Titan Dawn

Chapter 215: : Beginning of the Battle for Angela

The burning plain that had just been calm for a while became lively again, and the Alliance's army again entered the Black Rock Mountain in a mighty manner, and then descended all the way into the Black Rock Abyss.

The Dark Iron Dwarf, who had long accepted the order of Dark Iron Regent Queen Moira, demarcated an area as a temporary base for the Alliance army.

The adventurers also flocked along, continuing to receive various reward tasks, and then teams rushed to the bottom of the molten heart to harass the element of fire.

The Blackstone Abyss has now been replaced by many blue-gold lion heads with the Alliance flag and the three-hammer parliamentary emblem. The Moira Regent seems to be anxious to prove that the Dark Iron Dwarf truly joined the Alliance. Not only that, she also said that when the Alliance is attacking Molten Hearts, the Black Iron Man will send a large number of Black Iron combat puppets and a team consisting of Black Iron Warriors and Warlocks to assist the Alliance's offensive.

The Black Iron Dwarf is the only one among the three dwarves to accept and vigorously develop warlocks. Their warlocks also adhere to the dwarf's irritable and straightforward personality. They will not settle down to study various knowledge in the room all day long. It's the actual faction who wants to do it.

Therefore, black iron warlocks often appear due to lack of knowledge of their own, causing the demon summoned to not listen to control, or summoned other strange demon oolong events.

The Alliance's army is undergoing final rest and mobilization and will soon launch a campaign to attack the Heart of Molten.

However, this time it was a little different. After the black dragon princess Onyxia had been instructed by her Titan master, she supported a group of black dragon dragons, and participated in the battle along with the Alliance forces.

"That mother dragon finally did something that pleased me. If it wasn't for her excellent political ability and the recommendation of Lord God, I would have driven her out of Stormwind."

In the Storm Fortress, Varian watched the report of the army, poked his lips, and complained to the Duke of Berval, who was standing under the throne.

Burval shrugged, "I share the same feeling, but she does organize her internal affairs well, so whether we like it or not, we must continue to use her. After all, other nobles are like a group compared to her. Sacks and rice bags. "

The Kalimdor continent, the night empire is not calm.

A declaration of the Emperor of the Eternal Night spreads throughout the world: The second battle of Angela will soon begin, and the Emperor calls on people with lofty ideals from all over the world to come together to form a coalition, and everyone will fight the Yaki Zerg and loot together. Get rich.

The new tribe responded instantly as if they had beaten chicken blood. Now they are looking forward to the stars and the moon, and they are looking forward to some big villain jumping out to make the tribe beat up and make more contributions for Azeroth. After all, the Titan promised that the greater the contribution, the more land he helped the new tribe to transform.

Now finally waiting for you!

Regardless of what zerg or zerg you are, in short you are the bad elements who threaten the world, and it is you!

The order of Chief Chief Thrall was issued, and King Thalufal will continue to be the commander of the tribal army. After the replenishment is completed, he will be immediately dispatched to the Cenarion Fortress in the desert of Silithus to join the coalition forces.

Theramore responded to the call for the second time, and Jaina was now trying to reverse her impression of the Emperor of the Night. Today, she is no longer the childish princess who was respected and favored by the people. Under the precepts of the former guardian Aegwynn, Jaina has lost most of the naive and naive thoughts she once had. In the past, critical utterances such as the night elf empire's lack of freedom and human rights, as well as the great cleansing of demon atrocities, etc., have been utterly spoken. Now it has completely changed its attitude and will never say these similar words.

The biggest blow was from Kael'thas, because of her differential treatment and double standards, which forced her to truly love her life, Jaina regretted it.

And now I heard that Kael'thas got to know a human girl named An Weina, and invited her to live in Silvermoon City constantly, hot every day. Every time I think of it, Jaina's heart is filled with grief and pain.

But Jaina ’s sons and daughters have no one to care about, and everyone is thinking about how many people they will have this time. After all, the night elves are not short of money and supplies, so if you want to participate, then send the army honestly. come on.

The Alliance stated that it would send an airship fleet headed by the Skybreaker. After all, the main force of the Alliance ’s army is now in Black Rock, and it ca n’t pull more troops to help.

The Emperor Yongye expressed his understanding. Anyway, the Dark Empire and the Alliance have excellent relations. It is not a big problem to come as little as possible.

The Silver Dawn and the Scarlet Vanguard are not ready to participate in this joint operation. They have enough things in the plagued land of east and west. Now they are busy clearing the remaining undead in these areas. By the way, they want to enter the western plagued land Of the Forsaken are fighting for the site.

And recently a strange orc tribe suddenly appeared in the Western Plaguelands to occupy the Icewind Post. The Silver Dawn and Scarlet Vanguard are sending people to investigate this orc tribe of unknown origin and crazy development.

Lordaeron's resurgent army is also unable to come. They are consolidating land in the Alterant Mountains and preparing to fight several small-scale battles in the Silver Pine Forest and Hillsbrad Foothills and the Forsaken.

Surprisingly, the Bronze Dragon stated that they would also send a team of dragons to support the operation of the Night Empire.

However, it seems not difficult to understand in Hu Feng. After all, only Bronze Dragon King Nozdormu and Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza have not recovered their essence. The Red Dragon Queen has never found a suitable opportunity to meet Hu Wind pulls the relationship, so the relationship has been relatively cold. Nozdormu was different, but he had been waiting for the opportunity to show his face and make a deep impression in front of Father Titan. Maybe the Father and God are happy and return the essence to themselves.

As for the eternal dragon. . . Well, to be honest Nozdormu now pays less attention to the Eternal Dragon.

Anyway, this timeline has been recognized by Long River, and the Bronze Dragon must guard this new correct timeline. And the eternal dragon is now more and more biased towards the Father Titan, so there are fewer conflicts and differences between the two.

Maybe sometime in the future, the eternal dragon will disappear on its own, anyway, since the two have the same purpose, there is no such thing as the bronze dragon falling into the eternal dragon.

As for the children of the empire of the night empire.

Well, Quel'Thalas is definitely not coming. The sun king Kael'thas is busy dating his own well, the incarnation of the well, An Weina, and Hu Feng has a sore face after learning about it ~ www .wuxiaspot.com ~ Love them, go with them.

Kaizi is different, the well-known name of the young man Nii!

Needless to say, the draenei, it is appropriate to join the night elves. The leader of Tulani passed his soft sister breath to Draenei. Now Draenei basically does not communicate with any other race except the night elves.

I don't know if the prophet Velen came to Azeroth with the Naru ship named Exodar and saw whether this group of compatriots on the other timeline had such a personality and would be furious.

As for the wooden-throated bear monsters, these extremely low-presence bear monsters sent a team of shamans to help the battle, which surprised Hu Feng very much.

It turned out that these bear monsters also knew to pay attention to what happened outside the world, and thought they were going to close their doors and play their own lives in Winter Spring Valley and the Woods.

The Yuanzu Jingshou also sent a member, and took dozens of Lin Jing to Silithus with the army of the Dark Empire.

Everything was ready and the parties began to gather at Cenarion Fortress in Silithus.

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