.

Kaliya nodded, with a serious look: "I know, but I must first consider the Lordaeron, and then my personal feelings, otherwise the Titan Lord will not give me strength."

"I don't have many requests. Please mediate the Empire of the Night. The land now occupied by the Lordaeron Rebel Army is ours. It has nothing to do with the Forsaken. If it can, then the Army is willing to cooperate fully."

The leader-like Druid considered for a moment, motioned to Carlia to come over, and whispered something.

Carria frowned, then nodded.

"If it's just the power of the Dreadlord ... well, I accept it."

So the Yinsong Forest area calmed down for a while. A forsaken army led by the death knight entered the Yinsong Forest and went straight to the direction of Shadowfang Castle.

The druids followed the army, examining the werewolf's body.

"Something is wrong ... these werewolves seem to have been transformed by magic? Is there such magic?"

"It may have been researched by the human mage. Continue as planned. Go to Shadowfang Castle to find the original figurine. We cannot give up any clues about the sickle."

The army surrounds Shadowfang Castle, which is built on a towering hillside, and enters and exits by a suspension bridge that runs through the valley. The burning wood village under the hillside is also in ruins at this moment. Only the sparse werewolves wander aimlessly in the village.

The Gilneas wall in the distance is still tightly closed. From time to time, a few blurred figures can be seen patrolling ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Gilneas is still oblivious to what happened at his doorstep. Q. Shadowfang Castle and Burnt Wood Village are strictly Gilneas's territory, but Gilneas has abandoned this land since the high wall was established.

In front of the gate under the city wall, many dilapidated refugee tents surround the city wall. Gilneas refused to allow these nationals to enter and killed and did not open the gate.

However, Gilneas still has a little conscience. Any forgotten person near the city wall or Lordaeron's resurgent army will be violently attacked from the top of the city. This is also an alternative kind of shelter.

For these refugees, some packed food and consumables will also be dropped from the city.

"Have you ever seen such a strange country? What are their kings thinking, have their brains broken?"

A druid stared blankly at the strange scene in the distance, puzzled.

A tauren next to him, Druid, scratched his hair thickly and nodded in agreement.

"It's a shameful behavior for a coward to abandon his people."

At this time, a female high elf death knight came over on a horse and spoke with a hoarse voice with an echo: "I do n’t know why it was before, maybe it was fear of the undead. But now ... I see them I'm afraid that this werewolf plague will spread. "

"This thing is contagious?"

The death knight nodded. "Yes, but it's basically human, and it spreads very fast."

The druids looked at each other as they heard.

The more I heard it, the less like the characteristics of the lunar sickle, I could only catch that source and interrogate it in detail.

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