Titan Dawn

: Section 63: Gamor will save everyone!

The month of labor is also called the month of cultivation.

This is a millennial festival of the orcs, which immediately follows the end of the hunting month.

Once in the Draenor world, the orcs would hold a grand bonfire rally after the farming month began, listening to the teachings and guidance of the old shamans in their respective clans.

Now that I have come to settle in the world of Azeroth, I have got rid of the fallen blood of the demon, and regained the noble reason and the shamanic tradition. Therefore, with the strong promotion of the chief of Sal, the campfire rally that has not been held for many years is organized Up.

However, this time, unlike in Draenor, the highly talented chief of the Tsar Salar continued to invite the Alliance and other parties' neutral forces to join them.

Of course, this is not a cultural aggression, and everyone just came to experience the joy of this exotic style.

Orgrimmar has recently become an international city, and all races can be seen on the street, which has greatly boosted the business economy in Orgrimmar.

Gamor came out of the hotel. He was an ordinary tauren. Ok. . . To be precise, he is a somewhat cowardly tauren.

His strength is not strong, which has also led to his courage.

A few months ago, he came to Orgrimmar from his hometown of Mogaorei Steppe, trying to find a peaceful and ordinary job.

But so far he has found nothing, usually only doing some physical work at the dock, and now he has been living in the Dragon's Tail Inn in Orgrimmar.

He is often bullied by adventurers for a variety of reasons.

But Gamour never rebelled. He knew that the adventurers looked down on him.

A strong tauren, even if you don't have any powerful strength, can you be an ordinary soldier in the army?

The Battle of Northrend North is now in full swing, but you are shrinking in Orgrimmar, what a coward!

There was a scream of rage, and Gamor was pushed aside.

Those were two human soldiers, and they were scolding and saying something to themselves.

Oh, it seems that the carriages of the human nobles also came to the bonfire rally of the tribe.

Gamour didn't refute anything. Because he thought too much, he blocked others' way.

Walking outside the city, a team of wolf cavalry whistled past and ran towards the city.

Gamour looked back enviously. He felt that he could never do anything like these brave orc wolf cavalry. He stepped up the wolves without fear and accepted **** killings again and again on the battlefield.

Orgrimmar is also crowded outside the city, and is very lively.

On the hillside not far, a giant bonfire has been set up, and a flame will be lit tonight. Spirits from all over the world will sit together and eat, drink and play together, or conduct various tests.

Gamore suddenly ran to the side of the road when he saw a convoy of night elves coming from the dock.

The mark on the carriage is a silver mechanical bow and arrow, which should be the sign of Aurelia's ghost ranger after the night god.

A group of Templar fanatics rides on the back of the Arcane Spider, protecting the carriage slowly moving forward. Behind the wagon, there is also a large four-legged mechanical creature, the Godly Immortal.

Gamour is a little scared. The Holy Crusaders are well-known in the world for their cold-blooded lunatics. For the glory of the Titan Emperor, anyone can kill you.

Don't say it's yourself, even those adventurers who are not afraid of the sky, at the moment, flickered to the side and obediently gave way.

There was some disdain in Gamor's mind.

laugh. . . I thought your adventurers weren't afraid of anything. How could you see the sacred army's aggressive team, so you persuaded so quickly.

It seems that the wicked need to be grinded by the wicked. This is the constant truth.

At the gate, Chief Thrall had been waiting there, and when he saw the convoy's convoy coming, he smiled immediately.

"Welcome to Orgrimmar, after God Aurelia, you are more welcome to participate in the bonfire rally of our tribe."

Alleria jumped lightly from the carriage to the ground and smiled and nodded at Thrall.

"Sarodar wanted to come in person, but because Ulduar was urgent, I came for him."

"Haha, welcome! The eldest son of the legendary **** next to you, right? I still see a real person for the first time, haha."

Thrall's strong and powerful hands and the armour of the eldest son of God grasped and nodded each other.

Not far away, Gamor stared at the eldest son in heavy armor and the giant energy warhammer behind him.

A war flag was inserted behind the eldest son of the heavy-duty god, and the sharp eye mark of the Crusaders fluttered in the wind.

It seemed to feel the sight of Gamor, and the eldest son of God turned back sharply, staring at Gamor not far away.

Gamor immediately scratched his head and turned to continue walking towards the dock.

He didn't want to get into trouble, especially the high-level figures in the Crusaders, who were caught by the heads of these cold-blooded lunatics, and they certainly couldn't fall.

And recently I heard that another group called the Trial Chamber has been divided within the group.

The members of the Trial Chamber Legion are all heavy-fitting zealots, while middle and high-ranking officers are the eldest sons of heavy-fitting gods.

They wore extremely heavy dark gold armor, two shoulder armors covered with spikes, a sharp eye of truth embroidered on their chests, and various reliefs carved on other key parts.

Behind each of them was a towering battle flag, a giant energy warhammer in one hand, and an energy gun with a hairstyle in one hand.

For the Emperor is their only slogan, they are also the most elite legion of the Crusaders.

Coming to the dock, Gamor started a hard day's work.

The piles of materials for the northern expedition required them to be carried on board.

Or on the ship returning from Northrend ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Removed a box of loot and specialties from the North.

This is a war dividend, and Gamor has only recently heard of this term.

These war dividends have greatly improved the living standards of the indigenous peoples of the Alliance and the Horde.

Lower commodity prices, more choices, and more favorable business investment, even the dock workers, are extremely happy about this.

A busy and fulfilling day, Gamor sits on a hillside, blowing the sea breeze at night, watching the big bonfire that is not far away and the sea of ​​people there.

"Tauren, you long for strength?"

A deep voice appeared in Gamour's mind.

Gamor rose sharply and looked behind him.

It was the eldest son of the day, and at this moment his golden eyes were staring at himself.

"I ... yes ... I want to be strong, I want to prove that I am not a bullying waste."

Gamour clenched his fists, hesitated, and spoke his mind.

"I see the heart of your desire for strength ... believe in my Lord, you will gain strength and prove yourself."

"I ... I will never betray the tribe!" Gamour resisted the temptation and shouted at the first son of God loudly.

The eldest son of God shook his head. "Admirable loyalty, but you don't need to betray the tribe, believe in my lord, you can still be loyal to the tribe. All you need is to spread my lord's glory, let the dawn of the newborn shine on the whole Azeroth. "

Gamor's heart moved, as long as he did not betray the tribe, it is not impossible to worship the Titan.

Someday. . . You can say it proudly. . .

"Jamell will save everyone!"

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