Titan Dawn

Chapter 242: : Ancient God and Cooperation

All the creatures in the entire outer realm, as if collectively stupid, have completely stopped their respective wars. The broken world in the outer realm has made it impossible to restore complete peace.

Even the Demon of the Burning Legion, they rarely stopped all offensives and set their sights on Shadowmoon Valley.

The reason is without him, naturally Hu Feng jumped out and brushed a sense of existence.

He accidentally found that Shadowmoon Valley had an ancient god!

This stepping horse made Hu Feng blew his hair. Although it is not clear why the ancient **** never came out to affect the creatures of the previous Draenor world, and the ancient **** with a very low sense of existence did not have any sire. Powers and believers just barely exposed the ground.

The body of the ancient god, located in a ravine in the central area of ​​Shadowmoon Valley, is only a dozen meters wide and small.

This is an evil orc's Dragonmaw Skybreaker, which he accidentally discovered when he landed and urinate.

Then Shadowmoon Valley fryers, Hu Feng's huge sky-like Titan phantom, even the Nagrand Prairie and Terokkar Forest can be clearly seen.

Everyone soon knew the specific news. The Titan deity who brought the army from the world of Azeroth was beating a mysterious ancient god.

Hu Feng doesn't care why this ancient **** is so low-key, and he doesn't care what his name is. In short, it's called first, if he can kill it, he will die, and if he does not die, he will bring back part of Cthulhu's body and devour it. he.

So the observation team sent by the parties looked dullly at the huge Titan's shadow, and roughly cut off the ground. The giant sword in his hand kept digging the hard land of Shadow Moon Valley like a shovel.

Even more eye-catching is that the Burning Legion even sent two Fel Warships to help out!

This was an order sent by Kil'jaeden himself. Although the Titan and his master were endless enemies, the Legion and the world of Azeroth were also incompatible.

However, there is no conflict between the two sides in the presence of the common enemy, the Lord Void and the ancient god.

After all, our dedicated President Sa was to destroy the Void Lord in one fell swoop. That was why the idea of ​​setting up the Burning Legion to burn the entire universe and make the Void Lord lose all the soil of existence.

Kil'jaeden firmly adhered to his boss's will. When facing the Lord Void and the ancient gods, it was not impossible to cooperate with that Titan for the time being.

Hu Feng glanced at the evil warships circling in the sky, ignored them, and continued to dig the ground.

The Burning Legion volunteered to come and help them, and then let them follow. After all, in this regard, the two sides have the same purpose.

The body revealed by the mysterious ancient **** is getting bigger and bigger, but it is very strange that this ancient **** still has no counterattack or response, just like a stone sculpture.

Finally, Hu Feng wields a huge sword, and once again shovels out a large amount of dirt contaminated by evil energy. The face of this ancient **** is exposed in front of everyone.

His body is shrouded in a faint light, it seems that it does not exist in this world at all, and this ancient **** does not exist in this world.

He was called.

But for some reason, the summoning ritual was suspended halfway through, so this ancient **** was tragedy, and part of his body was stuck in this way, and he has been in this state.

At this time, Hu Feng also found some clues. There were some strange runes flowing from time to time on the light of the ancient god's body, which seemed to be a racial language symbol.

He suddenly remembered, this is the text of the crow!

At the time of the invasion of the wrong timeline, the upper elves captured a group of Raven-Crystal scholars and puppet engineers, and the books they carried were such words.

With this clue, the rest is easy to handle. Hu Feng decided to go back to Azeroth and brought a group of Raven Scholars to read it, and continued to restart the call.

"Hey! The Burning Legion above, help Lao Tzu optimistic about this place, just go back when you go."

The two Fel Warships of the Burning Legion also did not reply, but after a while the warship stopped in the air, incidentally projecting a dozen sad spires, and a large number of demon army came out and surrounded the entire pit.

They also found the abnormality of this ancient god, but there was no solution. But looking at this Titan, he should have a coping strategy.

So help the guards.

Hu Feng dissipated a ghost, a dark golden flame flashed, disappeared in place, returned to the Hellfire Peninsula, and then crossed the dark gate and returned to Azeroth.

The parties around the observation group were dumbfounded. They and the Demon Army of the Burning Legion were blinding, but no one took the initiative to fight.

Not far from the hillside, a silvery white Naru named Khili and the surrounding Shattrath Army were quietly watching the movement of the Burning Legion.

Khadgar stared with surprise at the Burning Legion's makeshift camp.

"The Burning Legion would have done something good? I thought they would definitely take the opportunity to attack the surrounding observation teams."

Naaru shook with a pleasant sound, like a music box that kept spinning.

"They are also for their own purposes, and for the will of the Dark Titan Sargeras. Lord Void and the Gods of Antiquity are any common enemy in the universe."

At this time, a terrible wave of energy came from the devil's camp, and a huge projection appeared on the edge of the big pit dug by Hu Feng.


That was the projection of the fraudster Kil'jaeden!

Now this area can be regarded as an All-Star Carnival, and all the big names have appeared, waiting for the Titan to come back and beat the ancient gods below.

A few hours later, a dark golden flame flashed back, and Hu Fengfengchen returned.

He immediately saw the projection of Kil'jaeden next to the big pit, and then a teleportation came to Kil'jaeden, staring at him unwillingly.

"Well, the mysterious Kil'jaeden is finally willing to show up? I thought you wouldn't jump out until you attacked Argus."

Kil'jaeden's projection also looks at the incarnation of the Titan in front of it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When the master of Sargeras returns, you and the master can only survive one, and the winner must be the master. Dear Titan Salodar, give up useless resistance. If you are willing to assist my master and your brothers in the same race, the Lord Void will surely die. "

Hu Feng laughed and shook his head.

"In this case, I will also give it back to you, and when Sargeras's soul crawls out of the endless abyss, you can also tell him that if he is loyal to me, the vanishing of the Void Lord will greatly accelerate."

Kil'jaeden is known as a fraudster for no reason. He was extremely calm at the moment, and did not face the clamor and threat of the enemy.

"Then we will wait and see. You still have time, respectable Titan. If you can change your mind, I believe that the host will share power with you and the brothers will win the final victory together."

"You are wise, Kil'jaeden, you are also a sly wise man, but you do not understand the grudges between our Titans. This time I accept your temporary cooperation for a common enemy, but I will meet again next time, even if This is just your projection, and I will crush it into slag. "

Kil'jaeden nodded politely, then let aside, waiting for Hu Feng to act.

After reading and researching the captive crow scholars, Hu Feng had almost a spectrum in this calling ceremony.

No matter which ancient **** of the world he is, as soon as he is found, he must die!

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