Titan Dawn

Chapter 286: : Stabilizing the situation

Northrend mainland, Borean Tundra.

After a **** battle, the fearless expeditionary force finally landed and established a temporary line of defense in the coastal areas in the middle and lower parts of the Borean Tundra.

The construction of the Alliance's first military stronghold in the north will begin here, the Fearless Stronghold.

Although the army of undead spiders responsible for blocking the Alliance's army was temporarily repelled, they still hovered not far away, reorganized the formation, and were ready to launch a new round of attacks at any time.

The alliance also seized this rare offensive slot, and desperately began to build tall and thick defensive walls. With the help of arcane construction puppets, the walls facing the inland direction stood up at a very rapid speed.

In the area not far north of the Fearless Fortress, the tribal army, which also successfully landed, also established a temporary defense stronghold in a basin where they will build a high-tower steel building called Warsong Fortress.

In the design drawing, the height of the Warsong Fortress will be at least twice the depth of the basin. The entrance and exit of the fortress is connected by a suspension bridge to the top of the basin. When the enemy comes in, the fortress can retract the suspension bridge. The enemy can only take a fierce onslaught against the fortress, forcibly hit the bottom of the basin, and then try to open an accessible one at the bottom of the thickest, almost solid iron fortress. gap.

The advent of alliances and tribes has caused the native walrus and yak people of Northrend to set their sights. These two races are basically in the state of hiding in Tibet by the Scourge, and now seeing two new characters entering the field defeating the Scourge of the Undead Scourge, they immediately cheered up.

However, out of vigilance for unfamiliar races, walruses and yak men decided to stay on the sidelines for a while, taking a closer look at the attitudes of the alliance and the tribe, as well as all sides.

In the Howard Fjord in the easternmost part of Northrend mainland, the combined fleet of the Silver Northern Expeditionary Army, the Scarlet Pioneer Army, and the Lord ’s Resurrection Army has also landed.

They have much less resistance than the Alliance and the Horde.

The Vrykul here has been dead for many years with the army of the undead, and now they have fallen completely into the downwind, and they can't stand up in the sewers.

But the 100-footed worm died and was not deadlocked. Although the Vrykuls have fallen and many ethnic groups have been reborn as members of the undead, their surviving tribes are still fighting.

When the United Fleet arrived, the Scourge of the Undead happened to have a long-planned plan against Utgard Castle, the largest city of the Vrykul, and the latter was also fussed by the attack of the Undead. Came to attack the United Army, and it was completely wiped out by the remnants of the United Army.

After successfully landing and annihilating the enemies, the Allied Army began to build a stronghold in the coastal area on the westernmost part of the Howling Fjord. They named this future harvest city the Western Weirong Fortress.

Princess Kalia's Lordaeron will defend here after the fortress is built as the rear of the three-way coalition.

As for the Argent Crusade, they will continue to penetrate the Northrend inland area, pounding the Lich King's core ice cap glaciers. Their initial idea was to establish a camp in the far north of the Icecrown Glacier as a forward position to attack the Icecrown Fortress.

However, it is not easy to enter the ice crown glacier area. The Lich King surrounded the entire city with tall walls made of Saronite iron. If you want to enter, you must first break through the heavy and heavy condemnation. door.

As for the Scarlet Vanguard, they plan to travel to the Dragonbone Wilderness area to establish a stronghold not far to the east of the Dragon Sleeping Temple, because according to information from the Dragons, the great Lich Kel'Thuzad was trapped there.

After the great Lich lost Naxxramas and fled back to Northrend, the Lich King immediately replenished his four newly-built floating fortresses. Although it is not as large as Naxxramas, and it is not as full-featured as Naxxramas, at least it has more advantages and it takes less time to build.

The situation in the Dragon Bone Wilderness area is quite chaotic at this moment. The old nest of Dragon Sleep Temple, which guards the dragon, is almost in a state of being surrounded by enemies.

In the east is the Undead Army of Kel'Thuzad, and in the south is the new hearth of Lord Dathokhan. The Scarlet Crusaders who came to Northrend early on are still kept as long as they are not Scarlet Crusades. The crazy character lost, the horrifying power of the old demon churros, the demon king Barnazzar, has already reached its peak.

In the north, there are also a large number of undead disasters. The Lich King still turned towards the terrible ancestor Dragon Father, Galakron.

He even sent a large number of Frost Dragons to work directly with the Dragon Legion. At the same time, a large number of elite ground forces entered the buried bones of Galakron and began excavation.

Not to mention the west, the entrance of the spider kingdom is there. After the Lich King overthrew the spider kingdom, he resurrected all the spider demons here into undead. At this moment, the spider kingdom is a giant underground kingdom full of undead spiders. .

A steady stream of undead spiders emerged from the ground, attacking the surrounding area.

However, the new forces were not only the three members of the Silver Northern Expedition. The forgotten people followed them to the Howling Fjord area.

They ride Naxxramas down high ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ jumping over many obstacles on the ground.

Firstly, a port called the port of vengeance was established on the coastline under the cliff at the easternmost part of Howling Fjord, as a sailing line connecting the old nest of the dark city of the eastern kingdom mainland. After leaving behind a group of troops, Naxxramas continued to fly inland, eventually stopping in the central part of Howling Fjord, and began building their military fortress below the floating castle, New Aga Mander.

Because it was very close to Utegard's old nest in Vyku, the army of the Forsaken immediately went to work with the surrounding Vyku town.

The Vrykul were extremely disdainful of the dead and bones at first, but they soon paid the price for their neglect.

The pharmacists of the Undercity Royal Pharmacists' Association were frustrated and began to use large-scale biochemical weapons.

A large number of plague bombs hit the Vykus' towns through corpse carts, and their clothes were designed to exterminate all of their offspring and their grandchildren.

Although the Vrykul is relatively resistant to the plague, it can't stand such a frustration no matter how high it is. So soon a large number of Vykus became ill and suffered the pain of the plague.

The three-party coalition forces on the side of the Silver Northern Expedition naturally felt extremely dissatisfied with the heartbrokenness of the forgotten, so the two also caused many frictions and conflicts in the operation of the Howling Fjord.

Regardless, the first phase of the Northern Expedition was a complete success. After the parties stood firm, they started to stabilize their nests.

As for the second phase of attacking the Gate of Condemnation, this also requires time for rest and preparation.

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