Titan Dawn

: Festival Forty: Blizzard! Xianglian! Quickly ...

大陆 Continent of Pandaria.

Pandaren still lives peacefully on this mist-wrapped continent. Shao Hao led his army, as well as the Knights of the Dragon Dragon and the Shado-Pan Great Wall guards fought on the front line, firmly guarding the frontier on the Great Wall and resisting the attack of the Mantis Demon.

Cao Fei is a Mogu tribe.

However, his identity is not ordinary, he is not ordinary Mogu, he is a descendant of a Mogu emperor.

The ancient Mogu had many dynasties, and the mogu emperors of each dynasty had different personalities. Some are good-natured and give pandaren and other enslaved races a little sweetness to improve their lives. When it comes to bad tempers, Pandaren and other enslaved races are living as slaves to pigs and dogs.

The Cao dynasty is the most special one among the Mogu dynasties. It is also the only grateful pandaren and a dynasty written as a positive person in history books.

During the reign of the Mogu Empire during the Cao Dynasty, Emperor Cao made a decision that was extremely grateful to all pandaren: he allowed the pandaren and all enslaved races to have the right to read and receive knowledge.

But this also indirectly buried the seeds of the destruction of the Mogu Empire.

After gaining the power of knowledge, the Pandaren finally came to the fore after the enslavement of several dynasties, and established their own country and dynasty.

Therefore, the Cao clan and the Mogu clan are hostile to each other, and they are regarded as betrayers and sinners of history.

Cao Fei is the only direct descendant of the Cao Mogu family.

He took his few tribe to hide in Tibet. Although the Mogu Empire fell apart, the Mogu clans scattered in the mountains and the wild are still numerous. They turned into robbers, harassing Pandaren's town or military stronghold from time to time.

Cao Mogu finally hid in the Kunlai Mountain area near Shadow Trace Temple. Mogu feared the white tiger, one of the four gods, so they rarely ran to this area.

Cao Fei was very distressed. He wanted to get powerful power to lead his clan to stand upright again and gain a piece of land that could thrive and rebuild the Cao dynasty.

So he summoned his courage, settled the tribe, and stepped out of the Kunlai Mountains to the Shadow Trace Temple.

In front of the temple gate, he was stopped by Shado-Pan monks and then tied up.

The head of the Shado-Pan Zhu Zhulan and Master Xueliu were immediately curious when they learned the news.

A Mogu clan even came to Shazong Temple? Is the fate too long?

Soon they understood the context, this Mogu turned out to be a descendant of the Cao Dynasty, and he wanted to learn the skills of a monk.

This was the first thing that happened. Master Xueliu gave the decision to Zhu Talan, but he also clearly told Zhu Talan that this Mogu named Cao Fei didn't have any trace of talent. Even if you teach him in person, he will not be an elite wind step monk.

So Cao Fei was politely invited out of the Shadow Trace Temple to see that he was a descendant of the Cao dynasty, and gave him some gold coins and food. The implication is where to get things and where to go. .

However, Cao Fei was unwilling, and he stubbornly kept a step in front of the gate of Shadow Trace Temple and refused to leave.

"Master Bai Hu, the Cao Mogu is still unwilling to leave. He has to stay to learn the martial arts of the monk." Zhu Talan flipped over and came to the roof of the highest temple.

The white tiger shook his tiger's head.


"Listen to him, he wanted to protect his people from being hunted down by other Mogu, and he wanted to get a piece of land to revive the Cao Dynasty."

"The Cao dynasty ... Ah, the memories of the past are still alive. Emperor Cao is a good emperor. Compared to the ruthless war king Qi Ang, the witch king Tian and the king of bandits, Azao, Cao is simply Is a saint. "

"Then ... shall we keep him?"

"Wait a minute. Although there are some stereotypes, you still have to test his patience and belief. If he doesn't have these, then as a talentless Mogu, he will never become a qualified monk."

A few days later, Cao Fei was sitting in the corner in front of the temple gate, watching the snow in the sky dazed.

The door opened, and an old pandaren came out, and the compassionate features had a calm, water-like temperament.

"Come in, kid, Lord Bai Hu is willing to accept you, you can learn the monk way at Shadow Trace Temple."

Master Xueliu waved his hand, and a warm current poured into Cao Fei's frozen body. The latter immediately felt a warmth and quickly got up and bowed.

As a result, there was an additional apprentice monk from Mogu in the Shadow Trace Temple. This surprised the pandas with their eyes dropped, and then they learned that the Mogu was descended from the Cao family, and everyone immediately knew that their attitude to him was the same.

Cao Fei began to practice with other newly-appointed Pandaren monk apprentices.

The days were very hard, but Cao Fei was willing to endure. He trained hard and borrowed various books at night to read.

However, due to the limitations of his Mogu body, he did not have the slightest talent for authenticity and martial arts, so his progress was extremely slow.

Even the two female pandaren dolls newly collected by Master Xueliu can't beat him. Don't look at them, they are just two girls, but the feeling of infuriating is far above himself.

"Don't give up, don't be discouraged. Fei Xue and Xiang Lian are the best seedlings of the pandaren, you are Mogu, the physique is completely different." Master Xue Liu specifically found Cao Fei, who was extremely disappointed, and comforted him with a smile.

"As long as you work hard, you have hope, and as long as you persist, you have success."

Cao Fei regained his confidence. He has made countless times more effort than others, just to reach the level of apprentices who trained with him.

He also made many pandaren friends, and their encouragement and trust made Cao Fei work harder.

"When I learn, I will go outside the Great Wall and revive the Cao Dynasty in Monster Island! When the great cause is completed, you will all be dragon ministers, hahaha!"

Cao Fei often talked to his friends about his ideals and pursuits during the break.

When the pandas heard the words, it was a kind of good laughter ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ They advised him not to think wildly, until he became a formal monk, went to the Great Wall to fight the mantis demon together, the emperor Shaohao kindness, will definitely give you and you A tribe of people let you live in peace.

However, Cao Fei was unmoved, and he must revive the Mogu dynasty, so that those who pursued and did not understand his Mogu understand: The Cao dynasty is not wrong, and will be the last and only one standing in the world Mogu Dynasty.

Bai Hu squatted quietly at the top of the temple where he often stayed, looking at the training square below.

This Cao Fei has the will of the emperor, but he has not yet realized the way of the emperor, and his thoughts are still at the level that he can establish a great cause by only his own force.

this will not work. After all, there is only one of his old friend Titan Sarodhar.

But Bai Hu will not wake up Cao Fei, all of which requires him to epiphany and reflect.

It's very interesting to watch a Mogu who has the will of the king grow up step by step.

Bai Hu looked up at the sky and felt the fog around the lower continent.

There is not a short time before Pandaria returns to the world.

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